Sunday , 22 September 2024


SPLC Issues Hit List of U.S. Women Against Sharia Law

It’s the summer special from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremist nonprofit that lists conservative organizations that disagree with it on social issues on a catalogue of “hate groups.” A few years ago a gunman received a 25-year prison sentence for carrying out the politically-motivated shooting of the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters after admitting that he learned about the FRC from the SPLC “hate map.” Prosecutors called it an act of terrorism and recommended a 45-year sentence.

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Why Do Illegal Aliens Wave the Flag of the Country they Fled?

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 23, 2015 The headline of my article asks a simple question to which I will probably be called a racist. Why do illegal aliens or foreigners in general who permanently reside in the United States, some legally others illegally, insist on representing the country they were so quick to flee from? An article …

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American Mainstream Media Will Not Report On Bilderberg Group Secret Meeting interview Rob Dew –

Stuart and Sam discuss reporting of the Bilderberg Group Secret Meeting with Rob Dew. The Bilderberg Group is a secret meeting of the 150 most powerful people in the West. Banking, Tech and Political Elite get together and plan our future by setting global policy. Furthermore, we discuss living in the North American Union, the Trans Pacific Partnership, economic collapse leading toward a cashless society, the out of control police state, trade wars, water wars, and much more...

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Is A Real Estate Collapse in California Imminent?

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 19, 2015 While we are all freaking out about race relations in the United States, there is a pretty serious drought going on in the bread basket of the world. Mike Adams of Natural News points out that wealthy communities in California are beginning to run out of water and when that happens, …

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