Sunday , 22 September 2024


Video: Hillary Supporters Call For Repealing Bill of Rights

Dice’s video once again illustrates not just how profoundly dumb many Americans are when it comes to any political issue, but how ignorant they are of their own country’s history and the hard fought freedoms they now enjoy, as well as how easy it is to attain consent from the general public for the most outrageous things just by using trendy buzzwords.

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Sovereign California CEO Announces Candidacy for State Assembly Under the California National Party

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Aug 3, 2015 Louis Marinelli, CEO of the Political Action Committee Sovereign California, an organization that advocates for the state of California to be an autonomous region having a sub national sovereign relationship with the United States government, has announced his candidacy for State Assembly in the 80th District running under the California National …

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Puerto Rico: No money available to make $58M bond payment

Gubernatorial Chief of Staff Victor Suarez said at a news conference that the island's Public Finance Corporation could not meet the payment due Saturday. "We don't have the money," he said, adding that the government still hopes to reach an agreement with creditors on renegotiating its debts.

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Am I just paranoid? Am I a truther? Am I a conspiracy theorist? Am I a wacko? Am I a racist?

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