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H.R.378 ‘prohibits the purchase, ownership, or possession of enhanced body armor by civilians’

by Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Feb 5, 2015

House Bill, H.R. 378, introduced by Representative Michael Honda of California would effectively end civilians being able to purchase, or be in possession of enhanced body armor if passed into law.

Mr. Honda says he’s for #HumanRights, but doesn’t want civilians to be able to own body armor, does that make sense?

Congressman Honda also is very supportive of authorizing the President to use military force to ‘combat violent extremism’ also know as unconstitutional, endless wars, that aren’t declared against a specific enemy but anybody they deem as an ‘extremist’. For the anti-war left movement, he says he’s a progressive liberal, so I guess drone bombing and invading sovereign nations is acceptable, right?

Honda issued a press release on his website last month, which included his recent legislative agenda for the new year.

“The Responsible Body Armor Possession Act – This bill allows law enforcement to respond to active shooting situations more effectively. The bill prohibits the purchase, sale, or possession of military-grade body armor by anyone except certain authorized users, such as first-responders and law enforcement.

The Homemade Firearms Accountability Act – This bill will require that guns that are self-assembled or manufactured at home be regulated the same as those that are purchased. It will require that all homemade guns have serial numbers, so if they are used in the commission of a crime, the police are able to trace the bullet back to the weapon.

The Home-Assembled Firearms Restriction Act – This bill will ban the sale and purchase of “incomplete lower receivers,” which are easily purchased and converted into functioning firearms. Banning these transactions would severely reduce the number of untraceable weapons on our streets.”

So Honda’s agenda is to basically disarm everyone and say it’s for the public’s safety. It’s amazing how a progressive liberal can get away with supporting endless war and violence, while also supporting disarmament of law abiding citizens and the people he represents. If he really wanted to increase public safety, he would oppose our offensive foreign wars and support gun ownership by law abiding citizens. Michael Honda wants the State to have a monopoly on the use of force.

 Download PDF: H.R. 378!

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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