Sunday , 22 September 2024


The Government Wants You Dead

Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 21, 2015 Broadcasting at 6-8 PM Saturday Nights on 1680 AM Conservative Talk — Fresno, CA Broadcasting on Access TV in Fresno, CA Fresno CMAC Public Channels: Comcast Channel — 93 AT&T Channel — 99 6:00 — 7:00 pm 7 days a week Follow & Subscribe to WeaponizedNews.Com …

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‘American Sniper’ is Propaganda for Perpetual State of War

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Jan 20, 2015 American Sniper, the recent film adaptation of Chris Kyle’s book, made $105 million dollars over the holiday weekend, and broke the previous record of earnings for any January opening film. Chris Kyle, a former Navy Seal Sniper, had the most confirmed kills in United States military history and was unexpectedly killed …

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Obama & Clinton Are The Leaders Of Al-Qaida: In War On Terror Against The United States Republic

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 20, 2015 Broadcasting at 6-8 PM Saturday Nights on 1680 AM Conservative Talk — Fresno, CA Broadcasting on Access TV in Fresno, CA Fresno CMAC Public Channels: Comcast Channel — 93 AT&T Channel — 99 6:00 — 7:00 pm 6 days a week Follow & Subscribe to WeaponizedNews.Com …

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Californians Think Martin Luther King, Jr. Just Died

By Stuart Webb |  WeaponizedNews.Com  |  Jan 19, 2015 Author and Political Activist Mark Dice is at it again with his “Man-on-the-Street Monday’s” showing the world how ignorant the public is. Mark is infamous for asking random people on the coast of California what their thoughts are about certain topics and receiving some troubling responses. His latest video consisted of …

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Medical Tyranny: The Gov’t Is Forcing Doctors To Give It Your Private Medical Records — Dr. Gill

By Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 18, 2015 The Affordable Care Act “Obama Care” is designed to bankrupt the American health care system to bring in single payer total socialized medicine. The new law rations care, limits access to care and gives all your medical records to big brother for “research” purposes. Broadcasting at 6-8 PM Saturday Nights on …

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Armed Angels Among Us

By Carla D Flores | WeaponizedNews.Com | January 17, 2015 Ask any man who hunts, or has shot guns for years; “Guns and Ammo” are for men. It is a man’s world! The hunter, the protector! Gun ranges and competition shooting were for men. They would probably tell you they never thought they would ever see a Pink, Turquoise, Blue, …

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