Saturday , 22 February 2025
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The Many September Rumors


There are many rumors about collapse in September, 2015.

I am not going into all of them, but I do believe that JADE HELM 15 was put in place to quell the rioting and unrest that will occur post event.

There are four most plausible events that I believe could occur.

Number one is a collapse of the US economy.  I truly believe we are very close to this.  You can only borrow and manipulate a currency for so long.  If you do not believe the currency can be manipulated, I encourage you to research the conflict between Nicholas Biddel and President Andrew Jackson over the recharter of the Second Bank of The United States.  Biddel threatened and then plunged the country into depression when Jackson refused to recharter by tightening up credit.

Number two is a race war created by the government to gain total control with martial law. This has been put into place by dividing people against one another. It also has been instigated by training law enforcement to being aggressive military type enforcers, Rather than “protect and serve”.  Having them react with deadly force in slum communities creates hatred.  Taking away a historical flag that has only a small amount slavery attachments creates hatred.  Taking away religion and iconic displays of such (crosses, Ten Commandments, nativity scenes) creates hatred.  This distrust of the other, instead of true assimilation and true tolerance, not forced tolerance will create the chaos they want when the kettle finally blows !

Number three is Our debtors calling in their debt (China, Russia and the like).  Michael Rivero in a 1998 study pointed out that the EPA is just a sham to set aside huge tracts of land and not harvest the minerals, timber and oil from them as security for the debt.  Honestly, this goes along with number one, and I do believe will be the reasoning for foreign troops on our soil. We no longer own the US, but are just tenants.

Number four is an asteroid hitting the Earth.  Many times the government has covered up near and close calls with space debris and extraterrestrial bodies. This cover up is done to prevent panic and unrest.  The reason I see this as plausible is just in our own mountains above Mammoth Pools, an area has been kept cordoned off (they claim due to a fire from 2 years ago.) .  Many concrete trucks and construction rigs are traveling into that area and some type of secret structure is being built there.  I have had friends who have been pulled over by white Jeep Liberty vehicles unmarked . These had a single blue light behind the rear view mirror.  The people who came up and questioned would NOT I.D. themselves and had military type haircuts.  Scientists who have spilled that this is going to happen say the asteroid is behind the sun right now with an ETA of an impact in the Atlantic Ocean on Sept. 23rd.

No matter what, the outcome of any of these will change the world and our survival as individual survivalists.  I would put my last minute preparations into effect NOW !!  I would use ALL expendable capital in junk silver, food, and off grid equipment.  The time to act is now.  If I am wrong, then it is something you don’t need to worry about anymore.  Then you can enjoy your recreational time.  Because I prepared in earnest all these years, I am enjoying the finer things in life right now rather than worrying about what I need.


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About Sam Chaney

Sam Chaney holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University, Fresno. He worked in the healthcare industry for 5 years as a financial analyst. Sam began his broadcast career on public access television at the Fresno Community Access Media Collaborative in October of 2012 with We Are Change Fresno TV. His shows include interviews with voices you will not hear on the mainstream corporate controlled media. He also broadcasts Weaponized News a talk radio show on 1680AM in Fresno, California with his partner Stuart Webb. Tune in Saturday night's from 6-8PM on 1680AM. He is an owner of the alternative news website WeaponizedNews.Com.

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