Sunday , 22 September 2024


Will the FCC End Net Neutrality?

by Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com Jan 4, 2015 Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, commonly referred to as the FCC, plans to circulate and vote on a blueprint of new rules for Internet providers regarding Net neutrality this February. Keep in mind that the FCC has the power to heavily regulate communication in times of emergency and crisis, …

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What’s In A Name? CIA Weaponized Anthropology, LSD & MKULTRA Mind Control

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 4, 2015 Interview with Jan Irvin of regarding his White Paper, “Etheogens: What’s in a Name? The Untold History of Psychedelic Spirituality, Social Control and the CIA.” Source:

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I don’t believe official 9/11 story

By Randy Shahbazian | Fresno Bee Originally published 2014-09-06 A few years ago, a local radio talk show host posed the question of why 9/11 still just doesn’t “feel right” each year we remember this tragedy. Most of the callers commented on the great resilience of the American people, the heroics of the first responders and how “everything changed” on …

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The Difference Between Prepping and Hoarding

By Jim Long | PreppingandSurviving.Blogspot.Com I was asked by a fellow survivalist to explain to all the difference between prepping and hoarding.  There is a huge difference that has been misconstrued by the mainstream media and the government. Prepper food storage, survivalist storing, the Mormon preparedness of 1 years food and other beliefs of this are done pre-disaster.  In other …

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ARTivism: Jil Love Revolution The Inspirational Book

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com Interview with Jil Love. She was featured in the Wall Street Journal Year in Photos 2014 for her ARTivism. Help her fund a Coffee Table book of her ARTivism (Jil Love Revolution The Inspirational Book) by donating to her indiegogo campaign here: Sources:

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Trendy “Tweeters” Think Earth is 2015 Years Old

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com  Jan 2, 2015 As we rang in the New Year, many “Tweeters” all over the United States decided to express their astonishment that the Earth was already 2015 years old and using such hash tags like #timeflies and #history. Although some of these tweets were clearly jokes, many were serious tweets. Some of the tweeters …

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A Scenario

By Jim Long | PreppingandSurviving.Blogspot.Com About two years ago, I wrote this scenario and published it here.  After reading the article from Bosnia I posted yesterday, I felt it appropriate to repost it for your reading as it comes more to life now. We have collapsed.  Bob is your neighbor.  You have spoken to Bob many times about prepping and …

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President Obama’s Mortgage Fraud Task Force The FBI, HUD, DOJ & Department Of Commerce Have Failed To Prosecute A Single Banker For Mortgage Fraud

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com The mortgage documents recorded at the court house are fraudulent forged documents assigned to trusts that were already closed. Gene Johnson could not find an honest competent attorney. What home owners need to look for on the deed of trust and every document that has been recorded at the court house is clear ownership of …

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