Sunday , 22 September 2024


GeoEngineering Cover Up: Paranormal Central Reports Unidentified Flying Object In Fresno Skies

"There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." - Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School - 1961

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Why Does Fresno’s Police Department Deal Drugs?

by Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | March 27, 2015 The Fresno Police Department’s Deputy Police Chief, Keith Foster, has been arrested on charges of “distributing and possessing oxycodone, marijuana, and heroin.”  After a year of investigation, Special Agent Sherri L. Reynolds of the ATF filed a criminal complaint against Foster and five others accusing them of drug trafficking. Keith Foster …

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False Choices of the Modern American Political System

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | March 25, 2015 Year after year, we get the same speeches, same narratives, same broken promises, and most importantly, the same options! We need more choices. The two choices we’re given each year are terrible options. We need parties to compete so we, the People, can get the best product. The problem is, no …

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This basic bag may be added to or subtracted from depending on person’s needs/ distance to their destination. If a person is bugging out for extended period a second larger pack or items may be added with tent, stove , fishing gear, etc. Lots of extras may be substituted, this is just an over view.

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