Sunday , 22 September 2024


Why are there 19 Ingredients in McDonald’s Fries?

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Jan 28, 2015 We all know McDonald’s is not the healthiest option for dinner, but did we know that their french fries, also known as fried potatoes, consist of a whopping 19 ingredients? I didn’t, but I’m not surprised. Who knew to make french fries you need more than salt and a bit of …

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Obama Supporters Agree to Repeal Entire Bill Of Rights

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Jan 26, 2015 Question of the day: Will you support President Obama and the Congress in repealing the Bill of Rights to keep us safe from ‘The Terrorists’? If you answered yes, please escort yourself to the corner of the room and think about what you’ve just done. Author and political activist Mark Dice …

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