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iOS 9: iPhone will now track sexual activity

By Andrew Griffin | The Independent | June 9, 2015

Apple’s iPhone will now let people track exactly how often, when and how they have sex.

As part of new “reproductive health” tracking features, Apple has added an option for “Sexual Activity”. When users click on it, they can enter information on whether protection was used as well as the date and time.

Like the rest of the health tracking features, users will then be able to see that data represented on a graph or in a numerical read-out. They can then share that information with other apps, and Apple stressed in its event that it will be kept private unless users opt to share it.

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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