Sunday , 22 September 2024


President Obama: ‘I Could Win’ Third Term In White House

By ARLETTE SAENZ | ABC News | July 29, 2015 President Obama thinks he ‘could win’ a third term in the White House if term limits didn’t bar him from running in 2016. “I actually think I’m pretty good president,” he said today in a speech before the African Union in Ethiopia. “I think if I ran, I could win. …

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Dictators and Billionaires Demand Creation of UN Tax Agency

So, to help Third World dictators and regimes further empower themselves, Western tax experts will be deployed to help confiscate more wealth from those who produce it, the video explains. The propaganda film also pretends that it is totally normal and desirable for Third World governments and dictators to control everything from the healthcare to the education of those they misrule — despite the mountains of evidence showing that markets and entrepreneurs, not programs run by governments and tyrants, are the best way to create wealth and combat poverty.

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Caught on Camera: Illegals Smuggle Drugs Into Laredo Before Trump Visit

Shock footage validates Trump’s assertion on Mexicans bringing drugs into America by Paul Joseph Watson | InfoWars.Com | July 23, 2015 As Donald Trump prepared to arrive in Laredo for a tour of the US border, Infowars captured astounding footage which shows illegals sneaking across the Rio Grande river before they frantically throw huge bags of drugs into a vehicle …

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All Eyes on the America People – Why your phone and computer is a danger to your life

In a world that is becoming a police state literally overnight, there are evil things being done around the clock and one of the Governments most evil tools against its people has been fully exposed by the hacking company called “Hacking Team”. What is Hacking Team? Plain and simple, Hacking Team is a company based out of Italy that sells remote control software to the governments of the world along with groups that are at war with the people of their country. Now in and of itself, remote control software doesn’t sound too bad. We have had remote control software since the start of the PC era, but this type of remote control is fully unauthorized and fully evil. This remote control software known as Galileo controls every aspect of IPhones, Microsoft Phones, Android OS, Windows, Apples Desktop IOS, and Linux. When I say every aspect, I truly mean every aspect. It is fully hidden, and can do things such as turning your phone into a bug by enabling the microphone and secretly recording anything that is going on, it can snap pictures silently and upload them immediately, it can track you using your gps, it can send out a text message as you silently, it can control everything from your contacts to your banking info and worse of all it can turn your webcam into a streaming video stream that goes back to one of the main servers that they setup when you buy their software. There are even rumors that inside this software is the ability to 1 button click and fill your devices with child porn in an attempt to frame you for such a crime. Personally, I haven’t been able to find that feature, but since everything is in Italian, deciphering this is slow going work.

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