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I don’t believe in the 911 conspiracy, but I understand why others do

By Marcus Ruiz Evans | WeaponizedNews.Com | February 22, 2016

This may not deserve to be called an essay, rather than a confession. I have been writing for Weaponized News for a little while now, and have had to come to terms with the fact that while many people who also write for, and many of those who read Weaponized News do believe the Federal government had something to do with making the 911 attack happen – I do not share this belief.

Without going into details I think the American Federal government is frankly too incompetent to pull anything like 911 off and be able to keep it a secret.  I see how the hand of government just selected a President in 2000 in a drama that would previously only be seen in a 3rd world dictatorship, how America lied to the world about Uranium and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq from 2003-2005 and was exposed, how America could not rebuild or reshape in any significant way Iraq and Afghanistan after 10 years  of war, and that after 15 years of fighting terrorism with the full strength of the American military industrial complex it has only grown the amount of terrorists. To consider that 911 happened right-before this period of incompetence started and showed a level of sophistication and ability to get a job done as it was planned (attack America and keep it a secret) – does not make any logical sense to me. In short, you cannot be competent enough to pull that off and then right before and after that event –  be as incompetent as the American Federal government has been.

While I don’t share this theory with many readers and participants in Weaponized News – I do understand why rational, intelligent, well informed, people in the American continent would believe that their Federal government would do something like this.

Recently, a Princeton University study that went unnoticed has officially said that America is in fact not a democracy but an oligarchy, where the rich rule. Additionally American scholars, also unnoticed, have already concluded that America is living in a “post-constitutional era” where the rule of law, and the guarantees of democracy just no longer matter given the Patriot Act, the Freedom Act, the Supreme Court choosing Presidents, Presidents launching wars without Congressional approval and Congress conducting its own foreign policy independent of the President – all of which have happened in just the last 10 years. Also recently America was rated as being 47th in press freedom – a rank that made it equal to Argentina and Romania, two nations that have shocked the modern world with their stifling actions against reporters. American freedom is in the range of these two nations – not the rest of modern Europe. It fits then to hear Americans recently have shown the lowest faith they have had in political parties since the Civil War, and the lowest faith in Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency – all of the branches of the government in decades. It fits then to also hear that key allies of America; Germany, Poland, England, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, Japan, Argentina, Peru, still have lower opinions of America at the start of 2016, than they did in 2001, and that, France, Spain and Germany, (also all key allies and half of the entire population of Europe), have half of their populations think America does not respect the legal liberties of its own American citizens.  In short American academics do not think that America is a democracy, Americans do not trust any form of the Federal government, and essentially all key allies of America have lost trust in and still do not trust America.

When you add the fact that the Federal government has been proven to definitely have lied to the American public to get them into both the Vietnam war (Gulf of Tonkin), and the Iraq war (Uranium cakes) – I completely understand why so many people would believe that the Federal government could do something so evil as planning a terrorist attack on its own people in order to engage in foreign wars. In 2013 a poll was conducted that showed around 48% of the American public believed the Federal government lied to them about 911. That same year 61% of Americans said they believed the Federal government lied to them about the assassination of an American President called John Kennedy. I get why people feel this way, even if I do not share the belief.  Americans know inherently that the Federal government isn’t working for them, and is lying to them – so they are willing to believe that anything bad that has been done in the past could have been done by their Federal government.

The America of old, if it ever existed, is gone now  – and the people who participate in Weaponized News “get that”. Even if we don’t agree on the big theory that started this whole conversation – we completely agree that something deep down is permanently wrong with the Federal system. For this reason I have found many people interested in the topics I like to talk about here at Weaponized News, even though I do not believe in and have never written on the secrets behind 911.



9/11 shocker! Half of Americans Suspect US Government’s Lying

By Kevin Barrett

Veterans Today

September 9 2013

Majority in U.S. Still Believe JFK Killed in a Conspiracy

by Art Swift


November 15 2013

For everything else stated – see article on Weaponized News,  “Experts predict America has 15 years left” – everything is cited there.

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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