Saturday , 22 February 2025
Photo Credit: Howard Lipin / The San Diego Union-Tribune / Zuma Press

Meet the man who wants to make California a sovereign entity

By Patt Morrison | LA Times | August 26, 2015

Louis J. Marinelli is putting his money where his Golden State heart is, by way of the initiative process. The candidate for Assembly (from San Diego) has paid $200 a pop to try to get nine initiatives on a statewide ballot, all of them about making California not an entirely separate country but a “first among equals” sovereign entity distinct from those 49 also-rans. He already has the green light to collect the nearly 400,000 required signatures on six of his measures, with three still awaiting the go-ahead.

Although Marinelli knows his ideas for promoting California are unorthodox — check out his “Between Two Flags” YouTube sendup of the Zach Galifianakis talk show parody “Between Two Ferns” — he’s serious about getting California the status he thinks it deserves. Starting on Labor Day, he’s taking his pitch to the state Capitol grounds. Look for his group there, because his signature-gatherers will surely be looking for you.

Why are you doing this? You weren’t even born in California.

I was born in upstate New York and moved here in 2006. It was one of the greatest accidents of my life. I’m Californicated, I guess you’d say. I feel like an immigrant who moved here from another country. I just love California. What’s going on in the U.S. politically and culturally is so different from what’s happening here. I want California to be all it can, and our group feels the political and cultural connection to the U.S. is holding us back from our potential.

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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