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You’re Scheduled for Remdesivir & Intubation

by Sam Chaney | October 15, 2022

Sam and Thomas discus the recent COVID news, economy, New World Order take over #GreatReset and much more…

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Hello, friends. It’s Sam Chaney for weaponized news. Today is October 14, 2022. And we would have done a show yesterday but Restream was down our streaming software, so we had to put it off to today. And we have Thomas from Alpha Mega Energy on the line. He’s not being a good global citizen, so he’s locked out of his Twitter account today. And Twitter has been purging followers. They’ve been purging conservatives. This is nothing new. We just went through that yesterday and continuing into today. I lost like 2300. I don’t know. I don’t follow that close of followers. Maybe they’re bots, maybe they’re real people. Maybe they’re people that got their account suspended. I know they’re kicking off big people like Dr Peter McCollough that need to be on Twitter and the world’s most renowned cardiologist at this time of, quote, emergency of the pandemic that the Biden administration just reupped the state of emergency for COVID-19. But they kick off the top doctor in cardiology, Doctor Peter McCullough, off of Twitter. So that shows you where they’re at with their medical misinformation policing. And they won’t try to cover criminal complicity in the massive maiming and murder of so many humans that they’ve also been a huge part in causing. And they want to cover up this information as it’s endlessly coming out, that all of these heart issues are being caused by the injections. And then, of course, these so called treatments, these poisonous chemical weapons treatments that they’re giving. So they’re afraid of that. Of course, if no time other than now, we need the world. We know the world cardiologist, Dr Peter McCullough on there helping with the public health, you know, but no, he’s banned on Twitter, just like Thomas. Banned because both of you guys are not good global citizens. Before we get into the COVID News, that’s exposing the fake fact checkers, the liars, exposing all the lies. By the way, Weaponized News has been calling it out since the beginning. We’re now two and a half years or more into this clown show ridiculous fake pandemic. We’ve been calling out from the beginning as all lies. Don’t take this mRNA injection, fake vaccine. I know Thomas has been doing the same. But before we get into all this news, exposing all the criminal liars, the price censor US banners, that’s all they have left is censorship, because they’re fully exposed and they think that we don’t have a memory. They’re going to gaslight us. We’re not going to be able to go back the internet’s forever. Idiots. It’s on the way back machine. It’s in internet archives. And so all the lies you told are documented now. So you can tell more lies. That’s their answer, Thomas, tell more lies. But before we get to COVID, I wanted to cover Peter. Sorry, Jamie Diamond. They scrubbed Jamie Diamond this week because of what he said. No, I found it, actually, so I wanted to cover that before we got to the COVID economy a little bit here for screen share the climate. Green New Deal agenda is collapsing the economy over here in America. Record high gas prices. They depleted our strategic oil reserves. Biden, the executive branch head, supposedly this puppet is going around to Saudi Arabia begging for them to turn on the gas through OPEC. They won’t. They’re laughing at him. And so we have went from energy independent under Trump within a year and a half here now to being dependent, begging OPEC for energy and going to communist Venezuela and begging them for oil now, too. And so it’s just ridiculous. Clown show Green New Deals solar panels and the windmills that kill the bald eagles and the California condor and blow up, and they’re going to put them on some barges out in the ocean. None of this stuff is sustainable. The electric vehicles, the lithium battery blows up, catches on fire when it submerges in underwater. None of this technology is sustainable. Even Bloomberg came out this week and said they spent, what, $100 million on trying to do this autonomous driver car technology that doesn’t work. And so it’s all pine metaverse. We’re going to all live in virtual reality in the metaverse. It’s a clown world. Idiocracy nobody wants to you mean this problem? This problem? Lithiumion batteries. Do you see that? You see how it’s popping my screen right out of my phone right there? Because I set my phone down in water a couple of times on the table. And now the lithium ion battery is swelling and just pushing my screen right out of the iPhone, right? Because it’s swelling in there. Blow up, catch on fire. Blow up. Because that’s what’s happening when these Teslas in Florida and house fires burns people to death in their beds when they have this on their bed, right? And you’ve had boats of these cars completely catch on fire because one of these goes off and it starts with uncontrollable fire. And of course, it spreads to all the other cars on the deck of these big ships with all these electric cars on it. Very sensitive to this water coming in and splashing and getting inside of this, et cetera, if there’s not proper ceiling. So obviously, Thomas, we don’t support Rockefeller big oil, but we’re over here with you. Alternative energy man. But the problem is their green new deal. Alternative energy is not alternative. It’s a total disaster. We have no infrastructure set up, and there’s turning the screws on us to shut it down. California just passed the law outlawed gaspowered vehicles by 2035, and it’s not sustainable. How they say you and agenda 2030 Goals for Sustainable Development. None of this is sustainable. It’s to collapse us now into what, I don’t know, road warriors scenario. I saw videos like five or six years ago out of Venezuela where motorcycle gangs are hijacking oil and gas tanker trucks. And I guess that’s what they want here in the first world, United States, California. These people are maniacs. But it looks like the banks are greedy because obviously don’t trust the banks. JP Morgan, Jamie Diamond, don’t trust this guy, but even he has enough sense. Hey wait a minute, you guys are collapsing everything now and I might lose some money out of this deal, right? Chevron too, right chevron TIO blames western governments doubling down on climate policies for global energy crisis. Well yeah, well yeah, what do you think? And so that’s a no brainer. And then of course, Jamie Diamond, I found that clip from him, we’ll play that in a second. This is an effing war. Jamie diamond slams Biden begging Saudis for oil, says investors don’t give a shit about ESG. And so that’s their whole social justice virtue signaling. They’re going to bring in goals for sustainable development, ESG corporate credit score through BlackRock and somehow through controlling the shares of these corporations, how they’re going to implement it. And if you’re not part of the system, they’re going to excommunicate you out of the Fortune 500. And this is a big deal that Jamie Diamond is saying no and set it up against this. Do we have the clip from Jamie Diamond? I bared here’s the clip from Jamie Diamond CNBC. And of course this guy says based Jamie Diamond, I doubt that, he’s still a banker. He’s definitely in line with the Democrats supporting a lot of far left wing policies. So it’s strange. He is pushing the globalist agenda for oil, American oil, hegemony a lack of lack based economics, etc. So he’s pro oil and gas. It looks like he’s seen he’s losing on this. Gates and Tom Styer and these far left wing globalist elites, they’re all pro oil and pro nuclear and pro gas and pro coal, etcetera. They want to push this and push this lack base, but constrain that supply and jack the prices up to $200 a barrel, right? And collapsing the middle class and transferring all of the wealth and power and control to them and keeping this lack based control over the world through energy hegemony and energy tied to energy controls. That’s what they’re after. The conservatives and the free people are being subverted by this, by blindly supporting them without any kind of accountability and that’s their plan also is to subvert the conservatives and get them supporting them on this side of things and then they continue their march to totalitarian dictatorship through this endless wars for oil and this destruction that they’re doing. So people need to see that as well and don’t get swept up in this, right? A a decrept parasites win and B the crept parasites win. To me, diamond is no hero of freedom, but let’s hear what he says. Jimmy diamond says we’re getting energy completely wrong. Diamond argues green energy fantasy has made the climate worse. Let’s just interview on CNBC, Jamie Diamond, CEO of JPMorgan chase the world’s leading banking crime syndicate here. Now. We just canceled Kanye. They just canceled Kanye. Correct. That actually turns out to be a month old. But yeah, let’s play. They did cancel them, but I guess he canceled himself. I don’t know. It’s a sordid drama. Don’t talk bad about the Jews on this show, Thomas. We support Zionism or the ADL? We’re Christian Zionists. It doesn’t make sense, right? But they got a bunch of people believe in that. We’re not going down that rabbit hole tonight. Let’s hear Jamie Diamond, a new world order banker. There have been a lot of lean in comparison made in recent weeks and months with regards to the fallout from the energy crisis. You are the only Wall Street CEO who is around to navigate the global financial crisis. How worried are you about Europe this winter? Given everything that’s going on in Ukraine and with the energy supply? I think we’re getting energy completely wrong, which is ever since this war started, you’ve known that Europe is going to have a problem and that it was pretty predictable that people are going to cut off some gas in certain oil and oil prices would go up. And by the way, for the climate folks here, it’s made the climate worse because people have this bad assumption that higher oil prices, gas prices, reduce consumption, reduced CO2. No poor nations, india, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam are turning back on coal plants as our rich nation is called. Germany, Netherlands, France, we have it completely backwards. In my view, america should have been pumping oil and gas and it should have been supported. We’re going to have our taking into a little bit. And so you have the problem this winter, which sounds like they’ve got enough supply to get through this winter, but we have a longer term problem now, which is the world is not producing enough oil and gas to reduce call, make the transition, create security for people. So I would put it in a critical category and this should be treated almost as a matter of war at this point, not as nothing short of that. So people don’t be surprised, like I was not surprised at North Korean one being blown up. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s another pipeline or a tanker in their own place. And people need to be prepared at this one. And obviously America needs to play a real leadership role. America is the swing producer, not Saudi Arabia. And we should have done that right starting March. It’s almost too late to get it right because obviously these are longer term investments. Speaking of getting it right, with regards to Saudi Arabia, president Biden was heavily criticized for his efforts in the Middle East. OPEC going ahead with their production cuts despite President Biden pushing against that. How would you say that’s the end of that clip? But I mean, that was some truth from Jamie Diamond in the matrix control system that we’re in and not allowing Thomas and his alternative energy, his breakthrough energy, to come through and change the whole parade, they certainly don’t want that. We don’t want that. But in the paradigm we’re living in, jamie diamond said a lot of truth right there about what the hell is going on. Surprisingly, Larry Think talks like if he wants that, though, Larry Fink has said the next 1000 IPOs are going to be energy startups now. There’s no IPOs. The investment bankers on mainstream fraud news media are talking about there’s no IPOs this year. No IPOs anymore. IPOs are canceled. Nobody funding them now. So good job. And the VCs, venture capital investors are all on Twitter whining about the massive carnage, whining about the damage that they’ve taken and the bleeding and suffering that they’ve done. Once again, investing to only toys, games, apps, craps, fake reality, fake relationship, fake economy, and fake intelligence, right? And ignoring supply chain for 40 years. Ignoring energy, ignoring breakthrough energy. And then they’re on Twitter and social media looking like a pack of absolute freaking loser idiot chumps tweeting climate, climate change, climate crisis, as they’ve ignored funding to break through energy innovators their entire lives and don’t look like anything. Well, we know JPMorgan funded Tesla and then when it stole all this technology, right? So that’s why you guys yeah, the real JPMorgan and now the CEOs out there probably trolling to steal your technology, Thomas. So you better be careful with especially JP Morgan because they have a history of funding technology and then stealing it and doing these dark deeds to create artificial scarcity in the market. But I mean, you telling the truth on the base level here about oh, yeah, us. You should have probably been drilling oil back in March here and got us back online, turn the pipelines on. And now we’re in this crazy predicament because you green New Deal idiots want to virtue signal how we’re saving the planet and everything’s collapsing and you’re not saving a damn thing. But let’s continue here. Alex Jones was sued, lost the lawsuit in Connecticut this week.

