America has reached a very serious point in its history. The electorate has placed Bill Clinton in the White House — his key phrase during the campaign was, “It’s time for a change.” It is not surprising that the nation, as a whole, faces the future with a bit of apprehension. Drug abuse and violence continue to grow in our cities. Abortion is considered acceptable behavior. Sodomy is an acceptable “ alternative life-style “, now being forced on even those who know God hates it, by corrupt judicial activists, bent on forcing its evil on others, even little children in public schools. Child abuse and domestic violence are on the rise as families are disintegrating. Why are we as a nation facing these problems? How can we restore America, and its people to health? Many Christians agree that sharing Christ ts the answer.
However, in reacting politically to these issues, Christians have neglected the weightier matters of
“ …loving your neighbor..”. An excellent illustration can be drawn from the abortion controversy. Christians march in protest to the murder of unborn innocents. They are led by conscience to do so. (This behavior is not wrong). However, what is wrong is neglecting to minister individually to those in disobedience. We attack the fruit on the tree and find that it is an endless, losing battle. We must turn and attack the root. Then, and only then, will the tree wither and die. What has been happening over the past decades in the United States of America, is the development of what is called “ self-worship “. The source of self-worship is the rejection of the Creator God. Since it is basic human nature to worship something, man must replace the object of his worship with something else. And if it is not God, man thinks, the next best thing is himself. Michael D. Juzwick has written a startling and challenging piece of literature, which addresses the very roots of the problems we face as a nation. His basic answer is simple, America has rejected God. Ancient Israel, in her disobedience to the Lord God, erected obelisks (translated “groves” KJV) as part of her practice of Baal worship. Baa1 worship also involved child sacrifice. When the obelisks (which represent the phallus idol of the male organ of generation) were set up, they created a spirit of disobedience in the entire land. Michael Juzwick boldly parallels this practice in Israel to America’s erection of the tallest obelisk in the entire world, located in the capital of our nation. In man’s terms, it is called the Washington Monument. Here it is important to keep in mind that what is honorable in men’s eyes is detestable before God. Could it be, that because men have placed this object up in direct disobedience to God, that the Courts of this land no longer stand for justice, but rather wickedness? The government removed voluntary prayer from public schools, as well as Bible study, and instead, have made the murder of unborn children legal? If man worships the flesh, they are at war with God [see James 4:4]. And what is the worship of man’s organ of procreation, but the worship of idolatry, and self-gratification? Men who serve their bodies, rather than their Creator, find they are producing unwanted children, which must be discarded according to the law of self-worship: “ Thou shalt not get in my way.” As startling, and as controversial this treatise may be, I urge all Christians in this nation to carefully and prayerfully consider its message, and its implications. However, we must be careful, because only removing an object, while the people are rebellious, will do nothing. They will find other ways to rebel. So let us cling to the Holy Word of God as our guide to full obedience of not just removing occult sources of corruption. But also, discipling of Americans in God’s ways that are absent in their lives. Jesus said in John 13:34-35,
34) A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one.
35) By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to.