Tuesday , 25 March 2025
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The County Sheriff


Most people do not realize that the utmost authority , in their county, is the sheriff. The sheriff is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) of the county.  In their county, they have more authority than the president of the United States.

The name sheriff was derived from the term Shire Reeve. They were the senior official with local responsibilities under the crown in Anglo-Saxon England.  In the 11th century, The shire reeve had tithing . They were like a dark ages neighborhood watch.  After Norman conquest, his position was one of esteem in the manorial system. Even at this time the reeve was chosen once a year by vote.  Popular ones were kept in office. Their responsibilities at that time were protecting the serfs, collecting the money from crop sales, basically what the sheriff does today, in addition to what the county board of supervisors does, also.

Where am I going with this post, you ask?  If you approach your sheriff in the right way, speak about the Constitutional violations being inflicted on citizens by the federal government, explain that you will back them, support them, and stand side by side with them (I would even stand in FRONT of our Sheriff Mims to protect her), They might have a whole different outlook on what is going on.

Law enforcement has been deemed “The Enemy” by design.  Federal and State mandated training has taught officers to be revenue agents rather than to “protect and serve”. They have been taught to “strong arm” you into complying.  They pick and choose their enforcement.  If you are an illegal alien with a car that has not been tagged since 2008, they pull you over and deem that impounding your car is not cost efficient.  The car will be towed sold at auction for $150, instead of the impound fee of $250 plus.  It is cheaper for the illegal to go buy another clunker and not license it. So, they let them go. Yet, if you or I are pulled over they know we will pay. More money for the coffers.

I believe we need to assure the sheriff that WE THE PEOPLE will support them.  We need to give them a pair of “Brass Ones” with our backing.  Call it a glorified neighborhood watch……A NATIONAL WATCH !! Explain to the sheriff that we want them to act like Sheriff Arpaio. He has been attacked, sued and rebuked by the federal government…..He is still in power, his policies still in effect, his constituents still vote him in and the feds can do nothing!!  Maybe we should take a stand.  Maybe we should support the TRUE POWER !!

Maybe, our sheriffs, in conjunction with our county board of supervisors, should freeze all state and federal tax dollars being paid by the citizens of the county, and designate them for spending IN THEIR COUNTY !! After all, wasn’t that what the shire reeve did?  Took care of their county, Their taxpayers, the immediate wants and needs of THE PEOPLE !!  Money spent locally, to improve infrastructure in their county, results seen by the taxpayer who paid those taxes.  Individual local autonomy……What the Constitution intended.

Read More G.I. Jim



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About Sam Chaney

Sam Chaney holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University, Fresno. He worked in the healthcare industry for 5 years as a financial analyst. Sam began his broadcast career on public access television at the Fresno Community Access Media Collaborative in October of 2012 with We Are Change Fresno TV. His shows include interviews with voices you will not hear on the mainstream corporate controlled media. He also broadcasts Weaponized News a talk radio show on 1680AM in Fresno, California with his partner Stuart Webb. Tune in Saturday night's from 6-8PM on 1680AM. He is an owner of the alternative news website WeaponizedNews.Com.

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One comment

  1. Surely, the Shire Reeve couldn’t withhold the tax money destined for the monarchy, could he? I’m trying to equate with withholding from the IRS.

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