Sunday , 22 September 2024


Television Is A Mind Control Weapon: Watching TV Puts The Brain Into An Alpha State Similar To Hypnosis

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com The two way telescreen from George Orwell’s 1984 allowed Big Brother to both transmit and receive information. Today in 2015, we have those same telescreens being sold to us as Smart Television (SmartTV). In the Samsung Global Privacy Policy – SmartTV Supplement it states, “We collect, use, share, and store information through your SmartTV in …

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Your Dog in Defense

By Jim Long | PreppingandSurviving.Blogspot.Com Your dog, Really is one of your best defense strategies .  We, as humans, have lost our senses.  I will grant you one of two scenarios…..We have either over evolved and lost the abilities dogs and other animals have, or we have de-evolved…..In other words, our survival senses are less than the animal.  My guess …

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Cognitive Infiltration: Cass Sunstein & The Conspirators

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com The U.S. government has formed giant rat squads of online trolls, in person agent provocateurs and undercover agents to infiltrate and undermine the alternative media, conspiracy theory groups or basically any group that does not believe the official establishment narrative. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Counterintelligence Program (COINTELPRO) officially started “in 1956 to disrupt …

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Not So Happy New Year, A Number is Worth A Thousand Words

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com  Jan 1, 2015 Generally, the start of the new year is always a time when people celebrate success of the previous year, set goals, budget for their business, strategize their life approach, plan so they improve upon their past performance and just shake things up so they feel they have a clean slate at the …

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2014: The Year of Southeast Asia Airline Disaster Distractions

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com First it was the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370 that went missing back in March of 2014 and is yet to found. Then it was Malaysia Airlines flight MH 17 that was shot down over Ukraine. Now it is Asia Air, which is based out of Malaysia, flight 8501’s wreckage reportedly found in the …

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Poll: One Fourth of Americans Say Speaking English is Not a Duty

By Stuart Webb | It’s clear to see that as more American’s care about watching TV shows and dedicating their emotions to fictional characters brought to them by Netflix, less American’s care about their civic duties. The Associated Press- GFK poll reports that one forth of Americans said, “there’s no duty to keep informed, volunteer or speak English”. This …

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Welcome to Weaponized News!

by Sam, Pam and Stuart |     WeaponizedNews.Com is a nonpartisan, independent media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose corruption worldwide. We are made up of independent journalists, concerned citizens, activists, and anyone who wants to shape the direction our world is going in. We seek to expose the lies of governments and the corporate elite …

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