Friday , 14 March 2025
Image Credit: - TheAlphaWolf

80% Receivers


I carry these in my store and many others do so also.  These are a firearm receiver for an AR-15 that are only 80% complete. (AK receivers are also available).

You can take these to a machinist who has a “party”.  He will jig up the receiver in a CNC machine and punch in the program. You push the button to start the machine. Thus, YOU are manufacturing your own receiver and are in compliance with all laws.

There are also jigs you can purchase over the internet that will allow you to manufacture at home.

A few suggestions;  Go to a local store and pay CASH…….This eliminates a paper trail back to you.  Also pay cash with the machinist.

You may manufacture a firearm for yourself or your family, providing you adhere to all federal, state and county law.  (in Ca. that requires a bullet button and ten round magazine) .  You CANNOT sell the firearm as that violates the NFA act.  Thus, the act you are doing is legal.

When and if they put in gun confiscation, you can give them just your old receiver that has serial numbers on it and you have given them the registered portion of the firearm.  I suggest voluntarily taking it down and turning it in at the Sheriff’s department, getting a receipt for it that you did so.  Or sell it back to a gun shop or another individual doing a legal transfer to make sure you have on record you do not own it anymore.


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About Sam Chaney

Sam Chaney holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University, Fresno. He worked in the healthcare industry for 5 years as a financial analyst. Sam began his broadcast career on public access television at the Fresno Community Access Media Collaborative in October of 2012 with We Are Change Fresno TV. His shows include interviews with voices you will not hear on the mainstream corporate controlled media. He also broadcasts Weaponized News a talk radio show on 1680AM in Fresno, California with his partner Stuart Webb. Tune in Saturday night's from 6-8PM on 1680AM. He is an owner of the alternative news website WeaponizedNews.Com.

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