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Video: The Truth About the John Lang Murder and What the Media Won’t Tell You

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | March 21, 2016

If you are a Fresno resident and you haven’t heard about the death of John Lang, a Fresno activist, it’s because the local mainstream blowhard hack media, refuses to cover it. They are not real media, and they are complicit in covering this up by their silence. This is why alternative media is the real media.

John Lang was murdered in January of 2016 just a few days after predicting his own death claiming Fresno law enforcement was targeting him. View the Fresno People’s Media timeline of the tragic events here. has released a video covering the murder and ends it with a plea for garnering enough signatures to get a Federal investigation going. Please watch.

After gaining international attention, the John Lang murder has yet to be covered by the media in the city which the murder occurred.

This is the Fresno Bee’s pathetic coverage of this important “LOCAL” story:Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 9.49.05 AM

That’s it. Not even a mention of him predicting his own death, and zero follow up story even after going viral. The local ABC affiliate “ABC30” paid it similar respect with a paragraph only stating that someone died in a fire.

Great job local media, you have proven to the public that you are simply a PR firm, a mouthpiece for the power structure appearing to work for the public. You are the quasi media. Won’t discuss a real story in fear of backlash or being shut down? That’s fine, alternative media will pick up the slack. Not only is there a market for the truth but people want it, and deserve the truth.

Being a Fresno resident, this is extremely troubling to me. I am appalled at the local media and concerned with their motives. Will this be addressed or completely blown under the rug by our local media?

Contact Fresno’s local paper the Fresno Bee and hold their feet to the fire on covering this!

Title Name/Email Work Phone
Executive Editor & Senior Vice President Jim Boren
(559) 441-6307
Assistant to Senior Vice President Toni Machado
(559) 441-6445
Managing Editor John Rich
(559) 441-6663
Metro Editor Tad Weber
(559) 441-6491
Assistant Metro Editor Doug Beeman
(559) 441-6171
Assistant Metro Editor Nancy Price
(559) 441-6318
Reporter Barbara Anderson
(559) 441-6310
Reporter Rory Appleton
(559) 441-6015
Reporter Marc Benjamin
(559) 441-6166
Reporter Andrea Castillo
(559) 441-6729
Reporter Bethany Clough
(559) 441-6431
Reporter John Ellis
(559) 441-6320
Reporter Jim Guy
(559) 441-6339
Reporter BoNhia Lee
(559) 441-6495
Reporter Pablo Lopez
(559) 441-6434
Reporter Mackenzie Mays
(559) 441-6412
Reporter Robert Rodriguez
(559) 441-6327
Reporter Tim Sheehan
(559) 622-2410

Click here to sign a petition to start a Federal investigation of John Lang’s murder…

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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