Sunday , 22 September 2024


Report: 2015 Bohemian Grove interview Manuel Trevino

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Oct 5, 2015 Weaponized News interviews activist Manuel Trevino on his summer visit to the Bohemian Grove. According to Wikipedia “Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men’s art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each …

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Right Now There Are 102.6 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have A Job

By Michael Snyder| Economic Collapse| Oct 4th, 2015 The federal government uses very carefully manipulated numbers to cover up the crushing economic depression that is going on in this nation.  For the month of September, the federal government told us that 142,000 jobs were added to the economy.  If that was actually true, that would barely be enough to keep …

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San Francisco’s last gun store closing doors for good

Associated Press | Oct 4, 2015 SAN FRANCISCO. — The only gun store in San Francisco is shuttering for good, saying it can no longer operate in the city’s political climate of increased gun control regulations and vocal opposition to its business. The High Bridge Arms will close Oct. 31. It first opened in 1952 and has served as San …

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Russia Intensifies Syria Bombing as Cameron Joins Criticism

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday that 10 Islamic State positions in Syria had been attacked in the past 24 hours, including militant training camps in Raqqa and Idlib provinces. Russian strikes have broken “the management and logistics of the terrorist organization” and caused “significant damage to the infrastructure used for preparation of terrorist attacks,” the ministry said on its website. Laser-guided and concrete-piercing ordnance had been used, it said.

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Dehumanization: Drones As Hacking Weapons, iSkin Biocompatible Silicone Rubber & 4th Amendment

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Sep 28, 2015 Have you ever seen the movie “Terminator”? What was science fiction just a few decades ago, is now a reality. Hacking smart cars, smart objects, etc. will be the new norm. Are we prepared? Hackers/Tech……… 4th Amendment… Follow & Subscribe to WeaponizedNews.Com……

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Pentagon: Law Of War Manual Declares Journalists “Unprivileged Belligerents”

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Sep 28, 2015 The biggest enemy to the United States Federal Government is the American people, the Bill of Rights, and Constitution. The war on the free press and 1st Amendment is here to stay, if we allow it.… war-reporters-to-belligerents.html Follow & Subscribe to WeaponizedNews.Com……

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World Government: We Are Living In The North American Union

By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Sep 22, 2015 Stuart and Sam discuss “World Government” with Food Safety Expert Andy Moreno. Ending trade barriers for select multi-national corporations, that essentially own the collaborating governments, has and is happening for the benefit of the ultra elite class. AME Certified Laboratories: Food Testing Tools for Food Safety Managers Andy Moreno …

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Launch Of The Activation Hour Where Health, Science & Technology Meet Spirituality On The Talk Network interview Susan Kornacki & Sharon Schloss

Stuart and Sam discuss the launch of The Activation Hour Where Health, Science & Technology Meet Spirituality with Susan Kornacki & Sharon Schloss. We also, talk about EMF & GeoEngineering Health Hazards: Solution Scalar Orgone Energy, Localization: Solution To Globalization, Mind Control, Break Out Of The Matrixes and much more...

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