Monday , 31 March 2025

Pre-Sale: They murdered you with Remdesivir by the Scientist who reverse engineered it


This book is a must read for everyone concerned with the Health crimes of Covid, for every health professional, for every government official at all levels, all law enforcement & military personnel, and everyone concerned with freedom and human rights.


The National Health Federation, America’s oldest health freedom organization called Thomas’ presentations on Remdesivir the best in the world & said that he should be leading the fight against Remdesivir.

Thomas of AlphaOmegaEnergy, an electrochemist specialized in material sciences & physics, energy physics & electromolecular technology & interactions, has completely reverse engineered Remdesivir & found the mechanisms of action which are murdering Americans by the tens of thousands.

This is such a dark, shocking revelation, as what he has found is sure to shock congress & every government around the world. Remdesivir contains some of the most deadly & dangerous weapons of mass destruction chemical weapons that have ever been created.

Formulations of the deadly Novichok, Cyanide, rVX, sarin gas, cyclo sarin gas, flourine bombs, Deuterium nuclear waste fissile material generally known for heavy water, and more. This killing agent created by Ralph Baric, Rumsfeld & Gilead prior to the 911 wars, was literally made into “The only approved treatment for covid19”. It’s kill rate is higher than any pathogen that has been widespread in human history.

This book is a must read for everyone concerned with the Health crimes of Covid, for every health professional, for every government official at all levels, all law enforcement & military personnel, and everyone concerned with freedom and human rights.

According to Thomas, this is the Nazi concentration camps put right into the hospitals, as Zyklon B used in Hitler’s camps, with key ingredient hydrogen Cyanide, has literally been engineered into Remdesivir and is a prime metabolite deliverer straight to your blood. Give this book to your family, doctor, and anyone you know concerned with their life.

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