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by Pam NickelT-Jones | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 25, 2015

Is Fresno California about to experience a soft Jade Helm 15 Drill with the expansion and installation of more Big Brother Artificial Intelligence technology called SST “Shot Spotter”? And if so, why wasn’t the citizenry notified about their upcoming field training drill being conducted this coming Monday June 29th, 2015 from 8-11pm?  It always starts in the low income. minority areas. The ever increasing big brother surveillance grid that is being built all around us much like an open air prison. The story is always the same, We are from the government and we are here to help you to protect you yet these areas continue to decline and struggle just to survive everyday. But on Monday the 29th a 3 mile area of Fresno California will lose its 4th Amendment Right to Privacy when the Fresno Police Department goes in and installs the SST 24/7 surveillance grid equipment meant to track gun fire.

On Thursday evening I received a “Tip” from a concerned citizen in Fresno Ca. The attached flyer was found on the front door of her home in the Belmont and Calaveras area. As you can see from the flyer the Fresno Police Department will be conducting a Field Training “Drill” in her neighborhood on Monday June 29, 2015 from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. It states that the training will have “Uniformed Police Personnel” in her area using “REALISTIC GUNFIRE”!  The one thing left off the flyer is the fact that she will be losing her 4th amendment right to privacy.  Needles to say she is highly concerned and reached out to to see what we knew about it.  Can you imagine going over to visit your friend in this drill area for a BBQ on the night of the 29th and finding police running around shooting their guns at imaginary boogie men and not knowing what is going on? When we consider the ramifications of this it is mind boggling that the public has not been informed other then by a few flyers being placed on doors. One concern I have is how the elderly and children will be terrorized by this event. This is a tough part town to begin with and is already subjected to occasional gunfire so to have the local police go in after dark and purposely shoot guns seems like an act of terror that the elder and children in the neighborhoods do not need. Imagine the fear they will experience.

To find out more about this realistic gunfire training drill contacted several local agencies including Oliver L. Baines, President of the Fresno City Council and a member of the SJV Air Pollution Board. Paula Shoot with the Fresno Crime Prevention task force whose number is listed on the flyer, Councilman Steve Brandau, City Manager Bruce Rudd, Mayor Ashley Swearengin and the Fresno Police Department who directed us to their PIO, Lt. Joe Gomez. Councilman Baines was in Washington DC but his secretary was kind enough to send a text message his chief of staff who relayed a message to him. We received a call back from councilman Baines secretary to let us know he was not aware of this realistic gunfire drill and that he would contact Chief Jerry Dyer and report back to us. As of the time of this article we have not heard back from any other offices. The number on the flyer is to the Fresno Crime Protection task force where we left a message with Paula Shoot who did call us back only to let us know she knew very little about the field training other then she was to report to the area in uniform on the 29th. She stated she was just a “worker bee” and was not even sure why her number was on the flyer. She did say the exercise was being conducted at night time while children were off the streets and that she could not tell us what the exact areas were that they would be in and that she had no knowledge of what the drill was for nor of the cost involved to the local taxpayers and knew of no public notification or media release to inform the general public. She directed us to Detective Todd Frazier who is helping head up the event as her boss Lt.Newton was out of the country. Her knowledge of the event was limited but she did say that the use of “Gun Fire” by the police was necessary in order to install some new equipment.

Our attempt to reach the PIO (Public Information Officer) at the Fresno Police Department garnished us a lot of good information from Lt. Joe Gomez. Lt.Gomez informed us that he had no prior knowledge of the field training on the evening of the 29th until he opened his email  this morning to find several complaints from local citizens which prompted him to look into it immediately and he stated it concerned him as well. He told us the field training is part of the installation of some new technology purchased by the Fresno City Council called SST – “Gun Shot Location System” which will be installed the night of the drill in undisclosed locations in the area of Belmont and Calaveras due to its “High” Gun Shots Fired situation, however he had no stats on just how many gun shots are fired in that area. When we asked for a list of these areas where the drill will take place we were denied. According to Lt.Gomez the new technology will triangulate on any shots fired in the area of the new equipment so police can pinpoint where the shots are coming from, he all so informed us that similar drills are done in the city but would not disclose any more information. When asked about the cost of the SST technology being installed in secret locations and the cost to the taxpayers to install it he had no answers. We asked him if the “Shot Spotter” technology was an extension of the Big Brother spy grid we are seeing explode all around us and if this equipment can “Watch us and Listen to us” to which he replied NO, that would be illegal. Yet in a news report out of Oakland California we clearly see that the SST system listens in 24 hours a day 7 days a week to anyone talking in the area, a clear violation of our 4th amendment rights. In the news piece below you clearly learn the Shot Spotter has No privacy policy and is Misleading and intentionally confusing to the public.