$965,000,000. Almost a billion dollars. That’s only for the first count. And apparently there’s four counts. So there’s more coming. Apparently there’s another trial to fascia and they totally violated. There’ll be billions of dollars, no right to do process. So everybody needs support infowars for Alex Jones. Let’s go here and play this clip from Scanner Darkly. And this is a 2006 film animated with Alex Jones in it. This one, hollywood loved Alex Jones because he was anti war. Let’s play this clip. And this is symbolic of today, actually, in 2022. Where we’re at, D. Where did Substance D come from? Why can’t we stop it? The bigger this war gets, the more freedoms we lose, the more Substance D is on our street. Can’t you figure this out? Look how far we’re

that’s what they’re doing to them now.

And so that’s what they’re doing to Alex Jones now and that’s what they’re trying to do to everybody with the censorship, the fake misinformation campaigns. California just passed a law that mainstream or I guess doctors, medical doctors cannot go against the mainstream scientific quote consensus or they will lose their medical license. I mean beyond orwellian beyond totalitarian. I mean we might as well be in Stalin’s USSR. Might as well be in Hitler’s Nazi Germany. Name your totalitarian government regime and we’re doing that here in California now. We are an abortion sanctuary state. That is eugenics. And so we are in Dystopia here in California and don’t expect it to spread, to not spread to the rest of the United States and the rest of the world unless we make some major changes. And so what has happened this week? Why are we so outrage on Weaponized news? Why are we so outrageous like Alex Jones? Because they just continue to lie. The AP, the fact checkers, they continue to lie. We’re going to show you their lies because this has come out and they say oh no big deal. Everybody already knew this. Breaking in COVID hearing Pfizer director admits vaccine was not tested on preventing transmission get vaccinated for others was a lie the only purpose of the COVID passport forcing people to get vaccinated. Rob Ross and he’s an MP out of Netherlands. Let’s play this clip and we’re going to go through the lies of the Associated Press and the fact checkers at Reuters and all the clown world news wire liars and all the clown world lying politicians, lying government and like I was saying at the beginning of the show we have something called the internet and we have receipts on the lies you told and we can remember. We have a memory. Let’s play this clip. They try to downplay a gasoline. No big deal. This is big effing deal right here. You’re antisocial. This is what the Dutch prime minister and health minister told us. You don’t get factionated just for yourself but also for others. You do it for all of society. That’s what I said today. This turns out to be complete nonsense. In a covert hearing in the European parliament, one of the Pfizer directors just admitted to me at the time of introduction the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transition of the virus. This removed the entire legal basis for the covert passport. The covert passport had led to massive institutional discrimination as people lost access to essential parts of society. I find this to be shocking, even criminal. Please watch the video until the end of the and I will speak in English so there are no misunderstandings once the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market. If not, please say it clearly. If yes are you willing to share the data with this committee? And I really want straight answer yes or no, and I’m looking forward to it. Thank you very much. Regarding the question around, did we know about stopping humanization before it entered the market? No. We had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. This is candleous. Millions of people worldwide are forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that you do it for others. Now this turned out to be a cheap lie. This should be exposed. Please share this video. I put the glasses back on there for that one. I mean, that’s heavy. This is hardcore. This guy right here is a great hero for humanity. Rob Rose. How do you pronounce that? Rob. Russ rose. He’s a great hero for humanity for bringing this out in hearings, getting Pfizer executives on record, and then so who goes to work right after this? Of course, the lying corporate media, the lying criminal fact checkers. PolitiFact, right. A video of an exchange between Dutch politician and Pfizer executive is being framed by some as a shocking revelation about COVID-19 vaccine trials. It’s not false, right? And of course, here’s Tim Truth, a great video producer on the Internet, constantly putting out content, and he says, So you lied? And he counters them back. Here’s a PolitiFact, June 1, 2021. The COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective. The Pfizer vaccination vaccines 95% efficacy, for example, means that people who receive the vaccine in clinical trials had a 95% lower risk of becoming affected than those who received a placebo. Great work by Tim Truth. Shout out for Tim truth right there. I’m going to retweet him, actually live on the show right now, because that’s awesome. I didn’t even know that I just pulled up PolitiFact. But Tim Truth right there calling him out. Awesome. Tim Truth. And then, of course, here’s your criminal associated Press AP fact check. Pfizer never claimed to have tested the impact of its COVID-19 vaccine on transmission ahead of its 2020 release, despite misleading claims suggesting the company lied about this issue. Such studies were conducted after its rollout. Here are the facts. Yeah, so they’re going back and forth against themselves three, four times. Honestly, I don’t want to get violent. I don’t want the FBI to, but, I mean, we need to get them around the neck with a rope and hang them. They need to be arrested. They can be charged, tried, executed. Nuremberg, 20 crimes against humanity. It’s plain as day. Hang them in the town square so this never happens again. Thomas this scientific dictatorship will continue on their path of eugenics depopulation program, and they’re just cranking it up right now. We let them get away with these crimes against humanity. And so a great tweet right here, Pamela Houston. She tweeted out, and of course, hashtag Pfizer gate, hashtag unvaccinated. Nobody said you wouldn’t get Cobid if you’re vaccinated. Oh, but they did, right? Oh, but they did. And then let me blow this up on the screen here. You’re not going to get cobid if you have these vaccinations. President Joe Biden. January 21 june 21 on Clown News Network, CNN Clown News Network vaccinated people do not carry the virus. Don’t get sick. Dr. Rochelle Wolinsky CDC Director march 29, 2021, MSNBC clown World Network again. Same network, different channels. When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe. They will not be infected. Dr. Anthony Fauche NIAID Director May 1721 and of course, MSNBC. They’re really good against variants. Dr. Anthony Fauci ni aid Director may 17 in Silico. They would be right. In Silico they would be, wouldn’t they? Continuing here Thomas and then this is sitting Congressman Thomas Massey, one of the only Congressmen that’s been calling in this out from the beginning, challenged Trump about it. So I think he’s probably one of the only real guys. If there are any real guys, Thomas Masky would be that real guy in Congress. And he says he tweeted this out today, earlier today, where is confirmity? Is eight mice enough? And he’s adding, and I pronounced right, where is Kami Nazi? Where is it? It’s not on the market in the United States. That’s what they are. And so he tags FDA commissioner, CEO this clown. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin CDC Director, Lewinsky all clown show jokes, they need to be hung, get a rope, because they’re traitors. They’re traitors for the FBI. If you can understand this, they’re killing you and your family, too. Clown shows. And so if you’re going to come arrest everybody like they are the pro lifers right, you’re going to get yours, too. Understand this, idiot. Let’s play the short clip from George Carlin and then I’m going to get your reaction to this. Thomas. Let’s play the short clip. Carlin on Democracy and Illusion of Choice this is like early 90s, for one thing. Yes, they’re out in the open now. They’re not even trying to conceal it anymore. The owners of the country, they bought their got their election. They said, we’re going to get this election. We put you people in that court for a reason. Now that for you.

Now they’re openly driving the bus, and we’re all in the back. There is no national conspiracy to buy elections and control America. You don’t need a formal conspiracy. When interests converge, these people went to the same universities and fraternities are on the same boards of directors. They’re in the same country clubs. They have, like, interest. They don’t need to call a meeting. They know what’s good for them and they’re getting it. And there used to be seven oil companies. There are now three. It will soon be two. The things that matter in this country have been reduced in choice. There are two political parties. There are a handful of insurance companies. There are about six or seven information. But if you want a bagel or 23 flavors because you have the illusion of choice.

You have the illusion of choice. Thomas what’s your action to what we just went over? Yeah, it is very clearly the case. You have the vast majority of Congress, they do not even want investigations into the elections. They have no intention whatsoever in ensuring the integrity of the elections. And then you have these pathological liars that are willing to lie through their teeth, supposedly, that there’s no evidence of elections fraud despite it’s absolutely everywhere, like as if 10,000 fire hoses are continuously blasting. There’s more and more evidence, more and more convictions every single day. But all of the convictions to these pathological liars don’t exist, right to the testimonies of all the judges that have been convicted, that doesn’t exist. The Democrat mayors and congressmen and senators and attorney generals and it just goes on and on and on and secretaries of state convictions of many of these people and growing. None of that exists. Meanwhile, you’ve got videos with 2030, 40, 50 minutes and onward of every demonicrat out there complaining and whining and insisting that the election was rigged for trump by Russia, Russia, Russia. And these people just willing to lie against everything that they’ve said before. But then you start talking about if you approach the conversation, don’t talk about 2020, but you talk about 2016 or anything else, they’re more than willing to talk how this is all rigged on January 6, insurrection. Thomas that’s why you’re, a bad global citizen, don’t have access to your Twitter

reality. But yet here we are continuing here. Thomas yeah. Not sitter says civic integrity. They say civic integrity requires that you never talk about the elections rigging. That is the new definition of civic integrity as you don’t talk about their elections rigging. And that’s the exact opposite. Your civic duty would be to call out election fraud if we lived in a, quote, democracy, but obviously we live in a scientific dictatorship. Oh, yeah. So the fact checkers, like we just said, PolitiFact AP, they said it never happened, right? It never happened. They never said that the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission. But yet here’s Pfizer in a tweet, the ability to vaccinate at speed to gain herd immunity and stop transmission is our highest priority. There’s a lot there is a lot of work ahead. And our focus is on supporting points of vaccination as that’s key to increasing the volume of people getting vaccinated every day. And that was January 13, 2021. And so that proves the fact checkers complete liar frauds. And then the CEO of Pfizer Albert Barola with the lizard man. Right? I mean, this guy may very well be an interdimensional reptile demon creature. We don’t know. A drone clone. We don’t know. He’s definitely Satanically possessed to carry out this type of evil. He tweeted on January 4, 2021. Excited to share that updated analysis from our Phase Three study with BioIn Tech also showed that our COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing hashtag COVID-19 cases in South Africa. But the fact checkers at PolitiFact and at and T AP might as well be at and T clown shows spying on everybody said that this was not the case. And so they’re all frauds part of it, too. Scientific dictatorship. And so for a comic relief break, let’s play this. Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? And of course, this is a meme from and dumber. And our vice president, Kamala Harris.

