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Noam Chomsky Refuses To Take A Stand Regarding The Lies Of 9/11

Jon Gold Corresponds With Noam Chomsky About 9/11 – July 2015

by Jon Gold | We Were Lied To About 9/11 | July 12, 2015

In 2006, I had my first correspondence with Noam Chomsky about 9/11.  It’s available here:

Almost 9 years later, I’ve had another correspondence.  Here it is.  I’ve done my best, and I’ve failed.

Prof. Chomsky,

Hello. I’m writing to ask if your schedule has cleared up, and whether or not you’re available for an interview on my show “We Were Lied To About 9/11.” Again, I’m not going to talk to you about theories. I want to primarily talk about how important it is to acknowledge that we were lied to about 9/11, and how important it is for those with a voice to do their best to inform the public of that. The way it would work is, I would write out questions for you ahead of time so you can either familiarize yourself with the material or tell me you’re not comfortable with a particular question and I would do away with it. Please consider. I think this would be a very important interview.

Sincerest Regards,

Jon Gold

His response…

Schedule remains very intense, far ahead. Not accepting any new interviews for several months, and then have to set tight priorities. This is not a topic I have anything of interest to say about, so it’s not on my priority list.

My response…

Prof. Chomsky,

I can’t say I’m not disappointed. I was hoping that after all of these years, with all of the information that has been made available, your position would have changed. I don’t understand how those with a voice who are supposedly on the side of good aren’t demanding real truth, accountability and justice for the murder of 2,976 people. Especially knowing that we were lied to about that day, and especially considering what that day has been used for. Whatever your reasons, I believe you to be on the wrong side of history with regards to this issue.

Jon Gold

His response…

I’ve been following pretty much what’s been coming out. As far as I can see, there are some technical questions that I’m not competent to discuss, but it leaves in place the overwhelming evidence that whatever happened, the Bush administration was not involved, the political question that interests me.

So it’s simply not high on my priority list. We evidently differ on the likely verdict of history.

My response…

So you’re aware that the CIA was protecting 2 of the hijackers in San Diego, you’re aware that the NSA knew the locations of the 2 hijackers in San Diego but didn’t bother to tell the FBI, you’re aware that Thomas Drake said the NSA had the necessary information to stop the attacks, you’re aware some of the financiers of the attacks were close friends of the Bush family, you’re aware that members of the Bush Administration were discussing creating a cassus belli for war with Iraq in the months prior to 9/11…. I could go on and on.

9/11 was a crime, not an act of war. As with every crime, there are suspects for that crime. Elements within our Government and others Governments, along with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, have more than earned the title of suspect for the crime of 9/11. That is the truth. Beyond that, we were lied to about a GREAT many things concerning the 9/11 attacks. That is also the truth.

I don’t know what happened that day or who was ultimately responsible, and I tend to avoid the “technical questions” for the very reason you state. However, as each year goes by, more an more information becomes available that tells us we, as a people, should be responsible citizens and address this issue.

I’m not asking you to jump up and down and scream that “9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!” I’m not asking you to make it THE issue for you. I’m simply asking you to acknowledge the fact that we were lied to about a great many things about that day, and that there needs to be REAL truth, accountability and justice.

Anything less is on the wrong side of history. Thank you for your time.

Jon Gold

His response…

I understand what you’re asking. My answer is what I told you.

My response…

I don’t understand. I really don’t. Every investigation we had into 9/11 had its own version of corruption and compromise, especially the 9/11 Commission. There were a multitude of whistleblowers with pertinent information regarding the attacks that were either ignored or censored. There can be no real justice found at GITMO for the crimes of 9/11. We have documented so many lies and contradictions regarding warnings, regarding the CIA, regarding NORAD, regarding the FBI, regarding Cheney, regarding Rumsfeld, regarding foreign support for the hijackers, etc… and so on. We have a list of people that should have been held accountable, but instead were rewarded or promoted. As a moral person, as a good person who has “been following pretty much what’s been coming out,” it should be a no-brainer to acknowledge the fact that we were lied to about 9/11, and that there needs to be real truth, accountability and justice. For someone like yourself, who has a following of millions, it should be a no-brainer to use your voice to convey this truth. Especially knowing that we have a corporate news that does not work (as you know better than most). When that is the case, and it is, it is the responsibility of those with a voice to inform the public of what’s going on.

I’m not slighting you. I know you have done good work. I know that.

I know that you have been attacked by Barrie Zwicker, and others as being a “gatekeeper.” I am absolutely sure that you have received a multitude of emails asking you to talk about this theory or that theory, along with accusations for not doing so.

All I’m asking is that the one person with the widest reaching voice (that I know of) do the right thing.

It’s not about proving that the Government did it. Unfortunately, there is information that exists out there that suggests such a thing. I didn’t create this information out of thin air. It is not a figment of my imagination. I didn’t want to have to devote the last 14 years of my life to this cause. I did so because as I said, it’s the right thing to do. It’s about making sure the proper history is written so that day can no longer be used as it has been. It’s about holding the individuals responsible, accountable. It’s about making sure the families and the people of the world get the justice they so richly deserve. It’s about truth. Something we have been denied.

