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Was San Bernadino a False Flag?

By Jim Long | | Dec 4, 2015

Were the shootings a false flag and government orchestrated?  All signs point to yes.  let me list what my research has found.

1.  A female method actor, that is believed to be hired by the government, was seen at the Aurora, Sandy Hook and Boston incidents.  She is also rumored to have been in Paris, but I could not find a picture.  I have however found her in a photograph at San Bernadino.  Some say it is hard to say it is the same person.  If one looks at her body language, i.e. hand to the head, the other clutching the phone, her hair and the way she holds her head, it is the same person.

2.  News releases, that I have a screen shot of, show a date of December1st.  The shootings occurred on December 2nd.  If it was only one media outlet, then I would say it was a typo.  But everyone in the screenshot (s) I have states December 1st.

3.  Everyone of these events has coincided with an EMS / law enforcement terrorism “drill” that was happening within 1 mile.

4.  A father interviewed was cool , calm and rational and spoke like he was reading a script.  He also was wearing a Freemason’s hat.  They are not even trying to hide that now.

5.  Every shooter (s) in these events have displayed MK-ULTRA tendencies.

6. It played upon the heart strings of citizens because it happened to phsically and mentally impaired people, to get an outcry for more security.

Where I differ from others is I think this event was not staged, but actually happened.  In 1930’s Germany, one of the first actions was the euthanasia of the mentally and permanently impaired.  This was to keep them from using up valuable resources as in food, medicines and medical facilities. In addition,  they were not going to be able to contribute anything to the war machine Hitler was building. Today,  I believe they have no conscience about taking lives, especially those who would be a burden on their total enslavement of the population plan.

I believe that the elitists believe the same.  They have learned history and have seen the mistakes that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao made.  For a Facist/Communist state to exist in the US, these mistakes cannot be repeated.  One must have the population beg for and embrace these policies.  Incrementally, they have put these in place with multigenerational welfare recipients, alphabet agencies (EPA, FBI, CIA, IRS,DHS, etc.) invading each of our Liberties and saying it is all to make us “safer”.  ” I am from the government, and I am here to help”.

The militization of law enforcement and making them more aggressive also backs this argument.  You have been conditioned to fear police, rather than have them protect and serve.

Some of you may be in shock at what I have just written.  Some of you may be in denial and say my tin foil hat is too tight.  My statement back to you is….. Provide me evidence, hard and tangible that I am wrong!  The government never provides this, as you accept they are right.  The 60’s taught me to QUESTION AUTHORITY !!

I wish to thank my fellow Patriot Pam, for her hard work and research that found the fallacy of the dates… She is a investigator with Weaponized News and can be followed on Facebook or their website.

San Bernadino

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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