Friday , 14 March 2025


by Pam NickelT Jones | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 28, 2015

It’s been Confirmed, well part of it. In an article in this morning Fresno Bee, Fresno PD will be running a “Realistic Gunfire Drill” in our southeast and southwest neighborhoods tomorrow night from 8pm to 11pm. In the article Lt.Gomez confirms what he had already told Weaponized News 48 hours earlier on Thursday 6/26/15. Officers will be in these neighborhoods test firing different “caliber weapons” at various locations to track the new gunfire technology “Shot Spotter” before it goes online. According to the Fresno Bee there will be announcements made prior to each test on the Fresno Police channels one and two. In the article Lt.Gomez goes on to state the exact locations will not be disclosed to preserve the integrity of the system and for safety reasons should the public want to observe the testing.
Weaponized News commends the Fresno Bee for using precious newsprint space to inform the public of an event that they would never have known about had Weaponized News not dug into a tip from a concerned Fresno citizen. Again we find our local media providing just a tid bit of information so the public feels informed while leaving out the most important aspects of what is taking place. It is like getting the “Icing” and NOT the cake. How can a citizenry really be informed when the most important information is left out? The SST “Shot Spotter” technology will be listening in to the citizens private conversations that live in the area. Should the technology be installed in front of your home it will listen in to your conversations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And who is to say the police have not identified in advance “Who” they would like to spy on and place a device in front of their homes?  These are the serious questions that should have been raised in the Fresno Bee article.
shot spotter pic

Today we find citizens across this nation who look to their TV, Radio and Newspapers reporters for real accurate and detailed information so they can stay informed on what is going on in their communities and country. Americas Journalists are the “Eyes and Ears” of the American Citizen and much trust is bestowed on them to tell the Truth and present ALL the Facts and not just a portion. In today’s Fresno Bee article this is the case! The information received from the media is the bedrock of how the American Citizens gather the knowledge they need in order to “Direct” their wishes and desires as a whole and free society to their government. If the citizens really  knew that the “Shot Spotter technology being installed tomorrow will be “Listening” to them, Spying on them and stripping them of their 4th Amendment Rights to Privacy would they even be allowing such technology to be installed? We can not help but wonder if the Mayor of Fresno allow such technology to be secretly installed in the front yard of her home? If this technology is intended to track gun shot fire then maybe Chief Jerry Dyer should have it installed in front of his home to as his best friend and neighbor was found dead from a gun shot wound in front of his home.
As with most mainstream media reports presented to the public today, the real truth behind their stories are left out. Is this by accident? Or are they trained just to regurgitate whatever they are told and question nothing else? Has America been fooled by these tactics so as to believe everything around them is all fine and dandy, when in reality it is not. No civilized society wants to live in an open air prison with spy technology surrounding them watching and listening to their every word and movement but that is clearly what is happening. All of this is presented in sweet little articles and 2 minute video clips on tv in the name of safety. But just “who” are they protecting us from?  Would things be different if the mainstream media had told the citizens of Fresno all the details going on behind the scenes with the installation of this new spy technology? I bet it would. It has gotten so bad in my opinion that the average American citizen would now allow cameras and microphones to be installed in their homes if their local newspaper ran an article such as “Officers will be in your neighborhoods to install some new technology for your safety”. I can see it now, knock knock…. “Hi I am here to install these cameras and microphones inside your home for your protection” because basically that is what is happening tomorrow night and has already happened with all the spy devices imbedded inside everything we own.
fresno police jade helm

American’s deserve all the facts and all the details from the news media. Perhaps that is why citizens are reaching out more and more to Weaponized News and other up and coming news sources. WE TELL IT ALL, The good, the bad and the ugly. This country was founded on our Freedoms and Liberty’s and receiving all the facts from journalist and the media  is critical. How can we the people run this country if we are basing our decisions on half truths? Our very foundation is in jeopardy and the main stream media is responsible for much of the destruction we are witnessing to our unalienable rights.  I for one suggest you start asking questions regarding every matter and issue the main stream media reports on.  More often then not it is half truth or so twisted around that if you ask the right questions you will see right through it and be able to clearly see a hidden agenda of lies and deceit.
Now is the time to question everything the government is doing!



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“This technology captures more than just the sound of gunshots.  Conversations and other audio picked up by the sensors are obtained without consent, and the subjects are unknowingly being recorded. There is clear evidence that ShotSpotter can record conversations,” the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s  Nadia Kayyali told Business Insider. This has major Fourth Amendment implications. Because it constitutes a warrantless search and seizure by collecting public sounds, should potentially incriminating evidence picked up by the sensors be allowed as evidence in a criminal case?”  Click here to read more:  Is ShotSpotter Violating Your Fourth Amendment Rights And You Don’t Even Know?

“Big Brother fears as NYPD attaches microphones to lampposts to listen out for gunshots… but they can also record your conversations ” Click here to read more:  http://www.ronpaulforu Big Brother fears as NYPD attaches microphones to

“Although ShotSpotter is very valuable … a lot of times it is followed with phone calls from our community, so we’re not missing out on a whole lot,” said Officer Frank Bonifacio, a police spokesman.”  Click to read more: Oakland cops aim to scrap gunfire-detecting ShotSpotter



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About Pam Nickelt

Pam Nickel T-Jones has spent the last 10 years as the Publisher/Owner of The Nickel Classifieds INC., a weekly Advertising Publication in Fresno Ca. Pam has over 25+ years experience in all areas of media including the launch of a Warner Bros TV Station in Tucson AZ. and Owner/Operator of a Full Service Ad Agency. She now spends her time researching current events, continuing her self educating and as a local Geoengineering activist. Pam's primary focus is on developing a Full Service Alternative News and Media Group. Pam partnered with Sam Chaney and Stuart Webb to launch and rebrand We are Change Fresno TV. We currently Broadcast a 2 hour talk radio show on KGED 1680AM in Fresno, California on Saturday night's from 6-8PM. Tune In at

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