Monday , 3 March 2025

Government threatens to kill FDA Whistleblower with Thomas Welch

by Thomas Baine | August 3, 2023

Thomas Welsh is a Whistleblower from the FDA. He was deep sixxed and re-assigned to the Siberia of the FDA as soon as he began asking important questions. They continued segregating him from being able to see anything material as he was trying to find out more, until he was ultimately run right out of the FDA. He is a brave whistleblower whose life has been threatened in response to trying to protect us all. He saw firsthand the steady capture of the agency & buildup of the Gates Foundation into the department. Thomas’s testimony is an incredible rare look into the corruption of the agency that is supposed to be protecting us all, but instead is protecting the criminal Rico drug dealing cartel establishment, at the cost of American lives & our health.

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