Want to hear the most annoying sound of the world? Okay, that’s enough of that. That is pretty annoying. But what’s more annoying is the lies that they continue to tell us. And why are they what is their incentive to lie to us? Well, let’s hear from Bobby Kennedy Jr. The media in our country is an extension of the pharmaceutical industry. There’s 75% of advertising revenues now on the mainstream TV are now coming from pharma. And that ratio is even higher for the evening news because the evening news is where you see pharmaceuticals advertised. Anderson Cooper has a $12 million a year annual salary. Well, 10 million of that is coming from Pfizer. His boss is not CNN. His boss is Pfizer. And they’re unashamed. They’re unabashed about it. They say on this program, I’m off to you by Pfizer. Of course he’s not going to tell you the truth about Pisor’s product. He’s going to try to sell it to you. He’s going to try to scare the hell out of you. If you don’t get this, you’re going to die. If you don’t get this, you’re going to die. Everybody should go to a vigilant box. Always putting out great work censored off a Twitter. Obviously, this is misinformation. So oh, yeah, they’re going to try to say and Dr. Malone has said this, that they’re going to try to backpedal and say, oh, we never said that. We never tried to push it on you. We never did all these draconian vaccine mandates and, yeah, none of the tyranny that we just did, you didn’t live through that and do the flash on men and black and just forget. Well, we don’t forget. So during 2021, we should be able to manufacture a lot of vaccines. And that vaccine key goal is to stop the transmission, to get the immunity level stop so that you get almost no infection going on whatsoever. Everyone who takes vaccine is not just protecting themselves, but reducing their transmission to other people and allowing society to get back to normal. We can kind of almost be the end. We’re vaccinating so very fast. Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinating people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick. Now, we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus. The virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to. Go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a hoost to go get more. That means the vaccines will get us to the end of this essentially vaccine lawsuit. From getting and giving the virus fully vaccinated, people are at a very, very low risk of getting COVID-19. Therefore, if you’ve been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected. We have all the vaccines we need. We just need our people to take a for their own protection, for the protection of their family, but also to break the chain of transmission. You want to be a dead end to the virus. So when the virus gets to you, you stop it. You don’t allow it to use you as the stepping stone to the next person. I think given the country as a whole, the fact that we have now about 50% of adults fully vaccinated and about 62% of adults having received at least one dose as a nation, I feel fairly certain you’re not going to see the kind of surges we’ve seen in the past. If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be an ICU unit, and you’re not going to die. You’re not going to get covered. If you have these vaccinations clown world and so they’re criminal lying scum that affords medical treatment on people. And that’s the bottom line of it. PolitiFact, AP. And so that’s why we need Nuremberg Trials. They’ve committed crimes against humanity. Look at this

today. We just saw all that background, all 2021. We’re in October 2022. You got woolensky today or two days ago. Here. October 12.

Updated. Let’s see what this lying criminal this is not even a cut. This is straight from her. Let’s see what she has to say.

Thank you for joining today’s, Director Debrief. Updated COVID-19 vaccines are now available for children ages five through eleven. This expanded eligibility is a critical step in our fight against COVID-19. It’s our highest priority to optimize protection so that our children, our future, can remain healthy and protected. I’ve heard conversations about the updated COVID-19 vaccine that are now available, so let’s talk about what you need to know. The updated vaccines are bivalent, meaning half of the vaccine formula targets the original SARS CoV, two strains, and the other half of the vaccine targets BA four and VA five Omicron variants. The updated COVID-19 vaccines are formulated to restore waning protection and to better protect against currently circulated COVID-19 variants. Laboratory data suggests they also increase our immune response to help protect against the most common variants. Today, if your child is five or older, please make sure they have completed the primary vaccine series. And if they have, and it’s been at least two months since the last COVID-19 vaccine dose, please give them an updated Covan 19 vaccine now. And the same is true for you so you can be healthy and well to take care of your children and yourself. As we approach the winter months, it’s critical that we all remain vigilant and stay up to date on COVID-19 vaccine. If you’re eligible, I strongly encourage you to roll up your sleeve and get your updated COVID-19 vaccine today. You can visit vaccines. Gov to find a location near you.

Excuse my french. Fuck you, piece of shit scum.

They promise. Let’s keep it family oriented.

This. Now we’re going to play Dr. Burks. Even yahoo. I want to play Dr. Burke’s, our famous clip from a couple of months ago where she admits they knew the vaccines don’t even work. But yeah, they continue to push this, push it on our children. Now I want to get your take on a lot of people looking at the president now, having this and all these people vaccinated and boosted and all that and they’re getting it. The 20% who’ve not been vaccinated might look at that doctor and say, why bother? Why bother? What do you tell them? Well, if you’re cross the south and you’re in the middle of this wave, what’s going to save you right now is Paslovis. But once we get through that long, you should get vaccinated and boosted because we do believe it will protect you, particularly if you’re over 70. I know these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines and it made people then worried that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will. But let’s be very clear. 50% of the people who died from the Amazon surge were older. Paxlova is going to kill you too. And the vaccine these people need to be strung up by ropes around their neck already. This is just bull effing shit. I’m sick of it. I’m demanding justice. Where are you at? FBI, sheriff, whoever the hell, go arrest these criminals. They’re killing you and your family too. You’re not above this. I’ve just laid out never ending lies for public health for you on this show. Now go arrest these criminals already. Goddamn it. Yeah, it’s pretty bad. It’s pretty bad, Thomas. And that was a flashback like two months ago, right? Where she’s saying paxlovin and now it’s come out. Paxlovin is going to kill you too. It doesn’t work. Highly toxic. What do you got here? The CDC no longer recommends universal masking and health facilities. This is from Yahoo. Right, of course, fraud news media, but the left considers that. They claim that anything from this far left wing woke agenda, trans agenda, are supposedly these science that you cannot dispute. So they are no longer recommending masking in the health facilities. So even they’re going against it. So I guess Yahoo is going to be canceled now or find a billion dollars for a van with ox Jones. Yeah, maybe so, right? Their favorite place to be in the world in there. And also on a far left wing fraud news media, Yahoo. They’re saying as well. They’re quoting The Washington Post saying that women said Kova shots affect periods, and a new study shows that they are right. And of course, other big Nazi tech outlets are still banning and censoring and criminally vandalizing and destroying people’s accounts, destroying their online businesses maliciously in, deliberate targeted harassment and criminal vandalism, going after people for saying these things. But even yahoo. Is saying this, and it’s getting a little bit aged. Even three weeks ago, almost. They’re talking about it, and they said it, but I don’t notice Yahoo news getting canceled by the cancel culturists. So it’s a one way affair, obviously, if the conservatives or centrists or libertarians say it, then they get criminally vandalized. If the left says it, hey, it’s perfectly fine, and then the next day they lie against themselves as usual, coming into fraud lovitt. People can check my gab at Alpha Omega energy. I’ve written a lot about this, many points of what’s going on inside of you exposing all of this. And there’s a lot of concern by doctors now and studies and investigations into this, and they say there’s a mystery, all coincidence, just like the coincidental deaths in children and heart attacks in children and all of this, just not from the vaccine. Right. And there’s a mystery of why COVID-19 rebalance in this patient baffled. Yeah, the patients who take Paxlovid and doctors are exposing this, that it cannot be a part of the natural course of Sarskov Two, and it’s actually the fraud lovitt. I call it fraud lovitt because it is all fraud. That’s a much better name for it. They claim also that this has a bunch of different benefits, but I’ve exposed also this can slow the metabolism of an assortment of other drugs, increasing blood concentrations too much, which could lead to fatal overdoses and toxicity. And we’re seeing all this kind of damage in people that are taking it. And if you look at the molecules of this drug, you can clearly see that it’s impossible for this to really have any kind of activity against Sarskop II. Paxloba cannot. There’s nothing inside of it that can possibly target Sarskoff Two from any other so called virus or any other molecular genetic material. There’s nothing inside of it at all that could possibly do that. It’s absolute fraud for them. They’re just, like, making this crap up as they go along. It’s just absolute to bullcrap. They just claim that it does this, but there’s no ability. When you look inside, it’s a very simple molecule, easy to break down and understand. And there’s a lot of information about this, but nobody’s doing that work. Sadly, I’m the one doing it. You’re the guy having to do the heavy lifting for the, quote, public health sciences. We care about the public health, but they won’t. Even some electrochemist founder off on the other side of the world has to be the sole salvation reviewer of these poisonous drugs and explain simply what’s actually going on with them. I guess you’re really strongest guy we could find to give us this reporting and we really love you and appreciate you for that. Thomas thank you. And the CDC has already issued a health advisory due to the constant rebound infections and symptoms in the backs who took fraud LoVid. So the CDC is even issued a health advisory to that and you can find that. So the people that are taking fraud lovit are COVID-19 rebounding. Right. But you’re never going to insure a zero COVID with the criminally frauded 40 to 55 cycle PCR test. Of course you’re going to rebound with a test that’s set already to more than 100% of the positive rates. So it’s really, really quite ridiculous. And doctors have had these rebound and they’re talking about it and investigating this because they’re finding out that they’re completely lied to another important part, a nasal version of the Oxford AstroZeneca vaccine.

Dr. Rena Labo we appeared on the famous conspiracy theory television show that’s a famous governor of Jesse venture, I have her on talking about. Do you have it handy? Can you play that?

Let me find that. I could probably find it faster.

And she was working with the W very close to them, very close. And was a personal doctor for a number of very high level international parasites. And she turned whistleblower when she found out what was going on. It was just too much for instead of hoping leaving America, getting out of America.

Yes, sir, I have.

As soon as you and I finish, I’m leaving the country again. Why? Because in a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we’ll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccinations. What is it about these vaccinations? You think that they’re bad? First of all, let’s start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people. The World Health Organization has been working since on vaccines to create permanent sterility. Doctor, the response is going to be if you’re crazy, how can you say this stuff? I show them the documentation now this is pretty shocking. This process has already been ongoing. To make matters worse, we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene. If I inject you with squalene, your immune system will attack the squalline. But then it starts attacking all of the parts of your body. What does that look like when you need a person to whom that is happening? It looks like Gulf War Syndrome. It looks like every joint in the body swollen and intolerably, painful and immobilized. This is in these shots. They’re going to be giving some of them. But the US government has to trick up their sleep. They will induce a pandemic using the Nagal mist vaccine, which is a live attenuated virus. That means that if I take it, I can infect you, you’re going to get the flu. Everybody around us is going to get the flu. Then the United States government, based on their statements that they’ve already made, will say, oh my, we have a pandemic. Oh my goodness. We don’t have enough doses. So we’ll add licks squaline at the 90,000 injection stations that the Department of Health and Human Services announced that they will ship the vaccines to people lining up, sometimes by the hundreds for an, each one in one flu shot. What that means is a holocaust, a genocidal holocaust.

