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Remember, Remember, the Month of September…

By Jim Long | | Sep 10, 2015

September 19th thru 21st

This is a heads up folks.  The International Monetary Fund (also known as the World Bank  or IMF) are having their meetings on these dates. Why is this so important?

There is speculation that the IMF will discontinue use of the dollar as the world reserve currency.  If this happens the dollar will collapse.  On initial announcement that this will happen, the dollar will immediately plunge to 1/2 it’s worth.

As I watch the financial situation I see a lot of jitters.  Be VERY AWARE of what is going on.  Get as much of your expendable assets into tangibles, especially food. I know I keep harping on this, but trust me, you will thank me when collapse comes.

I am going to make a prediction…. Some type of terrorist event, racial confrontation or catastrophe will be happening in the next week.  This will be so the media can divert your attention to it, rather than the collapse of the dollar.  Do not be fooled by these tactics.  That will be the time to act and act decisively !!  You will have a limited time until the rest of the population wakes up and the shelves will be bare. Use this period of about 72 hours to stock on the “I forgot” items, or “I’ll put this off to later ” items.

Make sure your fuel cans are filled and fresh . As this progresses you might want to keep a firearm (preferably a shotgun)loaded by the front door.  For those of you who have young children and fear this action, put two nails above the door and put your firearm there, out of reach of children.  Home invasion will go off the hook when this starts to happen.  If you think calling 911 will help you,  law enforcement will be so stretched out that response times will be in hours, if not days, if at all.  I kid you not on these facts, folks.  You better resolve your conscience now that you will have to take a life/lives to defend your family.

Normally, I do not give dates, but I do give dates to be VERY WATCHFUL…..  Will this happen? only the personnel at the IMF know.  Basically our fate is in their hands.

Now you understand why I say that The People have no say…….

Finance and money controls all and has enslaved us!!

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About Stuart Webb

Stuart Webb is an activist, citizen journalist as well as entrepreneur. Stuart's educational background is self education, common sense, the U.S. Constitution and is currently studying at BYU Idaho working towards a degree in Accounting then Law. He currently works full time at a marketing company in Fresno, California. Stuart is the Co-Owner/CEO/Editor of Weaponized News.

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