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‘American Sniper’ is Propaganda for Perpetual State of War

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Jan 20, 2015

American Sniper, the recent film adaptation of Chris Kyle’s book, made $105 million dollars over the holiday weekend, and broke the previous record of earnings for any January opening film. Chris Kyle, a former Navy Seal Sniper, had the most confirmed kills in United States military history and was unexpectedly killed at a shooting range in Erath County, Texas February 2nd, 2013 by a former Marine with PTSD.

The massive opening and apparently huge “conservative” turnout proves the right-wing establishment base voters love pro-American war movies regardless of the lack of moral high ground the U.S. has when it comes to the invasion and occupation of the country of Iraq, a country in which we are in fact still occupying to this day under the Obama Administration. If we are to be honest with ourselves about the American decimation of Iraq, we should start by first admitting that Iraq was a giant unconstitutional mess.

For war to be constitutional, it needs to be declared, so that our troops have a clear enemy, clear goal and clear exit. Also, it needs to be provoked! We never declared war on Iraq, nor did they even attack us! We simply allowed our Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, to pass the authority on to the Bush Administration to use military force in whatever way it saw fit without officially declaring war on Iraq, hence the perpetual state of never-ending-war. First, the justification of the invasion was ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’, which they did not find, and then it was just plain old “because Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator and needed to be eliminated!” On top of that, the general public still supported it just because the recent September 11th terrorist attacks made them think the Middle East was just one big country that hated America and was filled with terrorists making Iraq another scapegoat. At least the movie ‘Fury’, that was released a month prior to American Sniper, portrays an extremely intense and most likely realistic version of the closure of WWII, where our soldiers are fighting the Nazi’s of Germany, a country in which the United States actually declared war on.

We have seen Hollywood hype up pro-war films, specifically pro-War-on-Terror films with ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ and ‘The Lone Survivor’, which has earned over $100 million since it opened a year ago. Although these movies were well made, entertaining and at times very emotional, we need to step back and understand exactly what we are watching. We aren’t just watching a movie; these films are made to make us feel ‘OK’ about what our government has got us into.

I respect our men in uniform more than anyone for being willing to put their lives on the line, but there is a point where we need to say enough is enough; we are done dying for the benefit of the well connected elite and the political class that caters to multinational corporations, making huge profits while our soldiers do their bidding. The U.S. borders are wide open for terrorists groups to waltz in through, so hunting them down all of over the globe is not a smart tactic or a cheap one. The U.S. is financially bankrupt, morally bankrupt, and intellectually bankrupt. Being pro-Defense does not and should not mean you are automatically pro-War in every case. Think about the context. Just because you are conservative does not mean you should support invading a country that has not attacked you. Wars of aggression are welfare checks for the military industrial complex paid for by hardworking taxpayers. That is not a conservative principle. Let’s get past the propaganda and start restoring the Republic.

Infowars.com breakdown of American Sniper:


Review Overview

User Rating: 3.63 ( 2 votes)

About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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