Men, women will sicken and die, and those who survive will be inferred if people start dying massively. Of course, that’s from Jesse Ventura’s famous Kelvin Show, conspiracy theories scrubbed everywhere, scrubbed off of your DVR, very hard clip to find there that we’re lucky to come across some BitChute. Very poor quality. But Thomas, can we get this? Fantastic. Yeah, I spoke with her. She come on. She’s excited about coming on. So hopefully that continues and I’ll be able to get her on shortly here. That would be awesome if we could get her on after this. Yeah, it would be absolutely fantastic. So I had a conversation with her recently online and she wants to come on. I was talking to her about this and now I’m showing this window here. Now those nasal vaccines are starting to come out and well, they are just so deadly and causing so much damage to people that they literally failed the trials. They couldn’t even pass the trials with these. So they’re starting to break these out and well, they failed the trials, so how about that? But they’re going to keep pushing these. There’s going to be more coming out, as she mentioned, and she took off and left to another place, another country, I won’t say specifically where show just maybe to protect her, though I’m surprised I’ve taken her out at this point as they’ve done with so many others. But she’s still out there. I went chasing after her and she’s hopefully going to be on Weaponized News soon. And a number of other doctors have agreed to come on as well. Top doctors exposing this stuff. And another thing that came out very recently here, though, this is an ongoing saga and nothing really new. This one here date Saturday, October 15, but this was from January 23 initially of this year. Thomas, let me tell you, we got the documents from the hospitals Wednesday, next Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday we’re doing a big show with whistleblower nurses from the hospitals about this subject you’re talking about now. So we’re going to lay it all out there with the internal emails, insider whistleblower testimony beyond the shadow of a doubt to any jury that would hear the case that’s of rational, sound mind, right? And the doctors in Canada coming out, public blowing the whistle on this are being arrested. And some doctors blew the whistle and nobody heard from them again. They’re gone, arrested and gone. Remember that? They brushed it on a rug, right? Because they were sounding china, CCP china disappearing to doctors and CCP cuban, Castro, Justin Trudeau. This fascist is making them disappear too. I mean, wow, what a psychopathic dictator. Very liberal. Liberal democracy means throw everybody telling the truth in the back of the van like they do to Alex Jones and cart them off for execution and organ harvesting concentration catch rudoc concentration camp, causing massive increase in still hurts and miscarriages birth rates down across the board in all of these injected countries. And there is announced as well, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is they have an ongoing criminal investigation into the COVID-19 vaccine acquisitions in the EU. So that’s a recent news as well. So very happy to hear that. As well as the near 2.0 trials and everything else that’s going on, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is actually conducting a widesping criminal investigation into the massive cartel, corruption of the purchases and the dissemination and the deforcing of these injections with everything redacted. None of the officials get to see anything. None of them get to see the contract. None of them were asked about this. It was just forced as done, like behind some closed doors, and they can’t get any information about this came out a year ago. All the conspiracy theories are true because they were true when they came out. They weren’t conspiracy theories. You lie in criminal scumbag, mainstream corporate press and government. It’s disgusting. It’s disgusting. I remember that came out. I forget him. And the guy, he’s like, yeah, I’m part of writing these contracts. And he’s like, you would not believe. And he leaked them all on the internet. And they said, oh, no, don’t listen to him. You just made it up. Oh, yeah, it turns out it’s all true.

Yeah. And the central People for Accountability and Transparency anticruption campaigners like myself and Sam here and so many other millions of people, billions of people around the world, because Jamie Diamond, if you’re conservative and you support big oil, big corrupt Rockefeller oil, remember the same people that want to inject you, if you’re going to support that Jamie Diamond, don’t forget,

right? And he fired people. He said, we’re not going to pay you if you refuse the injections. You’re out of here. We’re not going to pay you if you refuse them. We’re not going to pay you to sit at home and not come into work. So he’s firing them all. He’s forcing the injections. And he said, we don’t care what the Supreme Court says about COVID-19 so called vaccines. We’re going to force you to take them or fire you. So don’t be fooled about these kind of people. Remember who they are. They’re no heroes. They’re no heroes. They’re just trying to look out for their own ass, apparently. Do you have the Jane Diamond clip of him talking about these injections? You said you found that one. No, I don’t have that one. Oh, yeah. That one has really been scrubbed. I can’t find that one anywhere. I cannot find that one anywhere. So that has been thoroughly scrubbed. So I’ll show this here. Also, the V Safe data suggests an estimated 1 million New Zealanders have been harmed by the Cobain injections. And for a tiny population of New Zealand, what is the 6 million New Zealand population? Let’s extrapolate that to but that’s our girlfriend just in the Arden over there as the leader. So I’m kind of in love with her. So, I mean, she could do anything. 4.8 million, right? She tried to kill Gavin Newsom when she came 4.8 million. She infected Gavin Newsom when she came and visited him with COVID-19. And so she’s like as a horse face, she may be a transgender. We don’t know. Maybe an alien robot clone. We don’t know. Definitely Satanically possessed. And so that’s why we need to love Jacinda Arden, daughter of the World Economic Forum.

Yeah. So if you extrapolate those numbers in New Zealand, which has a 5 million population, and that means 20%, up to 20% of their people have been injured, according to their data, by these criminal cytotoxic, deadly sterilizing agent injections, that means 72 million people in America would have been injured by them. And of course, it’s just endless. Every single day, there’s people coming into clubhouse and other apps crying about their recent injuries, ongoing injuries. Conspiracy theorists. Yeah. Right. APM PolitiFact told me Justin Bieber is a conspiracy theorist. His wife is a conspiracy theorist. Will Smith’s wife is a conspiracy theorist. It just goes on and on and on.

Thomas, Del Bigtree. Got the V-safe data. Him and I can decide. And Aaron Terry, his lawyer, they got the data from the Be Safe system, these idiots that signed up to be part of the government vaccine database. So we have all kinds of data here’s. The data from the Barns Law firm has launched a billion plus dollar lawsuit against this crime. That’s being done, tired of civil lawsuits, criminal charges, I’m sick. I don’t care about the money. They don’t care about the money. They’re obviously on a mission to depopulate, so we need to depopulate them.

Also, at the very least, he’s launching a number of lawsuits that he’s conducting, and information has come out, which he’s exposed as well, that they developed these in 2015. It’s all on record. And also, the Department of Defense issued a contract for COVID-19 Research to a company in the Ukraine three months before COVID-19 was even known to exist. So this has come out. Also, the Department of Defense, people in the Department of Defense in DARPA as well, have exposed, of course, Fauchies request, a request from Dazzak, Eco, Health alliance, Barrack, et cetera, working on this request. They just got re up. Barrack and Eco Health Alliance just got re up their funding again, like, last week, right? They’re exposed asking to release a biological agent in Wuhan as well. I guess they blew the whistle on that. They went public with it. Of course, none of that exists. If you’re a leftist, you just lie for AP and political fact. It doesn’t exist. That’s the whole frustration, Thomas. You’re like, here’s the documents, right? And they’re like, that doesn’t exist. And you’re like, no, here’s the document. So they deny reality to your face and that’s what makes you want they make you want to turn violent, choke them out, you know what I mean? Because it’s like, you guys want to really gaslight to that level, then you’re attacking me. I view self defense against you with your psychological operations because they’re just congenital liars that will not emit reality when we have the documents in their face. So there’s no other solution but criminal charges against them. They’re not civil at all. They’re criminals. I can’t get this one to come up. It’s very interesting. Just one link, but we can’t have a public health civil debate that’s far gone. They’ve committed crimes against humanity. They need to be arrested already. And so where are you, FBI? Any type of justice? I mean, we continue to document. It so frustrating. Tell us. Excess deaths are rising very rapidly in all of these injected countries. All across Europe, excess deaths are up. In Iceland, 55.8%. In Spain, 36.9%, cypress, 32.9%, greece, 31.2%, portugal, 28.8%. So you notice it’s a 30, 35, 40% average. Insurance companies are saying excess deaths are up 40% across in America. Edward Dowd banned everywhere. Censored edward Dowd, former BlackRock manager has that right.

Even under the fascist totalitarian dictatorship of Australia, which is really controlling their data and hiding it much better than other countries, I suggest they’re up 17.1%. So even though they’re hiding all of this much tighter than anywhere else, island, Australia, that’s scary because they’re islands and they were so totalitarian on Western countries, right? But they should have known because they were still under the crown. Yeah, five eyes nations under the crown. There you go.

Dominions. Dominions. They were Dominions before they were named Dominion. Dominion was on the money of a number of their Dominion countries, including the Dominion of Canada. Canadian money was Dominion of Canada written right in there. Anybody can search that and find the images of that money. Are you under the monarchy or the Central Bank? Is there any difference? You know what I mean? Pick your poison of totalitarian dictatorship. I think they’re probably all in the same satan club at the end of the day. Let’s take a look now, Thomas, at this. Of course, moderna now is rolling out an mRNA vaccine to repair heart muscle damage. After the COVID-19 vaccine, there’s no end to the lunacy of these psychopaths and so that’s what I’m saying. I’m calling for their arrest. Crimes against humanity. I mean we’ve been calling it for a long time but I mean the evidence is getting overwhelming now for anybody that’s not a total satanist death cult member that you need to get on board with this program or you and your family will be killed. And I don’t want my family to be killed. I don’t want to be killed by this death. Cold Maduro CEO confirms new mRNA injection to repair heart muscles after a heart attack. And of course what is one of the major side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine? Myocarditis. Heart inflammation. They’re saving you from climate change. This is their new salvation for climate change. Right? They say that it’s all caused childhood heart attacks. Childhood myocarditis is caused by CO2 from cow parts and not from the injections. No, nothing deleterious could ever come from the injections. So this is what they’re doing now. And now the demonicrat church, which of course they want this depopulation to occur. Now the demonicrat church is suing the state of Indiana to try and overturn their banner on abortion portion. Here’s their symbology, the symbol that they love so much. Which one is that? Is that symbolic, right? That’s a balphamet. Oh, that’s the bafflement. I was wondering we have the two children at his feet. They love this statue right here. Of course I think that’s up in Arkansas or Oklahoma, one of those states in the Midwest

that abortion is a religious ritual that needs to be upheld under the first amendment of religious freedom. So wow. But then the DemonicRats are lying that this is all some fake internet conspiracy theory. But here it is again on your trusted Yahoo news, right? So I guess maybe that’s why they’re saying it’s a fake internet conspiracy theory. Because actually they really know how completely fake that these liars at Yahoo news actually are. So why are we being hit by all this? Thomas? I’m going to tie this back to the new world order. One world government. Great reset. Why are we getting hit by all this? Because of claus schwab. Henry Kissinger, the same old crew, your bilderberg group, they call it the Round Table. There’s great diagrams. I don’t have that pulled up, but I have a video here of claus schwab talking about how they penetrate the cabinets.

