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Government Is The Number 1 Problem

by Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | March 13, 2015

Americans do not like the criminals running the government; it was named the number 1 U.S. problem for the 4th month in a row according to a recent Gallup poll.

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Image Credit: GALLUP.COM

This high level of dissatisfaction with government is no bombshell; however, when compared with other problems facing the nation it surprisingly ranked ahead of the economy, unemployment, immigration, healthcare and a host of other problems.

Confidence in all three branches of the Federal government is at an all time low. Congress has a 5 percent approval rating followed by the Executive branch with 11 percent and the Supreme Court rated highest at 23 percent according an Associated Press Report.

The Washington Examiner reports, “235,000 Americans signed petitions calling for treason charges for 47 GOP senators.” The petition charges 47 senators with a violation of the Logan Act, which forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

The government is a treacherous organized crime syndicate destroying our life, liberty, property and freedom. No one likes it except for brainwashed mind controlled slaves. We do not consent to being governed by it. It does not represent us. We demand a peaceful restoration of the original Constitutional Republican form of limited government this country was founded on.


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About Sam Chaney

Sam Chaney holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University, Fresno. He worked in the healthcare industry for 5 years as a financial analyst. Sam began his broadcast career on public access television at the Fresno Community Access Media Collaborative in October of 2012 with We Are Change Fresno TV. His shows include interviews with voices you will not hear on the mainstream corporate controlled media. He also broadcasts Weaponized News a talk radio show on 1680AM in Fresno, California with his partner Stuart Webb. Tune in Saturday night's from 6-8PM on 1680AM. He is an owner of the alternative news website WeaponizedNews.Com.

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