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DEA Seeks New Leadership for Failed War on Drugs

By Stuart Webb | | May 14, 2015

The DEA’s “War on Drugs” has been a miserable failure. The reason it has failed is the same reason alcohol prohibition failed: People like to drink, use drugs and that will never change. The only way to eliminate drinking and drug use is to make people not enjoy them anymore, which is basically impossible.

Is fighting a war that is impossible to win against in adamant objects and people’s substance preferences a good use of our time, money and resources? Regardless of whether you believe doing drugs is a bad life choice or immoral, it is a victimless crime. If someone wants to smoke pot, that is their choice. has created a new satirical piece that portrays a newspaper job listing for head of the Drug Enforcement Agency since the resignation of Michelle Leonhart “after her agency was tarnished by a scandal over sex parties with prostitutes”.

The organization released a report in April titled “The Scandal-Ridden DEA: Everything You Need to Know” documenting the agency’s constant scandals and their failed “War on Drugs”.

The War on Drugs has wasted billions of taxpayer’s dollars and can never be won. It is similar to the War on Terror: You can’t fight an ideology and you also can’t fight whether someone enjoys marijuana.

Why are pharmaceutical company’s allowed to sell drugs to the public but your next door neighbor selling a substance he grows in his backyard get’s thrown in jail?

Why was a constitutional amendment needed to prohibit alcohol but not a constitutional amendment to prohibit other “controlled substances”.

Instead of fighting a war with no clear enemy, no clear goal, and no clear exit, let’s end the War on Drugs and eliminate the DEA.

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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