As I said, I’m not asking you to make this THE issue for you. I cover a multitude of issues because to me, they are no-brainer issues. Issues like Gaza and Palestine in general. Issues like the environment. Issues like the deterioration of our civil liberties. Issues like the growing Cold War created by fanatics in our Government. Issues like the bigotry and hatred that runs rampant in this country against Blacks and Muslims (and “illegal immigrants”). Issues like the BP Oil Spill. I could go on and on with regards to the issues that I cover or have covered. For me, 9/11 has been my main issue, but again, I’m not asking you to do that.

Just tell people that we were lied to about a great many things concerning that day, that each investigation into 9/11 had its own version of corruption and compromise, and that we need real truth, accountability and justice.

Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes.

Jon Gold

His response…

I’m sorry if I have not made myself clear.

I appreciate your suggestion that I should tell the truth, but I really don’t need it. I do, as I see it. The evidence is overwhelming that the Bush administration was not involved in 9/11. The reasons have been stated over and over again, and have never, to my knowledge, been answered, or even acknowledged. I’ve seen the hysterical denunciations by Zwicker and others and ignore them, as I do those on other matters.

On the rest, I don’t see any reason to go beyond what I said over a decade ago: those who believe they have something important to say about these topics should do what other activists do on issues that seem to them of greater importance: publish articles, give talks, set up credible international tribunals (like the Russell tribunals and others), and in general educate and organize. Those who feel that this is a high priority are completely free to carry out all of these standard activities. If John Smith perceives different priorities (as I do), he has no right to demand that you or Zwicker drop your priorities and pursue his – to charge you, for example, with focusing on topics that Smith finds of higher priority because it’s “a no-brainer to use your voice to convey this truth.” I’d never presume to do anything like that, and I don’t understand why others feel entitled to.

My response…

I didn’t ask you to drop your priorities. I just asked for a statement acknowledging that we were lied to, and that there needs to be real truth, accountability and justice.

“The evidence is overwhelming that the Bush administration was not involved in 9/11. The reasons have been stated over and over again, and have never, to my knowledge, been answered, or even acknowledged.”

I disagree. Missiles, buildings, stand down orders, planes being shot down, accusations that there were no hijackers, remote controlled planes, etc… and so on have been addressed by those who consider themselves “debunkers.”

But what about Philip Zelikow? What about Dieter Snell? What about Alfreda Frances Bikowsky? What about Tom Wilshire? What about Michael Anne Casey? What about George Tenet? What about everything else I said? These individuals and the things that I mentioned have not been addressed or acknowledged.

There were “Government Minders” intimidating witnesses and answering questions for witnesses during the 9/11 Commission. INTIMIDATING WITNESSES?!? The families released 3 statements during the time of the 9/11 Commission asking they not be allowed and were ignored. That’s just one aspect of the horrible 9/11 Commission that should make people suddenly take an interest.

I’m just asking for you to do the right thing. That’s all. That’s it. It’s not what I perceive to be the right thing. It simply is the right thing to do.

His response…

For well over a decade I’ve been supporting proposals for an independent inquiry into 9/11. If anyone is interested, I’ll write them the same thing, just as I am doing to you.

I’ve never issued a statement about anything in my life, even on topics that seem to me far more significant than this.

More below.

(Prof. Chomsky’s comments are in black.)

I didn’t ask you to drop your priorities. I just asked for a statement acknowledging that we were lied to, and that there needs to be real truth, accountability and justice.

“The evidence is overwhelming that the Bush administration was not involved in 9/11. The reasons have been stated over and over again, and have never, to my knowledge, been answered, or even acknowledged.”

I disagree. Missiles, buildings, stand down orders, planes being shot down, accusations that there were no hijackers, remote controlled planes, etc… and so on have been addressed by those who consider themselves “debunkers.”

Whatever one thinks about these claims, they have not the slightest bearing on the powerful evidence that the Bush administration was not involved.

But what about Philip Zelikow? What about Dieter Snell? What about Alfreda Frances Bikowsky? What about Tom Wilshire? What about Michael Anne Casey? What about George Tenet? What about everything else I said? These individuals and the things that I mentioned have not been addressed or acknowledged.

Then set up an independent commission to investigate. Same below.

There were “Government Minders” intimidating witnesses and answering questions for witnesses during the 9/11 Commission. INTIMIDATING WITNESSES?!? The families released 3 statements during the time of the 9/11 Commission asking they not be allowed and were ignored. That’s just one aspect of the horrible 9/11 Commission that should make people suddenly take an interest.

I’m just asking for you to do the right thing. That’s all. That’s it. It’s not what I perceive to be the right thing. It simply is the right thing to do.

The right thing is to respond to requests for an independent inquiry by responding that I agree, as I’ve done numerous times. There’s no other right thing that I should do.

The right thing for you and others to do is to organize such an inquiry, perhaps on the model of the Russell Tribunal.

My response…

Thank you for your time.

Jon Gold

We Were Lied To About 9/11 – Jon Gold Interview Series

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About Sam Chaney

Sam Chaney holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University, Fresno. He worked in the healthcare industry for 5 years as a financial analyst. Sam began his broadcast career on public access television at the Fresno Community Access Media Collaborative in October of 2012 with We Are Change Fresno TV. His shows include interviews with voices you will not hear on the mainstream corporate controlled media. He also broadcasts Weaponized News a talk radio show on 1680AM in Fresno, California with his partner Stuart Webb. Tune in Saturday night's from 6-8PM on 1680AM. He is an owner of the alternative news website WeaponizedNews.Com.

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