Monday , 31 March 2025

Failing Media Outlet Cover’s Drudge Report’s Success Hoping to Get Some Success of its Own

Review Overview

User Rating: 4.62 ( 3 votes)

by Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com

The National Journal, a dying mainstream media outlet, had some success today by covering the success of the most feared, hated and most loved news aggregate in the world: The Drudge Report. Their article titled “2014, According to the Drudge Report” luckily for them was picked up by and linked at the top of the website. The article tallied up the most used terms on the Drudge Report in 2014. The reason the National Journal is most likely welcoming the coverage on Drudge is because their website was sure to have received thousands of hits just by it being on the page. Clearly in the article, the National Journal doesn’t exactly love the power the Drudge Report has to shape the publics view about certain things, writing “Headlines on the Drudge Report are often different than the headlines on the actual story. So, ‘Sony Cancels Theatrical Release for ‘The Interview’ on Christmas” on the Hollywood Reporter becomes “SURRENDER: SONY PULLS ‘INTERVIEW.’” The difference isn’t trivial. The first is a statement, the second is an accusation. A recent study found that a skewed headline diminishes readers’ ability to remember details in the story.”

Yes, Drudge does rewrite headlines to bring attention to the story! That is the whole point. The Hollywood Reporter should be thankful that he rewrites headlines because I would not ever visit the Hollywood Reporter online if it wasn’t for linking to it. The National Journal can smear Drudge all they want by making the website out to be unfair and misleading with it’s headlines but really this is about the mainstream media hanging on by a thread as Drudge’s readership continues to increase. The article does admit the websites success and influential power in the article stating “Drudge Report sees a steady stream of more than 2 million unique visitors daily” but doesn’t seem to happy about the amount of weight the Drudge Report can bench press in the news world. The National Journal couldn’t pay for their website to receive the millions of visits Drudge gets organically just from the name it’s made for itself. Sadly for the mainstream, it’s only chance of success is constant coverage on the Drudge Report.



About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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