Saturday , 29 March 2025

FATHERHOOD IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — An Historical, Prophetic & Practical Guide For Biblical Male Leadership in Family Development —



Since we will endeavor to reveal to our readers, specific errors promoted by certain religious entities now existing in America. We wish to make a disclaimer up front as to our honest, and conscience- based convictions. The subject of fatherhood can conjure up a number of opinions, hostilities, and judgments that can cloud, and confuse the important examination of this particular subject. Our personal life experience can color our disposition in intense and profound ways, that can obscure, and hinder the creation of a healthy and Biblical perspective. In recent years, there have been many news Media reports of molestation of children in America by Roman Catholic priests called ” father ” . Millions of dollars have been paid out to hush up these abuses by religious authorities, which is also a horrible shame. These evil acts have sullied the name of Jesus Christ, and those called Christians.

With that stated, we must confront an heretical error now propa­gated by the world entity known as the Roman Catholic religion. The Lord Jesus Christ commanded His people to avoid a specific error in Matthew 23:9. We are instructed of the Lord to not call any man “.. father..” . He specifically laid this ordinance down in order to counter the spiritual usurpation of His lordship, and fatherhood honor. For He said, “..for one is your Father, which is in Heaven.” This part of God’s eternal Word of righteousness makes the Roman Catholic practice of calling their priests- ” father ” a damnable heresy. It opens up those who practice this evil, to other demonic delusions, and curses. We call on the people of this religious belief system to repent of this disobedience against the Lord Jesus Christ. We wish to confront these errors in the love of Christ. And counteract any effort to paint our intentions as being anything other than benevolent. God’s grace and love is now reaching out to all men and women. Even those who might be embracing error, and heretical beliefs, contrary to His

written Word. Other major entities, now firmly established into our

American culture, are addressed in order to call those participating in them, out. As commanded in Revelation 18: 4 . We are to hate that which God hates. We are to love the deluded sinner into Christ’s kingdom by every means at our disposal. Doing this serves God’s highest purposes.

Additionally, we state that our expose of the religion of the Masonic Orders is to educate them about the danger they are in for promoting and establishing sins of idolatry in the United States of America by renaming their images & icons relational to their founder King Nimrod and his mother Semiramis. We teach the actual history that goes back to the account of Genesis chapter 10 verses 8 – 20, where Nimrod was the infamous builder of many cities and ancient Babylon after the flood of the patriarch Noah as recorded in Genesis chapters 6 – 9. And, his mother started the propagation of idolatry & image worship forbidden by the Creator. We intend to help men and women in these two major religious systems to understand why they need to repent and come out of the delusions so God may have mercy upon their souls. We warn others about the curses associated with these religious belief systems of antiquities.

Mankind is still ” shaking off the dust of Babylon from their feet “. Our ministry and work for our Lord & Master Jesus Christ and His Holy Father, is to help assist our brothers and sisters to come out of every false religion, cult, and belief system that is contrary to the Creator God’s will. Our true purpose in confrontation of error is to follow Christ in Matthew 13:12-17. Calling your brother to obedi­ence is an act of love. I trust our readers will fully understand this.



The preliminary objective in preparing the minds of those who would undertake to examine the profound subject of fatherhood is to explain our purpose. The United States of America has been a nation conceived in liberty, as our founders envisioned. The Apostle Paul, in Galatians 5:1, made mention of the “.. liberty that Jesus Christ has made us free..”. Though this nation has undergone an evolution of development into what we are now experiencing. Early American colonists had a specific purpose in the founding of the nation as a Christian republic. This purpose has been removed by powerful political forces bent on creating America into an all inclusive de­mocracy that expels the rule of God, and His eternal Word, from our National mindset. This profane objective has been achieved by numerous methods. The triangulation of accomodation of all ethnic, racial, religious creeds into what we have referred to as, ” the melt­ing pot ” approach to nation – building, has brought into our National experience certain curses we are all now experiencing. The admix­ture of all points of view, and belief systems of this fallen world, has

created specific problems now facing us as a nation of people. If wisdom speaks to these calamitous difficulties we all face as

American citizens, He says to us as a nation ­

“..Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and re­

pent, and do the first works: ..” – the book of Revelation 2: 5.

Liberty, as any other freedom granted by our Maker, can be profaned, and squandered. America has been under an evil spiritual attack from its inception. Christ shall judge the nations. – see Matthew 25:31-32. The big secret now being hidden is that He will do it through the repentance, and obedience, of His faithful fa­thers and mothers. We have been a perversely patient people. What would have not even been tolerated say, fifty years ago, is now con­sidered normal Public discourse. And woe be to any who challenges that notion! This corruption and profaning of the American people, has transpired over quite a number of years. Much of the problem is centered in the overthrow, and attack, now being leveled at parental leadership and authority. Our evolution as a nation has created an ungodly, and disparaging disposition of men, who are responsible for the fathering of this nation’s children. In September 1953, the month and year of the author’s birth, a new and intoxicating profane idea came into vogue among men. It was called the Playboy phi­losophy. It began deluding the male population of America into see­ing the prostitution of women as being normal and healthy. Marilyn

Monroe [ Norma Jean] was the tragic example of the consequences

of “..causing your daughters to become whores..” spoken of in God’s

warning to Old Testament Israel [ see – Leviticus 19:29 ]. This was

not the initial blow to turn America’s eyes to worship whoredoms. Historical evidence reveals that the foolish corruption of men’s view of women began many years prior. This book will examine these matters in detail as we proceed. But, we must state that America’s ju­

dicial Courts of law have perfidiously corrupted our nation’s system

of law. What was once considered evil and profane, is now viewed as good. What was considered holy and virtuous, is now considered evil. God’s Word pronounces doom, and woe, upon all nations that think to behave in such a manner – see – Romans chapter 1 verses 17 – 28.

Though the content of this book may offend certain interest groups that have been assimilated into our American culture at large, we will speak to those that are revealed in God’s Word to be an abomination in His sight. Our ultimate goal in doing this is to

cause those who have been deceived, to find their way out of their

entanglement with that which God hates. This will hopefully pro­duce the spiritual blessing of repentance and restoration.

The second goal in the matter of addressing this subject of fa­therhood, will be to reveal the numerous guidelines the Holy Bible gives on being an effective husband and father. Practical application of spiritual truth must follow repentance. Otherwise, people will only languish in the great sea of apathy and ignorance. God has issued His eternal call to all men to repent in the book of Acts17:30­

31. Repentance is not a bad thing to avoid. It is the Lord God’s work in the lives of men. He has sent His Holy Spirit from Heaven to give us the power necessary to do His good will. That will is found con­tained in the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible.

Our efforts in this treatment of the subject of – Fatherhood in the United States of America – is to grant us a greater capacity to carry out the great purposes ordained by our Lord God from the beginning of time. And, was re – established by our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ in His Great Commission – see – the Gospel of Matthew chapter 28 verses 17 – 20; Gospel of Mark chapter 16 verses 14 – 20; the Gospel of Luke chapter 24 verses 36 – 53; Acts chapter 1 verse 8. His truth is marching on. Amen.

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