Tuesday , 25 March 2025

Can It Get Any Worse In Fresno California?

By Pam Jones | WeaponizedNews.Com | July 22, 2016

Fresno California is an EPIC FAIL!

I have lived in the Central Valley of California, Fresno to be exact for 11 years.  I moved here for a business opportunity that was very fruitful until Obama took over the country.  Since my arrival I have witnessed the fall of Fresno. Homelessness is now off the charts.  I watch the homeless rummage thru my trash everyday and every night. I do not dare put ANYTHING outside as it is stolen in minutes.  Most of the homeless are on drugs.  Many are not from around here, pulling suitcases and carring backpacks, I speculate that they too are ILLEGALS brought in by our own government as part of the collapse they have planned.   One particular young man named Bobby comes around my place several times a week.  When I asked him why he is on the streets he straight up told me he is a heroin addict.  He hangs around my area as the “Methadone” clinic is just up the street from me. He said he receives 5 days worth of methadone from the clinic each week and the other two days of the week he is scavengering  in the trash to find things to sell to buy his heroine off the streets.. probably from our local police!  What an existence!   I all so watch the homeless “bath” in the canal that runs right here in front of my front door.  Clothes and all, they climb down into the fast moving water, it terrifies me.  What if they fell in what would I do?   A few weeks ago the fire department was here looking for a reported bloated body floating in the canal.  WHAT the hell are the leaders in this community doing?

There is NO hope for anyone in this city anymore.  The air is the worst in the country, our water is all gone because of the man made drought via Geoengineering and what is left is polluted.  Crime is off the charts and BIG Brother is out of control here.  The city spends MORE MONEY installing Artificial Intelligence surveillance systems then they do maintaining our infrastructure.  The roads are crap, the building are old and falling apart and our police department is ran by DRUG DEALERS as you will see below.  As an activist, I am now scared to even live here anymore after the murder of another local activist that lived close by me who was  speaking the truth about the police corruption. Fresno cops are very well known for killing it’s citizens.

Fresno has the highest IV Drug problem in the country, it’s the worst place to live for the middle class families and if that’s not bad enough it was ranked as one of America’s worst ran cities. The school system is corrupt as you will see below and there apparently are no good paying jobs.   No surprise there.  As a small business owner here, I can tell you for certain after 11 years that Fresno is Brain DEAD!  No one can think let alone speak for themselves.  I have had NO luck hiring staff here, it’s the strangest thing ever.  It’s a silent zombie apocalypse and this cities LEADERSHIP is to blame.  Not just the current leadership but the leadership of all who have served here over the last 50 years!

So, after 11 years of fighting to improve this city, working hard to stimulate and grow our local economy, hiring 100’s of locals I am DONE!  I will be leaving Fresno and California and their communist nazi ways.  Keep your Illegals!  Keep you damn drug dealing cops and addicts.  Enjoy your sky rocketing crime but you will no longer be including me.  I will be departing just in the nick of time before the collapse and all hell breaks lose here with the ZOMBIES!  I am going out on the road in my new RV in search of a town that still believes in hard work, God, Family  and Country.  I am looking for a constitutional loving American town that wants to turn this criminally infested country around. Does one even exsist anymore?   I am going out on the road to report for PamJonesforLIBERTY.com, WeaponizedNEWS.com & TheLibertyBeacon.com full time to see with my ‘OWN EYES’ the state of our country, meet my fellow patriots and speak at City Council meetings etc. about the state of things with an emphasis on STOPPING THE GEOENGINEERING NIGHTMARE!.  I have named my RV…. “The Liberty Belle”!  Follow my journey on facebook & youtube.

To the Mayor and all the rest of you elected yahoos,  SHAME ON YOU!  All the bright talented minds are leaving because of what you have done! There simply is no room in society for such losers to lead us and yes I believe you are LOSERS and have failed Fresno. You and your comminist UN Agenda 21 bullshit has to STOP!   To the citizens of Fresno….. it is time to get OFF YOUR ASSES and take back you community.  Stop sitting around letting these yahoos tell you what to do, NO ONE is coming to fix things for YOU, YOU have to do it.  The Federal Government is out of control,  The Local Governments are out of control,  Martial Law is a coming, Communisim abounds, World War III is knocking at our door  and YOUR Freedoms & Libertys are at stake!  Get OFF YOUR BUTTS & DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT!

Best of luck when the shit hits the fan. 

be blessed  ~ pj

p.s. if i have offended anyone with my NON POLITICALLY CORRECT article,  GET OVER IT YOU CRY BABIES!

