Sunday , 22 September 2024


Chicago Is Bankrupt: Government Cannot Pay Pensions

Stuart and Sam discuss the city of Chicago going bankrupt and the government cannot pay its pensions, congress votes to outlaw GMO labeling, Democrats drop Jefferson from title of fundraising dinner over political correctness and much more...

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Did The EPA Intentionally Poison Animas River To Secure SuperFund Money?

The EPA actually has no concern for the environment, they just happen to use the environment as a cover story to create laws and gain an advantage for the companies that lobbied for exemptions to the agency’s regulations, and to collect money in fines. There are solutions outside the common government paradigm, and that is mainly the ability for individuals, not governments, to hold polluters personally and financially accountable.

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A Letter To An Air Quality Manager From A Member Of The Anti-Geoengineering Legal Team

Air quality officials everywhere have failed to fulfill their legal obligation of informing the public about indisputable and verified health hazards relating directly to the toxic fallout from climate engineering. More and more facts are coming to light which further exposes what should be considered criminal complacency on the part of officials that have been entrusted with safeguarding public welfare. Since at least 2008, volumes of test data proving the presence of toxic heavy metals in the environment has been presented to various California state and county officials who have to date done absolutely nothing to disclose the contamination let alone investigate it. The public is rapidly waking up to this situation and they are understandably extremely concerned and upset.

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Families of 9/11 Victims On Verge of Proving Government Cover Up in Court

For many years, rumors have circulated regarding the U.S. government’s involvement in an active cover-up of a sinister connection between Saudi Arabia and the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In fact, 28 redacted pages from a congressional intelligence report are said to contain damning information that implicates the Saudis in the 2001 mass murder of American citizens. Despite a bipartisan effort to release the information, the now notorious 28 pages are still being withheld from the public under the predictable guise of “national security.”

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New committee calls for Fresno Unified trustees, Hanson to resign

By Mackenzie Mays | Fresno Bee | August 10, 2015 A new political action committee is demanding answers from Fresno Unified School District officials about a controversial no-bid contract, and is calling for Superintendent Michael Hanson and the trustees who support him to resign. Fresnans for Responsibility and Ethics in Education, a PAC that filed organizing paperwork in the Fresno …

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This Is Not A Drill: India, Russia And Thailand Prepare For Currency War

When China sneezes, the world catches a cold. Alternatively, when China devalues, the rest of the (exporting) world scrambles to not be the last (exporting) nation standing, and to do so next, before everyone else does. Case in point, at least three major emerging market nations announced they are bracing for currency war.

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