Sunday , 22 September 2024


Living In A Post Constitutional Era: Sovereign California Is The Solution To Federal Government Tyranny

Sam and Marcus Ruiz Evans, author of California's Next Century 2.0: Economic Renaissance, discuss solutions for living in a post Constitutional era in the State of California and why it is important to get politically active in the Sovereign California Movement to make those solutions come to fruition. Marcus goes on to explain the language being used by California State elected representatives and suggests California already thinks of itself as a sovereign nation.

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U.S. White House hopeful Paul backs 14.5 percent federal flat tax

By Reuters | June 18, 2015 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican U.S. presidential candidate Rand Paul is proposing that businesses and individual Americans pay a federal flat tax of 14.5 percent in a plan that would cut the government’s tax revenue by more than $2 trillion over 10 years.  The Kentucky senator’s plan, which he describes in a Wall Street Journal’s …

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There are designs that have been around since the 1600's and new designs like the Vietnam Tomahawk or the SOG tactical tomahawks.

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Blood On Our Hands: Western Governments Fund Al-Qaeda Fueling the Rise of the Islamic State

Stuart and Sam discuss living in a post constitutional era the global corporate fascist technocracy putting poison in the water, weather modification, police shut down little girls lemonade stand, Western Governments funding Al-Qaeda, we have blood on our hands killing women and children in Syrian and Yemen. The establishment is using the Hegelian Dialectic - Problem - Reaction - Solution and much more...

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Video: Obama Supporters Sign Petition for U.S. Nuclear Strike Against China

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 15, 2015 Just days after making international news with video footage of Americans signing a petition to nuke Russia, Mark Dice continues with a video asking for signatures to support a nuclear strike against China. After signing the petition to support nuking China one man asks Mark “You an Obama supporter?” and …

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Cops Shut Down 8 Year Old Girl’s Lemonade Stand for Not Having Permit

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 10, 2015 This is what happens when you let the government run your life. Everything becomes illegal, even selling lemonade without the government’s permission. Our biggest threat is not terrorism, it is the tyranny here at home. It is the domestic bureaucracy that makes being a real American entrepreneur impossible. According to Yahoo …

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