Sunday , 22 September 2024



"This technology captures more than just the sound of gunshots. Conversations and other audio picked up by the sensors are obtained without consent, and the subjects are unknowingly being recorded. There is clear evidence that ShotSpotter can record conversations,” the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Nadia Kayyali told Business Insider.

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Google Artificial Intelligence Machine Has No Ethics or Morality

Google has created an artificial intelligence (AI) machine with no ethics or morality. In the recently released paper, A Neural Conversational Model, Google programmers report on a conversation with AI. The self-learning computer system is a philosopher with a bad attitude. The following conversation is a excerpt from the paper:

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Is Fresno California about to experience a soft Jade Helm 15 Drill with the expansion and installation of more Big Brother Artificial Intelligence technology called SST “Shot Spotter”? And if so, why wasn’t the citizenry notified about their upcoming field training drill being conducted this coming Monday June 29th, 2015 from 8-11pm?

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Vatican signs treaty with “State of Palestine”

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The Vatican signed a treaty with the "State of Palestine" on Friday, saying it hoped its legal recognition of the state would help stimulate peace with Israel and that the treaty itself would serve as a model for other Mideast countries.

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Are California Schools Declaring Sovereignty?

Creative Alternatives School in Fresno, CA displayed the California Flag above the American Flag today. Just weeks after Sovereign CA qualified the Display of State Flag, Initiative Statue for petition to be placed on the 2016 California ballot for the people to vote on.

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Jerking Meat

A dehydrator is great for this especially if there is some warning that things are beginning to collapse. The frozen contents of your freezer can be dehydrated to preserve it for when the power goes out.

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Dartmoor ewe slaughtered in ‘Satanic ritual’

A rare-breed sheep has been slaughtered on Dartmoor in a Satanic ritual to mark the midsummer solstice. The whiteface Dartmoor ewe was found by a farmer mutilated in a field with one ear and a back leg hacked off and her jugular vein cut.

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“Technology is a double-edged sword, it can both liberate and enslave”

By Mario Ramirez | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 25, 2015 Are we enslaved to our smart phones? Growing up my mother could strike a conversation up with anyone. I would always joke about how she would become best friends with people by the end of her conversations. By the end of it some stranger would know everything about me, my family, …

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