They love to talk about penetration. These are sexual deviants. This place is called the Young Generation. It’s a young generation like penetration, happiness. The change is not just happening. The change can be shaped by us. We have to prepare for a more angry world. How to prepare? Takes the necessary action to create a fair world. I see the need for a great reason. Some people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again. This is let’s say fiction will not happen. There is only one way this fundament is going to go. It’s going to get worse and worse and worse. Next crisis is already waiting for us to call, and it is a climate crisis. They love to penetrate the cabinet, these sexual deviants. And so they tell us, they say, we own your government, so your democracy for the left wingers that love democracy, we’re not represented here now because these global interests represented thomas you were talking about the test, and I wanted to play this clip I didn’t get it fast enough about Carrie Molas, the inventor of the PCR test. I wanted to play this clip where he breaks it all down. Kerry Molas, Real I threw this together last night, and this is off of Twitter. Let’s watch this about the PCR test. Give us a breakdown. This is exposing the fraud that underpins the whole fake pandemic. Is this test of positive cases, they say. But how does that come about? Carrie Mollis, the inventor of the PCR test. Let’s watch this video. Polymerize chain reaction, or PCR, is an invention I had in about 82. 83 is a way that you can produce a little teeny piece of specific one out of the whole genome and make as many copies of it as you wanted to, and there’s no limit. Now, what I invented was a way that you could use molecules to do the looking for you, and they could start some little process that would find the thing you wanted and copy it and keep copying it and copy the copies and then copy the copies. So you go from having one copy of it to two to four, to eight, to 16, to 32, to 64 to 128, on up to a million if you’ve done it 20 times, and a billion if you’ve done it 30 times. When you get a billion of them, you’ve got as many copies of the thing you want as there are little nucleotides or letters in the whole thing. It’s got 3 billion. You’ve got just about as many. You can pick up any one you want to at that point, and it’s the one you want. You take a haystack, basically, with a needle lost in it, and you turn the whole haystack into needles and you just pick a handful. That’s what it does. It’s almost like magic if they can find this virus in you at all. And with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained and everything else, right? I mean, because if you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure which PCR can do, then there’s just very few molecules that you don’t have at least one single one of them in your body, okay? So that can be thought of as a misuse of it just to claim that. It’s meaningful vented by the AIDS dissident. Dr. Terry Mullis PCR, the polymers chain reaction, is a technique that enables a scientist to take a sample containing a minute amount of DNA and replicate that DNA sequence until there are amazing copies. One of PCR’s first applications was to try to detect HIV. According to Dr. Mullis, PCR amplifies whatever DNA is in a sample, regardless of whether that DNA belongs to HIV or a contaminant, and that there is no sure way to determine which part of the amplified material could be HIV and which part could be a contaminant. It allows you to take a very minuscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it in meetings and stuff like it is important. That’s not a misuse, that’s just sort of a misinterpretation. There are no really good experiments that would lead anybody who is at least maintaining a healthy skepticism to believe that HIV was responsible for this series of not series, but this confederation of diseases that people are now willing to call AIDS. A confederation of maybe 30 different diseases, all of which have existed one form or other prior to the condition that we call AIDS ever being pointed out, and all of which have had some other explanation at one time or other to say that all 30 of those are somehow caused in at least some cases called AIDS cases by a virus called HIV. I haven’t seen any evidence for that. I haven’t seen anybody trying to bring evidence for that. And he said he’s been looking for that since, I guess, the late eighty s. And he hasn’t ever been able to find anyone that can give him a paper that show, number one, isolation of HIV, rigorous formal isolation of HIV and secondly, using coast hostiles, demonstrating that HIV is a causal microorganism. Where is the original paper that isolated HIV so that nothing else was present and they actually could go and find what the proteins were and the nucleic acids? I think you won’t find that paper because it hasn’t been published yet. The first time I really questioned it, I was working on a project. We were measuring HIV in people’s blood at this place called Specialty Laboratories in Santa Monica. I was just a consultant there. I came in about three days a month and we were working on that and at some point we needed to re up our grant from the NIH to work on that and I had to write it. And so the first line of that was HIV is the probable cause of AIDS. I wrote that and then I said, well, I need a paper, some kind of scientific paper to reference that statement. Because when you make a statement like that, that’s like a fact. You need to say, here’s how come I know that? You put a little one if it’s the first statement you’ve made and then you put down at the bottom of the paper, you have a one. You say, here’s a paper that describes why that statement is true. Right? Exactly. It’s not your source. Are you kidding me? Who do I get to for that? Even Wikipedia requires that company. And they said that’s what I have to reference because I don’t know where that came from. How do I know that? And it turned out that nobody knew it. It wasn’t a scientific reference, like a paper that somebody had submitted with like experimental data in it and like logical discussion and said, here’s how come we know that HIV is the probable cause of a there was nothing laughing like that. So there you go. That was a great mash up by Jamie Deluxe on Twitter. Important if you sign your source now, you’re conspiracy theorist. And so they’ve inverted reality. Anthony Fauci and it’s criminal public health. NIAID the CDC, every county health department in America, every hospital in America, you’re criminal scum of the earth. You won’t even cite your source because you’re too lazy, greedy, ignorant. There is no source. Egotistical. There is no source. Just like you saw right there. Site the source. They won’t and we’re crazy conspiracy theorists, not good global citizens. We’re pointing out basic academic facts to these lying criminal scumbags now. Thomas it’s just beyond right. The proper term is conspiracy exposers theorists. Well, there’s no theory. There’s no theory and there’s not even a conspiracy anymore because it’s all public, okay? There’s a one world government depopulation agenda and that’s why we’re exposing on this show to get your facts, your terms, solely right for Wikipedia, which they told me in college never cite as a reliable source. What do you have here for us? Thomas? This government reports suggest that the so called COVID vaccination is causing cancer at an unprecedented rate, in fact, 1433% increase. And there’s a number of reasons for that, including that the injections completely destroy your endothelial system. So this is causing all kinds of cellular death and apoptosis, et cetera. And this is data from the CDC that they’re taking directly, even from the CDC, this criminal organization and the Bears database, et cetera. They’re showing all the data, breaking it down. This is from The Expose News, which is totally banned, criminally vandalized endlessly because they’re reporting the facts. And of course to the left hates that more than anything. So they go through absolutely all of it, break it down completely. So highly recommend. Everybody has a look at this. So, a number of adverse events related to cancer reported to the CDC against flu vaccines from 2008 to 2020 and then the fraud bid vaccines, December 20 to 2022. You can see the massive increase there per segment of the population and the relative dosing, even with the dosing being way, way higher for flu vaccines and COVID-19 vaccines and onwards as well. A lot of great information from The Expose. They’re doing a fantastic job and also coming out of the micro, reporting for the day. I was just talking on our last show to our wonderful guests about this climate con artistry that’s going on. This massive fraud. And how they’re wasting all of California’s water. Letting all of the water go out into the ocean. And dumping all of the reservoirs deliberately to cause this artificial supply chain crisis in water. And to shut down farming. Shut down the food supply. Destroy this for depopulation efforts. Et cetera. And I was talking about holiday. And then they right around the corner from the mouth of the river, going out to the ocean. All the wedding, all the freshwater go out right around the corner. They then suck a bunch of taxpayer money into this broad for desalination plant right around the corner. I was saying this, and well, the timing actually that same day or actually the next day after we did that show, I think, is either the same day or the next day. It might have been the day before next day. No, we did that on 12th. That’s the 13th. Yeah, next day. The very next day. You’re some kind of profit. How did you predict this? How could you possibly predict, like, as if it’s the first time. It’s not the first time that they’ve done it, and it won’t be the last time. They’re going to continue doing this? Absolutely. That’s what Alex Jones always says. People ask me, how do I know this? He’s like, I just read the news. How did you know? I just read the news. Are you people just stupid, like the writing’s on the wall? Yeah, he read the documents, right? It’s published. He just literally read their documents, right? But they produced of course, he’s got a lot of whistleblowers coming to him, endless supply, and a lot of people who cannot go public due to the threat that’s on their lives, that they do so, and their firings and everything else. So they leak a lot of information to Alex, whispering here, and then he goes and says it, right. It’s no big mystery. And it’s not a profit. You’re not a profit. It came out in the news the next day, right? It’s like, come on, man. Is Reuters watching our show? They may be, because they’re so stupid. They can’t Reuters. They’ve done fraud news, more fraud. Lying about my reporting before, coming in behind and doing socalled fact checking on some of my reports before. These rights criminal scumbags who never quote who the authors are. They hide their authors. They’re such total, absolute cowards and frauds. You don’t even get to know who these people are. They never put up a name because then they protect their guilty in this criminal cartel organization, endlessly lying to the public, lying through their face, causing harm and death. Are they even real people? Is it AI? Who knows at this point? It may just well, they do AI they do this right there. Alex Jones now writes billions of dollars in fines. Well, this is one of the ways that they can protect against getting any fines or any backlash from the crime that they’re committing in this shameless lies to the public, which then the public relies on that information and goes and gets harmed. And there’s endless conflict of interest at Reuters because, you know, the same executives and board directors sitting on both Reuters and, you know, the boards and executives and Csuite offices of these big injection companies. So criminal complexity. Reuters is the official news source of the World Economic Forum. Yeah, who knows? Even you don’t even get to know who the hell these people are that are writing this stuff. That’s the obvious conflict of interest. That’s our official news source. But they are publicly carrying out one world government agenda on the World Economic Forum. Hashtag, great reset. It’s all right there. It’s all public knowledge is absurdity. Yeah. It was bought and paid for. And you don’t get to know who’s writing this. It could be some guy from India for $299 a month sweatshop salary. It could be some intelligence agent. It could be somebody working at the vaccine company themselves peddling this crap, which should be it could be completely computer generated for all we know. Yeah, so massive corruption going on over there and pathologically lying through their teeth, organizations tied into that line of thinking. Thomas, look at this. This is pretty outrageous. Coming out of the Daily Mail revealed PR firm that represents Pfizer and Moderna also sits on the CDC Vaccination Division, sparking major conflict of conflicts of interest. You think so? That story came out two days ago, October 12. You think that the conflict of interest? These vaccine manufacturers, Pfizer, Moderna, sit on the board of the CDC vaccine division? Is that a conflict of interest? I don’t know. It’s hard to tell. Thinking is hard for leftist, Thomas. Well, you’re not allowed to think. If they dare think and talk about something, they’re going to get arrested, of course. Right. To see if I can get this link up here. I guess if you’re that afraid of cancel culture or whatever, then you’re a weak coward. Then you probably should go along with the state Euthanasia program. If you’re that much of a coward, wear your mask.