Lt.Gomez asked if I was opposed to the technology being installed and I told him yes I was. I explained that by the time they heard a gun shot in my area with this SST technology and got to me I would probably already be dead and they would only be there to pick up my dead body and write a report. I told him I would much rather see everyone in that high shots fired area be taught basic gun handling safety, put through a CCW class and armed with their own personal protection devices, a Gun! As a women I would feel much safer being able to protect myself by reaching for my own safety device ie: Gun then reaching for a phone and hoping the police get there in time to help me. Americans have put to much faith in the police I explained and now  days when the police are called and show up they shoot you or your pet so what’s the point?

jade-helm-15-map In a recent interview by Pete Santilli, Lt.Roy Potter raised grave concerns about the upcoming “Jade Helm 15” military exercise being conducted in an ever growing list of states where Texas, California and Utah are classified as “Hostile”. Live ammunition is being used during Jade Helm 15 and several schools were recently blown up as part of this drill scaring an entire community.


Americans are becoming increasingly alarmed as they are witnessing a buildup of military style police departments from coast to coast and now the Department of Homeland Security is giving the police department’s tanks, high power military weapons, grenades, grenade launchers and other military gear like we are going to war, but the question is with who? It feels like our local police who are suppose to be serving the people are preparing for something much bigger as they are armed to the teeth like they  are going to war with the very American citizens that pay them to keep our streets safe. I find all of this very alarming and would like to see every citizen start asking why? Why are we consumed with so much fear. Why are we allowing our local police to act and arm themselves like a war is imminent, going into our neighborhoods at night and firing guns? Why are we allowing the military to use live fire and conduct drills such as Jade Helm 15 in our front yards? Where do we as the American people draw the line?

After researching for this article I have come to the conclusion that the minority and low income people in our community are becoming the unknowing victims and test subjects of a growing policing grid that is stripping Americans of their unalienable god given rights. If the government was really concerned about bettering the lives of these citizens and the community as a whole that struggle everyday to provide the basics for their families then why is the city spending millions of dollars and never accomplishing anything that truly helps them? We are witnessing the enslavement of an entire population through the use of a highly technological policing grid. Just look around you, cameras on every corner, spy devices buried into the guts of all new appliances so big brother can hear and see everything you do. Cellphones that track your every movement and record everything you say, TVs that watch and listen to you  and even your computers are now tracking you and scanning your facial features while scanning your irises. What I see is the loss of all our natural born freedoms and liberty’s in the name of keeping us safe, but the question is from whom? It is becoming more and more like a prison and the citizens are the inmates and inmates are used as slave labor. If you have seen the movie “Minority Report” then you should ask yourselves “Is this the future we want to leave to our children and grandchildren?  I for one DO NOT!

Now is the time to question everything the government is doing!

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About Pam Nickelt

Pam Nickel T-Jones has spent the last 10 years as the Publisher/Owner of The Nickel Classifieds INC., a weekly Advertising Publication in Fresno Ca. Pam has over 25+ years experience in all areas of media including the launch of a Warner Bros TV Station in Tucson AZ. and Owner/Operator of a Full Service Ad Agency. She now spends her time researching current events, continuing her self educating and as a local Geoengineering activist. Pam's primary focus is on developing a Full Service Alternative News and Media Group. Pam partnered with Sam Chaney and Stuart Webb to launch and rebrand We are Change Fresno TV. We currently Broadcast a 2 hour talk radio show on KGED 1680AM in Fresno, California on Saturday night's from 6-8PM. Tune In at

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