by Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | March 10, 2015
1984 Thought Crimes Minority Report Society — End The Private Federal Reserve – End The Illegal Foreign Wars of Aggression – Government bureaucrats grandstand all day, give each other awards and deny reality. Congress does not represent us. De-fund the alphabet agencies of government.
Benjamin Franklin wrote of the British colonies in North America in the 1750s: “Nowhere on Earth does one find a happier and more well-being people.”
He explained that this was due to that “we in the colonies make our own currency,” called “colonial scrip.”
He further explained: “By issuing our own currency we can control its buying power, and we are not obliged to pay interest to anyone.”
In these British colonies in New England, there was a wealth contrasting sharply to the poverty and misery in England.
There was enough money, and it was definitely interest free.
When the Masonic bankers in England heard Franklin’s speech to the British Parliament, they made sure that Parliament forbade the colonies to use their own financial system and instead demanded they use interest money in gold and silver.
Only an insufficient amount of this money was to be available. The money supply was reduced in
half, and the colonies were forced to borrow money from the Bank of England. The result was steep interest and price increases.
Within a year the streets were full of unemployed people.
In American schoolbooks the reason given for the outbreak fif the Revolutionary War was the tea tax. but according to Franklin “the colonies would gladly have borne the little tax” (of 2 percent) on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money which created unemployment and dissatisfaction.”
The result of the influence of the English banks on the British Parliament was horrendous poverty in America.
When this situation had been created, it was easy to get people ready for war which the Freemasons did with satisfaction.
They wanted a safe base for their future global activities.
Among the men who drew up the Constitution of 1787, there were those who thought one should protect oneself against the financial drain of the international bankers. Therefore Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution reads
“Congress shall have power … to coin money, regulate the value thereof…”
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