UK mothers are now being arrested for their online posts. We can show this one here. Going to get us sued.

Alex Jones, he’s woken up more people than anybody on the planet, honestly, at this time in 2022 of October. So go support Alex Jones. He’s got stuff wrong. He admits it. He is a sensationalist, no doubt. But he has brought out more truth and caused more people to question the establishment than anybody. I mean, so we got to get what’s more sensational than lying through your teeth, which this fraud news media endlessly did, lying that 20 million Americans are going to be killed by this so called airborne virus which has never been properly sensational. And John Hopkins, too. Thomas let’s not forget they use John Hopkins data, CNN, MSNBC, all your mainstream corporate media, and they put that graphic up in the the top of top right hand corner of their broadcast for a year saying that everybody is going to die, right? So, I mean, yes, it doesn’t get more sensational than that. Yeah, and left wing leaning celebrities or Kanye West and all of these people, African Americans, how dare they say anything? They’re immediately canceled JPMorgan. Danks them, demonetizes them, et cetera. So if you’re a leftist, you’re not allowed to say anything, certainly not if you’re a leftist state doctor. Thomas think of this, okay? The narrative and Kanye West got cancelled where he said, I’m going to stop doing business with JPMorgan like a month ago, but say the narrative that they put out there is he said Jews are bad, and then he did that White Life’s matter on the back of the jacket with Candace Owens, right? And so they’re doing this whole PR campaign. And so they’re putting it out there that if you say Jews, I don’t like the Jews, they control the banking, then you will be canceled, is the message they’re putting out there. And you’re antisemitic, right? And then the lessons, yes, don’t hate the Jews. We love the Jews. But yet they say, cancel Israel, hashtag free Palestine. So they do this double think, sigh out mind control program to confuse everybody. But wait a minute, last week, last month, you guys said screw Israel or boycott in Israel. I forget even what that is. Boycott Israel. I don’t support any of these clowns. I’m America first. Screw Israel. Palestine, Russia, Ukraine, all of them. I’m America first, baby. But this is a Psyop they put out there for people, is what I’m trying to explain. Okay, screw the Jews, but yet we have to support the Jews and hashtag boycott Israel, hashtag free Palestine. They put out these crazy double thing narratives, yet Israel does not support America. It’s illegal. It is illegal. Everybody needs to understand this. It is illegal to teach about Christianity in Israel. You will get arrested and deported if you do that there. They don’t support in Germany, so there’s that. They don’t support Americans, they don’t support Christian values. They don’t support Christian countries. They do not support the pastors. They do not support you if you’re a Christian. They will arrest you and deport your ass if you dare talk about Christianity in Israel. So people need to understand that. And they’ve been taught in America to blind faith. Thomas christian Zionism is bigger. The Zionist Jews, which are it’s one sector of Judaism and is certainly not there’s many different sectors of Jewish people, of course. And people need to understand that also to the Zionist, and I’ve heard many of them say this publicly, and they insist this, that if you recognize Jesus, if any Jewish person recognizes Jesus, instantly they’re not a Jew anymore. And instantly they’ve decided to separate themselves from the Jews, and they have no business and are no longer allowed to participate in Jewish life. That’s the quotes from these people. I didn’t make it up. That’s not my words. That is their words. And they said again and again, big groups of them, usually like 30, 40, 50 people, all in agreement to this. Wow. I mean, it’s just absolutely shocking. You hate the Jews, thomas but no, there’s this line of thinking. I lived there. I used to live there. I lived in Israel. A whole line of thinking on the Internet, it’s a Jewish conspiracy. And me and you are white boys, so we are white supremacists if we speak against the Jews. And I’m trying to say it’s a bigger conspiracy of safety. I’ve never heard or experienced any form of white nationalist supremacist, racist, then I’ve experienced in designers rooms that are open and public, like on do we have that? Those people I mean, it was just shocking. It was absolutely shocking. Everything the mainstream media is talking about, white supremacists, Christian nationalists and how evil they are, all of this talk. I mean, these people are those people. That’s a new science that are the Zionist supremacist nationalist, but they’re also globalists, like, taking over the whole world and doing that. They’re fascists. And that is just shocking. I mean, they’re far more supremacist than probably any group I’ve ever encountered. They’re right up there with the Islamic fascist. And it is shocking. But anyway, certainly there’s no shortage of Jewish people across America that are not like that. I wish that these white boys would wake up. We got Liberty Block, Lou Axelman over there in New Hampshire. He’s publishing all these books, speaking, a great lover of liberty and freedom, and he’s a Jew. So that right there destroys their narrative. Oh, my God, the Jews are going to get us. And of course, they’re part of their one arm over there. The Zionists of the Satanic cabal is what I would like to call them. I’m trying to find that clip of Alex Jones where they say, I think you sent me that. What happened to Alex Jones? When he would talk about Israel, he went and got a talking to. Right? That’s what yeah, it was interesting. He used to expose the Zionist, and he was very much against these Zionist supremacists and their wars and what they were doing. He was exposing that before, but he’s completely, 100% I can understand you right. The name that cannot be named, that shouldn’t be named on social media, et cetera. So he’s chosen to not go against that and expose that. I’ll just touch them. As for second PayPal now, after doing their criminal banking, finding stealing is what it is. Theft, not finding. They have no authority to find anybody for anything. They don’t have the right to do that. They decided to criminally steal $2,500 from anyone’s account if they say anything on the Internet that they don’t like information. And now they’ve had to walk us back from the public backlash against them. We still have now they’re trying to bribe people apaltry, pathetic $15 to not close their account, so they’re going to find the hell out of you. $2,500. And then they do this pathetic little bribe. Oh, here’s $15 for free for you to invest, for misinformation, whatever the current thing Pyap is. But the problem is Thomas over here at Weaponized News, we saw our donation button on PayPal. I think we need to change that to gab has rolled out a payment processing system that they sent out an email this week about I need to get on the I’m not a good global citizen to log in. Yeah, my noteter is that you can access this link in the chat here I just sent you. Let’s play. This link here is a white nationalist Christian, I guess a supremacist extremists domestic terrorists talking about these issues, or at least what far left wing social media claims that to be. I think it’s a quite important information what this gentleman has to share. So let’s have a look at that, this demon, this horrible person, this evil guy has to say about these issues. Let’s have a quick listen to it. So this guy’s part of the white Supreme, I guess, because the things that he’s saying, I mean, the left wing insists that he’s antisemite, right? But hashtag free Palestine, this place, every government in the world has a secret government behind it and run the show. You think that the President, the Prime Minister, you think they’re doing their puppets, 100% puppets. They control armies, nations, governments, all the money in the world, all the richest families in the world, rothschild and the Rockefellers. And I can tell you only one thing, that anyone that somehow made money within a very short span of time has to be part of it. And you think that Mike Zuckerberg owns Facebook? He’s a puppet. Facebook was created for their manipulation. I was told on social media documentary, mark Zuckerberg made Facebook in his dorm room. Yeah, I was lied to also. We were all lied to about this. Bill Gates. Bill Gates made Microsoft in his garage. In his garage, right. Had nothing to do with his family, nothing to do with his Rockefeller intergenerational, like multiple, multiple, multiple generations advising these people. Had nothing to do with his IBM grandmother on the board of It. Had nothing to do with his father serving as legal adviser to Rothschild in Rocket Park. His father’s, a cofounder of Planned Parenthood, had nothing to do with his parents hiring the number one computer engineer in America at the time as a junior partner to Bill Gates. Paul Allen, right? Had nothing to do with any of that kind of stuff. But no, it was all Bill hates in his garage

and everything. How did Netflix became so big with a door only with the power of the ultimate money of the world and it’s much more than that. World War One was designed by them. World War II designed by them all. Reserve which people belongs to the American government. How’s the American government even it’s a private organization. NASA, CIA the assassination of JFK, who was the first one who ever talked about it got a bullet in his head. Naval to say the attack on the Twin Towers, it wasn’t Bin Laden one big agenda because they needed to go to scouts and you know why they put pipes in the sea. All that big show, we’ve been fooled and millions of Americans that were going to a war against terror, you’ve been fooled and you think it’s different than Israel. You know that Israel was built by the freemasons by the way, by the Zionist. There’s nothing here. Kosher who approved the declaration of Israel?

