Sunday , 22 September 2024


Video: People Sign Petition to Ban the Bible from Amazon, Barnes and Noble

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | September 8, 2015 Author and activist Mark Dice demonstrates once again how mentally enslaved the general public is, getting people to support banning the Bible from sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. His pitch to the public is that the Bible is “hate speech” and that Christians are offending homosexuals by buying and …

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CA Wild Fires, Drought & Neo-Environmentalist Law Firms Racket Exposed interview Randell Widner

Stuart and Sam talk with Randell Widner about the out of control CA wildfires, drought, neo-environmentalist Law Firms Racket and solutions like holding local county board of supervisors accountable through the recall process. Local Country governments must claim jurisdiction over public land in its county and take responsibility to manage that land in the best interest of its constituents.

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Economics 102: WalMart Cuts Worker Hours After Hiking Minimum Wages

By Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge | August 31, 2015 This year, some American executives who heeded loud calls for across-the-board wage hikes for America’s lowest-paid workers received a complimentary refresher course in undergad economics courtesy of the free market. Take Dan Price for instance, the 31-year old CEO of Seattle-based Gravity Payments Systems who found out the hard way …

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