(Oh yeah, the bad air??  Just start watching the skies, they are SPRAYING POISON ON YOU)



See Article Here:  ABC 30 ACTION NEWS



See Article Here: Staugustine Record



See Article Here:  NY Daily News



The booby prize this year for Dirtiest City in America goes to Fresno, California. This Central Valley city suffers some of the worst air in the nation, and a water supply so degraded that the city used to tellpregnant women not to drink from the tap. Fresno epitomizes the environmental challenges of the Golden State. And it’s not alone. Plenty of its neighbors in central California like Modesto, Stockton and Bakersfield have it almost as bad. (Other California metro areas ranked among the 20 Dirtiest Cities include San Jose, Riverside and Los Angeles — but don’t worry, they have lots of company from towns in the Midwest and on the East Coast, too.)

 See Article Here: Forbes

And here is the proof!  Photo Credit: PamJonesforLIBERTY.com

13700235_1366056680074407_8368513445506075651_n 13726605_1366057880074287_2465170545186546127_n 13782151_1366056983407710_3231289212488702877_n 13709824_1366057296741012_1251079549932549443_n 13754256_1366057536740988_797893286968786980_n 13731721_1366057613407647_3017149169088790218_n 13690720_1366056583407750_2085346846774053334_n 13686555_1366056533407755_942630212591224292_n


“The report’s authors concluded that Fresno, California, was the worst place in America for middle class families, thanks in part to the city’s high cost of living.”  “Once again, California policies and the legislature have made us the worst in the nation. The worse news is that three of our cities are at the top the list of the worst cities in the nation—thanks to government policies. In this case, if you are middle class you need to stay away from Fresno, Los Angeles and Stockton.”

 See Article Here:   Worst Cities for the Middle Class—Fresno #1



See Article Here:  FOX 26 KMPH Why Fresno Is Rated Worst Place To Find Work



Worst Run Cities in America

6. Fresno, California
> Population: 506,000 (32nd largest)
> Credit rating: Ba2, negative
> Violent crime per 100,000: 543 (39th lowest)
> 2012 Unemployment rate: 14.3% (5th highest)

“Fresno appears to have made immense progress in fighting organized crime. Following a major crackdown on the Fresno Bulldogs gang, the city’s violent crime has declined. According to FBI statistics, there were 543 violent crimes per 100,000 people last year, worse than the national rate but better than most large cities, where crime tends to be higher. However, the city still faces big challenges. Roughly 25% of adults lacked a high school diploma as of 2012, versus just 13.6% nationally. Additionally, Fresno’s poverty rate of 31.5% was one of the highest among large U.S. cities. Agriculture is a major part of the economy in Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley. While the industry supplies many of the area’s jobs, many residents are often unable to find work. In 2012, the city’s 14.3% unemployment rate was considerably higher than the 8.1% national rate.”



**Funny Observation BELOW….. I do NOT see any SHOOTINGS using GUNS! 


Click here for SpotCrime.com Report

Click here for more:  Crime rates for Fresno, CA



Read More:  ABC 7 NY



Read More: 247 Wall St

#4 Most Polluted Cities ListScreenshot-2016-07-20-21.50.48



“FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) — “The Fresno Police Department’s second in command has been arrested in a federal drug conspiracy investigation. Deputy Chief Keith Foster, 51, is accused of distributing and possessing drugs.  Deputy Chief Keith Foster is accused of distributing and possessing oxycodone, marijuana, and heroin. He was arrested on Thursday after a year long investigation by the FBI and ATF.”

See Video & Article:  ABC 30


“If you haven’t heard, Fresno Unified School District is having some problems. One of their major problems is a little thing called “Corruption”. They have a Superintendent that does what he wants, and the school board lets him. Both seem to disregard their constituents, i.e. the public, and only adhere to their insider buddy’s requests for no-bid contracts. This is why they are currently under investigation by the FBI.Investigations can take a long time, so Mario Ramirez and Pam Jones of Weaponized News decided to take matters into their own hands and head to Downtown Fresno to call for the resignation of FUSD Superintendent Michael Hanson at the School Board meeting.”

See Video Here:  WeaponizedNEWS.com



“In June & July of last year I reported on the ‘Minority Report’ technology being rolled out silently and paid for by the citizens in Fresno Ca.  Everything I said about becoming an Open Air Prison Society is NOW COMING TRUE in Fresno Ca.!!!

I even called out the Fresno Unified School Board for spending $200,000 in May of 2015 to install MORE Security equipment on the campuses of our schools.

Fresno is a ‘testing’ area for all sorts of new products even the new high tech way of ENSLAVING YOU! Now Fresno has made national news. (The new way police are surveilling you: Calculating your threat ‘score’)

You are NOW under 24/7 surveillance. They know where you live, when your TV’s on, when your washers on, can listen to you in your home, outside your home, listen to ALL your phone calls, track you on the  internet, know exactly where you are at all times by tracking your cell phone and vehicles with GPS and cameras on every corner, they always know where your car is and where it drives to, they know where you have driven to in the past.”

Read More: WeaponizedNEWS.com





Without LIBERTY, There Can Be NO FREEDOM!  ~pj


Also visit Pamjonesforliberty.com

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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