The Balfour Declaration, terror organization built by the New World Order and they approved the declaration. There’s this WhatsApp thomas, we need to get this Jew on and say you’re a bad Jew for going against a New World Order. He’s a Christian, white nationalist, extremist, antisemite that guy we need to spin it to hate that guy for telling the truth. He just laid it all out right there. That guy’s on fire, man. That was awesome. Yes, I love these kind of Jews. I will always love these kind of Jews. There’s plenty of Jews like that. And of course every Christian loves these kind of Jews and they tell the truth. And you will find these kind of people very generally at the very least have a great deal of respect for Jesus and love Jesus and recognize Jesus. And if they do that the real white nationalist supremacist extremists, which are the Zionists he’s talking about, that particular sect, that extremist group and hate group that he’s talking about, they will excommunicate him and insist that he is not a Jew for the things that he just said, including big Nazi tech. So of course everybody can see that. So how interesting is that? I find it very interesting. That’s a great clip. That guy was on fire laying out the whole New World Order, one world government, great reset agenda right there. He said it better than we can on our two hour long show, but we’re giving you the details here. Flashback again to reiterate the beginning of the show. So why do they lie? What is the AP lie? What is the PolitiFact lie? Well and all your mainstream corporate press lie? Well, the Blaze has reported many times did a FOIA request and turns out the federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccinations while those same outlets provided positive COVID-19 Vaccination coverage right? It’s on record. As I was saying, it’s just beyond ridiculously stupid. We have all the receipts, the internet doesn’t forget. And so I guess their solution is start World War Three and Russia, between Russia, Ukraine, how are they going to cover up the economy collapse the damage that they’ve done for their fake pandemic, shutting down the economy, starving out the Third World report on the show. Like over 100 million starved to death in the third World due to supply chain shutdowns because of COVID pandemic. We had to lock everything down, right? The World Food Program stated that 150,000,000 more people in these emerging markets are going to be dying, starving to death and the left and lies with their teeth that that’s not happening. Lying that nobody’s dying, lying that nobody’s starving. Yet the world even though Hunter Biden’s World Food Program where he gets paid to sit on some executive position, there also to bribe access to the White House, etc. To then give them more money, et cetera. Everybody bribing these scumbags in there. And then the World Food Program went after Elon Musk for $6 billion trying to heavy handed part of that into giving money because I guess nobody was starving. So that’s why they heart pressure him to give the money because no one is starving according to a leftist. That’s how your logic works. So some really happy news to Sherrick has some really happy news for everybody. We can pull this chart up here on Netflix, which our white nationalist, Christian, extremists domestic terrorist, according to leftist, was just reporting on about talking about Netflix. Now they have completely netflix has completely destroyed their investors lives by going full satanist marketing and pushing to the grooming of children, the sleeves smart porn objectification of women in degeneracy slandering Jesus and making gay Jesus movies and this kind of stuff. And ever since they did, their stock has been absolutely decimated. It is down like 70%. So if you are a Netflix investor, you must be so happy about your inflation solution by the demonicrates which their solution for inflation is to destroy the inflated values of your demonicrat stocks. So they’re systematically destroying them stock after stock after stock. We can see let’s show another one here. We’re getting comments saying great shows, so people are loving it. We’re bringing the hardcore truth for our audience. Here how we see it at Weaponized News. Thank you very much for your positive comments. We’re trying to bring you the best show that we can on our limited It budget over here versus donate to PayPal. For God’s sake. We need to donate some way. Several other platforms, the other platforms, super Chat, do they help us out because we’re spending hours going over the news everyday figuring out what the hell is really going on. But thank you and share our content. Help us grow our audience through this incredible censorship disinformation by AP PolitiFact and the State of California, YouTube, Google, Facebook, we’re censored everywhere. Somehow, by the grace of God, we are still on Twitter. Shadow Band. But follow us on odyssey. Rumble, BitChute. Brighty on Twitter. But Thomas is not a good global citizen like me. And Gab, of course, follows on Gab trying to build up those alternative platforms. Thank you very much for the positive comments. We appreciate you guys. The value out of what we’re saying. Go ahead. Thomas what could possibly be worse for the globalists I mean, what could be worse than a white male independent doing a breakthrough clean energy to get energy proliferation out to the whole world? I mean, what could be possibly worse a citizen than that? So let’s ban that guy in an energy crisis in a climate although the whole world is ending due to co too, if we don’t take action. But let’s make sure to ban and block and censor and criminally vandalize the clean energy impact founders. Hey, let’s make sure. So here’s Disney. Disney also completely destroyed the lives of their investors. It could be criminal betrayal. These guys should do a class action lawsuit and sue them. Thomas let’s remind our viewers, why are these companies why are they in business? To make money for their shareholders, which is their number one fiduciary duty, to betray their investors. They completely stabbed their investors in the back. They completely did a bait and switch. And it’s supposed to be to run a sound business and not run some social justice political correct agenda. It’s to make money for your shareholders. So they’re violating their fiduciary duty, committing fraud against their investors and committed mass loss, which they knew that was going to happen. Totally decimating. That’s not popular. Gay cartoons are not popular. They know that, right? It’s a full and complete betrayal of their customer base on what this product has been built over generations to be a certain thing and a certain theme. It’s a family theme park. Thomas you take your family to Disneyland, everybody has a good time. Your little kids not gay, kissing a Buzz Lightyear and ScoobyDoo, that’s not Disney. But it’s all part of the same agenda that we’re seeing, pushing the gay agenda. And we were gay marriage legalized in the United States around 2015, and now we’re seven years later and we’re into transgenderism transhumanism, cutting off the breasts and the penises of underage minors, right? Enforcing criminalizing demanding criminal charges against parents if the parents dare say no, that you’re not going to do that, affirming their gender, etc. And the parents resisting that. The Democrats want criminal charges against them. So here’s the fascist book stock again. Fascist book has again criminally betrayed their investors and investor base. They banned. Sam changing. So, I mean, that’s what happens when you ban Sam Cheney. They criminally vandalize millions of people, destroyed their online businesses, destroyed their lives, censored and block, banned and d platform. They’re politically elected representatives. The people. That are there to represent them. They’ve even gone after those people as well. Supposed to be protected, their voice, their free speech. They’re hired there to represent the people and fascist book eliminating them. These are clearly criminal vandalist organizations. There’s no two ifs, ands, or buts about it. The damage that they’ve done to people for the rest of their lives will never buy advertising on this criminal organization ever again. We certainly will never do so. We certainly will never be buying any advertising on not Sitter or any Instagram or any of these disgusting, despicable criminal cartel organizations. There’s no way in hell we’re going to be investing anything to these people or LinkedIn or these others that insist on write this totalitarian fascist, just absolute extremist Nazi dictatorship that they insist on doing to people they expect. And then they spam us with advertising, right. From fake accounts, right? Some guy they put some guy and it’s a fake person. It’s not a real person. You can’t communicate with this person. And they’re literally going to then spam us after they’ve even deleted our photos, lying that our photos is not us. I mean, what a joke when these people are all completely fake. Not a single real idea among them. This is yeah, exactly. Not a single idea among them. No customer service. They don’t have any interest in ever communicating with anybody, ever at any time. They don’t have any service desk. They don’t have anybody to talk to. And then they’re just endlessly shutting you down and locking you out, and then they seriously think that people are going to buy their products or whatever. You’ve got to be effing kidding. So boycott these criminal scumbags, these criminal cartels. If you care about your future and your free speech like Jamie Dimon is sucking, we need 100 years of retaining the right to free speech. If he cares about that, he should be talking about these criminal organizations which just scrubbed his video exposing the vaccines. Very important. And you cannot find that anywhere. I mean, it is gone. So they’ve quickly got rid of that. Very quickly. Now more on the energy crisis. This is quite interesting. Mark Wahlberg is now becoming Silicon Valley refugee just like me. He left California for Nevada to give my kids a better life. So he’s fleeing the state more and more people like Stars, right? I guess he’s a white supremacist Nazi fascist, too, right? He no longer calls Hollywood at home. He’s gotten out just too much to take. So I guess he doesn’t want his kids transgender eyes, like Elon Musk has lost one of his sons transgenderist agenda. And so sad to see that. But hopefully, who knows, maybe the demonicrate mental illness bill will help sorten soon.

Not affirming the gender or something like that. Or not allowing the penis to be chopped off forcefully by some school somewhere without his parental consent, which after that, also, as everyone is now aware, sooner or later, vigilantes are going to go start killing these people. I think that’s what they want is the mass chaos, the violence. I mean, my God, the genital mutilation of young, healthy children has got to be condemned. Thomas, any more news? You want to run through some news before we sign off? I got some good dancing videos to sign us off here for some good. It will cover the nuclear war that the Democrats are pushing for. I guess some news of what I think is positive. Here we have the Japan Space Agency. A rocket carrying eight satellites has failed, and we’re seeing a very stark and shocking pattern here. All of the rockets continue failing, whether it be SpaceX, who has an incredible long history of failed rocket launches, most of them have failed. Japan Space Agency, right? They can’t even get a rocket to work properly. Of course, North Korea can’t even get a rocket to work properly. And China has this ever growing legacy of just showering down everything that they launch, showering down pieces on all of the houses and residential areas all across Asia. Every time they launch anything, that’s just like this massive disaster and you’re literally watching pieces coming down on your side. I’d like to get a flat Earth guy on to have that discussion about the flat Earth that we can get a good flat Earth guy on. That would be interesting. That’d be interesting. A little bit hard, and we got a lot of really high quality guests to go through for now. But, yeah, it would be interesting to hear why not be open to what these people have to say about NASA and what’s going on there, the corruption going on there. NASA’s chief scientist at Langley in the spy capital of the world. They said recently that NASA only spends 20% of the money on space activities. 80% of the money that they take in goes to all kinds of other stuff that’s not Space. Wow. Now that is certainly shocking. We knew the money wasn’t being spent appropriately down there, but there’s corruption in every patch of anything that these people do, especially where there’s Nazis related Warner von Braun, et cetera. And there’s Operation Paperclip and all of this other stuff. NASA a lot of people worship. Oh, no. So it’s like part of our church or some religious thing. You dare not talk about them. You dare not suggest that there could possibly ever be any corruption there, too. Of course there’s corruption there too, and nobody really looking. So I believe that this is some good news. The fact that nobody can actually get a successful rocket launch going to really anywhere. There’s never been a successful ICBM launched nuclear warhead. And if the top countries in the world can’t even successfully launch a rocket, probably it’s not going to happen that we’re going to have that type of nuclear war, but they could go set off nukes by hand. They could just drive a truck nuke and they don’t need an intercontinental ballistic missile. They can just go drive a truck full of nuke and they have to do a very, very short range. So this idea I see being a range yeah, megadeth really does not seem to be a very reliable right. And the one other thing I really want to show, which I think is quite important is something that was exposed by America News here. Let me pull this one up.

