Friday , 7 March 2025
Car slammed at 100 mph

Fresno veteran says terrorist crashed into him at 100 mph

A Fresno man believes he was the victim of a terrorist attack, right here on the roadways in California.

Now, he wants the guy who he says attacked him off the streets so he doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Scott Alcala was driving to San Jose to play golf with his father, when he says he was hit by another car.

Witnesses say a car going extremely fast swerved into Alcala, causing him to fish tail and cross into oncoming traffic.

Alcala said, “I saw the suburban coming right at me about to T-bone right into the driver door and I thought that was it. A second later I turned my head and just smashed into the barrier.”

Alcala says he and the other driver were miraculously able to get out of their cars without hitting anyone else.

Alcala said, “The off-duty police officer went to talk to the other driver in his vehicle and he said, ‘Are you alright? That was way too fast,’ and (the driver) said ‘I did it on purpose. It was in the name of Allah.'”

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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