by Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | April 12, 2015
No one likes Hillary Clinton, not the libertarians, not the anti-big government right and not even the anti-war left for that matter. For about three hours on Sunday, the #1 trending hashtag in America after Clinton announced her run for the presidency was #WhyImNotVotingForHillary, according to the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail also reported, “The Hillary Clinton campaign had it removed, that’s right Hillary Clinton’s campaign can delete the #1 hashtag in America for a cost of money.” The Clinton campaign is already using government censorship.
Anti-Clinton art recently appeared all over the streets of Brooklyn, New York.

In Clinton’s new campaign video she declares, “Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that Champion.”
A recent Princeton Study confirmed that America is no longer a democracy. If Jeb Bush receives the 2016 nomination from the GOP establishment and Clinton is nominated by the Democrat machine America will look exactly like an oligarchy. This is a sick joke on the American people by the international bankers and oligarchs. We need new blood in the executive branch of the federal government if we are to have any type of functional legitimate government that protects the rights and liberties of its people.