Sunday , 22 September 2024


The Spud Gun For Defense

The spud gun works on the basic principle of a black powder rifle. It will launch a good sized potato many hundreds of feet with substantial velocity for about five cents worth of hair spray or starter fluid. The key to turning a spud gun into a weapon is what is put in front of the potato.

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Hollywood Hypocrisy Alert: Liam Neeson Says Gun Ownership in US “a disgrace”

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Jan 15, 2015 How many more actors and actresses, starring in shoot ‘em up action flicks, do we have to hear condemning private gun ownership in America? Liam Neeson proves there is at least one more. In an interview with Gulf News, while promoting his gun and violence filled film “Taken 3”, Neeson expressed …

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Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous

A former libertarian abandons his dream of a voluntary world and explains the potential worse case scenario after the overnight disappearance of government. The ending will SHOCK you!

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Bug Out Bags

In a seismically active area as California, it is absolutely essential to carry a bug out bag and bug out supplies in your vehicle whenever and wherever you travel. If bridges or infrastructure go down due to a quake, you may wind up on "Shank's Mare" (walking) to get home or to your retreat.

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Sam Chaney: 9/11 Truth Interview Fox News Will Never Air

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 12, 2015 Broadcasting at 6-8 PM Saturday Nights on 1680 AM Conservative Talk — Fresno, CA Broadcasting on Access TV in Fresno, CA Fresno CMAC Public Channels: Comcast Channel — 93 AT&T Channel — 99 6:00 — 7:00 pm 7 days a week TAKE ACTION JOIN WE ARE CHANGE …

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2nd Amendment Needed After Charlie Hebdo Shootings

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com  Jan 11, 2015 Everyone in France should be up in arms; literally up and with firearms in their possession. I’m not talking about police and military, I am talking about the citizens of France, the people of France. After the recent shooting at the French weekly Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper with a history of …

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Randy Shahbazian: Are people slowly becoming obsolete?

By Randy Shahbazian | Fresno Bee | January 10, 2015 Technology continues to advance at dizzying speed. Self-driving cars already have been on the road for several years, and they will be available to the public in several more. Improvements in solar electricity equipment, along with sophisticated new battery storage systems, soon will provide homeowners with affordable, clean and plentiful …

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WeaponizedNews.Com Debut Radio, Television & Internet Broadcast: Break The Mind Control part 2

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 10, 2015 WeaponizedNews.Com Debut Radio, Television & Internet Broadcast: Break The Mind Control part 2 Broadcasting at 6-8 PM Saturday Nights on 1680 AM Conservative Talk — Fresno, CA Broadcasting on Access TV in Fresno, CA Fresno CMAC Public Channels: Comcast Channel — 93 AT&T Channel — 99 6:00 — 7:00 …

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WeaponizedNews.Com Debut Radio, Television & Internet Broadcast: Break The Mind Control part 1

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 9, 2015 Broadcasting at 6-8 PM Saturday Nights on 1680 AM Conservative Talk — Fresno, CA Broadcasting on Access Television — Fresno, CA Fresno CMAC Public Channels: Comcast Channel — 93 AT&T Channel — 99 6:00 — 7:00 pm 6 days a week WeaponizedNews.Com Youtube: Follow & Subscribe to WeaponizedNews.Com …

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The Boxer Dynasty Finally Ends For Californians

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com  Jan 9, 2015 After 21 years of being instrumental in the destruction of America, Barbara Boxer has announced that her retirement from authoritarianism in the United States Senate will be at the end of the 2016. After all, as far as she’s concerned she has “about a thousand accomplishments”. She even describes her time in …

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