Very, very important on the elections rigging front, which is exposing Dominion Crime Machines. Dominion Crime Machines has a number of lawsuits out trying to intimidate and sue, similar to Alex Jones, go after anybody who’s exposing the truth on what they’ve done. And remember the famous Eric Kumar who is I guess the director of It and internet security for their elections rigging network. And he was exposed as saying to all of these people that they do hold the data overseas, which is illegal, and then think that that’s supposedly normal, etc. But there’s nothing normal about illegal activity and where you’re holding. So he’s trying to justify that and just thinking himself and doing that. And then he’s famous for saying that Trump is not going to win. Guaranteed trump is not going to win. Ask that guy. Don’t worry about it, I fixed that. So he’s famous for his admission to rigging the elections there on video. So let’s check this out, the recent events and this is something that Clay Clark exposed in this long video he did. But this is not segregated out yet and I’m chasing after them to make sure that they do that. So let’s play this. A very crucial elections ranking update on Eric Cooper folks to paralysis, neuropathy and explosive increase in cancer, autoimmune diseases and even sudden death with young healthy people in the prime of their lives simply falling down. I can’t fast forward just past this because it’s long, so it’ll get to just a second dead. The list of fatal side effects from these injections is truly stupefying. Well now there are videos emerging of a terrifying new condition that’s popping up all over the world. What you’re looking at now is footage from security cameras that shows people suffering from the effects of some mysterious attack on their bodies. In every case it follows the same pattern. The affected person stops what they’re doing and looks around. This is interesting. Here’s something slowly turning their videos too. Flailing their arms and legs kicking and thrashing like they’re fending off some invisible attacker. This is followed by collapsing on the ground, thriving and twisting and uncontrollable spasms. The incidents of this bizarre and frightening neumality have come out of nowhere and now it’s being captured by CCTVs around the world nervous system attack. Now to be fair, it’s not clear if this vaccine death spiral is linked to the CCP injections. But when you consider the alarming number of other gruesome side effects from this vaccine. It’s not hard to believe. As far as we can tell, this has never been witnessed before. And if that’s the case, then we have to consider what could be responsible. Now, let’s think what’s the biggest new variable the world has seen in the last two years? Well, if you’re not a brain dead member of the branch Covidian Fauchy cult, then the answer is simple. Nearly 70% of the world has submitted to the COVID injections. That’s five 3 billion people whose bodies are now struggling to adapt and overcome the so called vaccines toxic effects. And now we’re seeing the results. Firsthand. Peerreviewed studies show a staggering 94% of COVID injection recipients have abnormal blood. Blood that no longer functions normally. This is a picture of what normal unvaccinated blood looks like at 40 times magnification and was taken by doctors in Italy studying the blood of patients injected with the pfizer and moderna vaccines. Now here we have the same patient just one month after getting the pfizer injection. You can clearly see the blood has been drastically altered, with researchers saying the vast majority of patients they studied suffered severe blood cell deformation after taking the vaccine. The researchers say metallic objects that resembled graphene oxide and other compounds like you see here, were discovered floating in the blood. The scientists said they found extraordinarily anomalous substances in the blood which began forming gigantic foreign structures. The researchers concluded by saying these results have never been observed before in any vaccine, ever. And that pfizer and moderna need to come clean about exactly what they’re putting in the vaccines. They added that the substances in the vaccines are incompatible with normal blood flow. Those gigantic foreign structures seen under the microscope are wreaking havoc on the human body. And now coroners and embalmers around the country are discovering horrifying clots inside people’s bodies. What you’re looking at are the mysterious clots that are suddenly appearing in vaccinated people who later died. And medical experts say this is totally new. They’ve never seen anything like it until last year. Lab tests show the claws are made from something other than human blood. And embalmers say they’re showing up in otherwise healthy people who suddenly died from heart attacks or strokes. When they were examined, their veins and arteries were completely clogged with these strange rubbery fibers that can be several feet long. Even the young and healthy can be affected, like a teenage athlete in Ohio who suffered from a sudden pain in his legs and back and was rushed to the emergency room where doctors removed a mysterious six foot long clot from his legs. After finding these massive clots, it’s not surprising the FDA is withholding autopsy results from people who died after getting the Faucey vaccines. That’s right. The FDA is actually refusing to release autopsy results of victims who received the experimental COVID vaccine. They don’t want anyone seeing just how grizzly the results are considering. This is the crap that’s floating around in the blood of everyone who got the Fauchy injection. It’s no surprise that life expectancy in the US. Is plummeting at the fastest rate in history. In fact, from 2020 to 2021, life expectancy in the US. Fell by nearly three years, meaning that people are dying prematurely at 35 times the rate they were before the vaccines were introduced. But these mystery deaths all have one thing in common, one common denominator. Every one of them received the new experimental vaccine. At some point, those responsible must be held accountable. The pharmaceutical giants who made these drugs, the media who pushed their propaganda, and the elected officials in Washington who made it illegal to refuse them. Until then, we, the people who trusted those officials, can only look on in horror and disbelief at the carnage being inflicted by the murderers we thought would save us. What american news. Well, we’ve already shown it. And the vagina vaccine. So this is Ray Kurzweil, who’s a famous technologist, right, who’s like the god of technology, et cetera. Google God, you could say, right? And this guy is super hypocrisy. Real quick. That was Pearson Sharp. One American news. Great report right there. And yeah, it’s plain as day the vaccines are causing this. We just went over our half of our show, over half our shows about this. But yeah, tell us about what is Google’s God Ray Kurzwell, the transhumanist, talking about here? Yeah, he’s highly regarded as being the super forward thinking technologist, which almost like a profit of Silicon Valley. He’s copying a lot of predictions from other people in the past, but he gets credit for being this mind, a pioneer, et cetera. Just like Yuval Harari gets this credit for being that as well. Just thinking of the most satanic, abusive, psychopathic, dystopian future world, combining all of this stuff from all of these kinds of sources and then packaging it together and pushing this in a certain manipulative way to insist that this is like some forwardthinking thing in this propaganda push. Kurzweil has been doing that as well throughout his career, but it sounds so forward thinking, etc. He spends his time on this, but he’s right. A super dystopian pushing for this same technocracy, this corrupt, anti human rights, anti free speech, direction, transhumanist, anti humanist agenda. So this is what he’s been pushing, just a little bit more subtly than you fall Harare, who’s really hate based, really full of disdaining, contempt and hate for people in general. As you can see, Kurzweil, he’s much more smooth at his delivery than Yuval Harari is. But Ray Kurzweil is exactly the same as Uvall Harari. People need to make no mistake about it. So we’ll just continue with his short clip here. It’s actually the best of the vaccines we’ve had. So he says, this is the best of the vaccines we’ve ever had, he claims. Wow, it only took two days to create, right? So he claims it only took two days to create. So he’s perpetuating a lie. And he knows about this too. Ray Kurzweil knows what’s going on. It’s not like he’s a fool. He knows about this. And he’s been involved with these people for a very long time. He knows antihuman agenda depopulation. So he’s caught red handed here lying through his teeth. So raised Kurzweil lying through his teeth about this. And people can look into his connections with these people. He knows better than that. So I will take it as being a Silicon Valley technologist and knows what these people know to a larger spectrum. I know some things about who these people, a lot of us follow him and follow who he’s connected to, et cetera. And so I would call that lying and lying through his teeth. And we’ll get to the point where we can test it out. Also, quickly, tell us a little bit about the study that just came out of Sweden that is just so alarming. The news is buzzing out of Lund University, Malmo, Sweden. Marcus Alden is the first author, the first demonstration in a human hepatic or liver cell line, that the pfizer vaccine, in fact reverse transcribes and installs DNA into the human genome. Yeah, this is incredible damage. And there’s so many of these stories. There’s so many of these and there’s so many that we have not seen. So these were ones that were captured on camera. Some of these are high profile. I think we talked earlier this week. I sent the thing about the Detroit football player, airlines football player, some of these other athletes, JJ watt Watts, a very high profile player for the Arizona Cardinals, had to have his heart shocked back into rhythm. I mean, it’s these things. Look at this. So J j watt, the famous NFL football player. I think JJ Watt or DJ watt, his brother was the number one defensive player in the NFL. And his brother, J. J. Watts, has been vaccine damaged. So his heart has been vaccine damaged. So very big story. And it’s probably going to get worse, not better, right? So you’re probably going to see if they got the full dose of mRNA, then you’re done. So I’m sorry, people, that’s reality. Wake the hell up to what’s going on here. So we’re going to see dropping NFL players soon that’ll really start aligning people, but they’ll just sweep it under the rug just like they eliminated Jamie Diamond’s statements all across the internet. There’s a train. Oh my God. These are the kinds of things that are happening that we’re only seeing because there’s cameras. How many people are talking? Millions. I mean, Tom knows this. In Tom Renz’s case, is his filing. We’re talking six to 7 million people worldwide that have been injured. Seriously, I wouldn’t say this. These are all Trump guys. Where’s Trump? Call out Trump. If Trump would come out against the vaccine, turn the whole thing around. So where the hell is Donald Trump, president Donald Trump that all these guys love so freaking much. I’m sorry, but it just really pisses I’m a Trump voter, Thomas, and it really pisses me off. What Trump has done here now with Operation Warp Speed and this vaccination program. Yeah, it’s very crazy. Some people claim that he’s playing 5D chess and this is the only way when it’s causing millions of people to be damaged. I don’t lost the 5D chess game, if any of that Qing off bullshit is true. Yeah, the 5D chess that he should have done is signing the Insurrection Act, which he failed to do defending the country. Should have gone before January 6. So, yeah, bullshit. Continue, please. So I got the wrong there’s a very important clip to show. I’m glad that I showed that. I was hoping to show the one on Eric Cooper, so I’ll have to find out and play that on our next show, which I’ll definitely do. That’s so important. Eric Coomer was just arrested and on video lying his face off, lying through his teeth again and again and again to the police on video, which now totally discredits him in any future court case and in all his lawsuits against all these people like Flake Clark and the other Christians and people exposing the criminality of demanding crime machines. So now that will be used against him in the court of law, showing that how he’s even more than willing to lie through his face again and again and again, repeatedly to authorities when it matters. So he just crashed his vehicle, apparently into a building while he was drunk driving and then was arrested for it, and then proceeded to endlessly just continue to lie and lie and lie and lie to get out of his crimes. So that’s what they were showing. So we’ll show that clip on the next show. Very, very crucial for everybody to see this and for this to be played around the world. All right, Thomas, I got to wrap up this broadcast with some good news, some dancing here from white boys. I forget this guy’s name. He’s a part of a dance crew. What is his name?

Zeb. I pulled it up for a minute when it first came out, but let’s play this dance clip. And then another one. Folk dancing with the mullet for the white boys over here for the rednecks. And let’s go out on a good note here with all this bad news. And everybody wake the hell up. Tell your friends and family. Share this content, turn off the television, read some books. Everything we’re telling you is the truth. Not disinformation like the lying corporate mainstream media likes to say. And the government now the government’s in on it with them. It is corporate fascism technocracy. And so all we have to do and they’re conmen. They’re lying, criminal con men. All we have to do is like that one meme stand up and flip over their 4D chess board and the game is over for them because they’re very small cabal of very intelligent mind controllers, social engineers. And if we can get enough people to say no, big money for bribery. Big money for bribery. Extortion one nation under blackmail. That book just came out. Whitney Webb, two volumes of that. It’d be awesome if we could ever get her on the show. We had her partner Johnny Vedmore on breaking it down, doing the deep dives, laying it all out. But just wake up to this fact and reject the mind control, and we can overthrow that four D, five D chest table that they’re using to control us through mind control. Just deny their mind control. And we, the 99%, have the power. Let’s leave on this good note of some dancing with some mullets swinging in the wind.

So that’s some pretty badass dancing for a white boy. And here’s his most recent appearance at the Tennessee football game. Zeb. I forget his dance group, but let’s play this to take us out, girls.

So there’s some good news to bring us out. The human spirit is still alive for the dance routines and swinging boats in the air. Everybody, do your own research. Subscribe this channel. Share this Channel wake up your friends and family. Speak out and take action. Peace, love and liberty. Have a good night.




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