Monday , 31 March 2025

The COVID-19 VACCINES & Beyond …: What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us


Written by a retired attorney in collaboration with two physicians, this highly-documented book presents an overview of the compelling evidence that paints a very different picture than we’ve been told regarding certain core issues:

1) was a vaccine ever necessary in the first place to end COVID?
2) are the COVID shots really safe and effective, according to the government’s and manufacturers’ own data?
3) what is the “big picture” that “all things COVID” fit into, and how does that seriously impact every person on the planet?


The COVID-19 VACCINES & Beyond . . .

What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us

by Sally Saxon, JD, Dr. James Thorp & Dr. Deborah Viglione


“an invaluable guide… be sure to give this book a careful read”

— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH


Also endorsed by Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Richard Bartlett, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. John Witcher, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, attorney Jeff Childers, VAERS expert Albert Benavides and others.


Endorsers have described this book as a “must-read” for both doctors and patients.


Written by a retired attorney in collaboration with two physicians, this highly-documented book presents compelling evidence that tells a very different story than what we’ve been told about the Covid shots.


Substantial and solid evidence reveals that those in the “medical industrial complex” we should have been able to trust to protect us have been lying about “all things COVID” from the beginning. For many people, these lies have been too big NOT to believe.


The book discusses:


Why it’s not a “vaccine” and why a vaccine was never even necessary in the first place (based on the government’s and drug companies’ own data and documents)


Several negative impacts of the Covid shots,


Problems in the manufacturing process that raise significant safety issues,


The “big picture” that “all things COVID” fit into which is behind the wealthy globalist elites’ obsession with getting these injections into everyone on the entire planet.


The “whys” behind all of the lies, fraudulent misrepresentations, censorship and suppression of data,


What is in the “vaccines,” and


How to find solutions, real hope and encouragement in the midst of all the pain, suffering, & despair


This book also has many examples of corruption and deception that show why we are literally in a war – a war that is spiritual at its root, between good and evil, a war between those seeking to “play God” who believe they can improve upon His Creation, and God, the Creator, Himself.


All things are possible with God, so the book seeks to give real hope and encouragement to those who have received, recommended or administered the shots, or loved ones who have, that it is possible to overcome all physical, emotional and other adverse impacts and even have a fresh start in life.


Order a copy today to find out what you are not being told that about things that are literally a matter of life and death, and the keys to overcoming all negative impacts. And get an extra copy to help wake other people up!


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