Saturday , 29 March 2025

Prescription for Murder

by Richard Lake | March 27, 2023

That’s What We Do

A beloved gentle mannered and well-known senior went to Clovis Community Hospital while having trouble breathing. After testing positive for COVID, he was given Remdesivir which is known to cause kidney failure in over 30% of patients. It is often given with a sedative, compounding the negative effects. The kidneys shut down causing areas surrounding the heart and lungs to fill with fluid. Next, the patient is put on a ventilator, only to drown in their own mucus. This is, protocol.

The man was forced to sit in his own feces and urine. He received no food, water, or any attention whatsoever for over twenty hours after being admitted to the Hospital. He pleaded with the staff not to give him, specifically – Remdesivir, Quoting the drug by name, as did his wife and daughters prior to any treatment. When his wife and daughters were away, the drug was administered and he died. When questioned by the family about why, after directives from both the patient and family against this specific drug regimen they were told; “he was mentally deficient,” and, “that’s what we do.”

Why is this happening?

The unelected elite seek to diminish the global population and control their lives via digital surveillance. The criminal enterprise known as the Federal Government’s former CIA director William Casey said; “We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the public knows is a lie.”

We have a recognizably fascist state where the government works hand-in-hand with corporations. Why did big-box stores remain open while mom-n-pop outlets were forced to close? This is medical totalitarianism.

The definition of a vaccine was changed in 2021 allowing the COVID shot to be mandated. The shot reduces immune function by roughly 15%. Three shots equals approximately 45%. This renders the recipient prone to death by a variety of causes – all to be blamed on COVID-19 — or the lack of vaccination of others supposedly commuting the (alleged) disease.

The vigorously propagandized, shot clogs capillaries in organs like the heart and brain. Some die in a few days. Others suffer debilitating injuries for life. The ovaries and testicles are affected by this DNA altering compound. Lower birth rates are expected in the future.

Unknown in medical history has an untested drug been given to pregnant mothers and children. Hospitals receive $ 13,000. -for using a respirator and $ 39,000,- if the death is recorded as COVID. Auto accidents, gunshot wounds, and suicides are listed as COVID deaths to inflate the numbers, and fear to disguise a failing monetary policy and plant the seed of a Global Reset. This elitist agenda has been in the works for years.

Weaponized News Holographic Sticker

The mark of the Beast & the end of freedom.

Never has the entire planet been locked-down, (a prison term). It is psychologically devastating to children to wear a mask while interacting with others. Schools teach equity, gender bias and critical race theory in a propaganda indoctrination scheme to sublimate individuality.

The virus didn’t work as planned. Hence the forced vaccine.It’s projected millions will die prematurely from the shot. Cash will be identified as a disease transmission medium justifying a digital dollar. Vaccine passports will be needed for multiple aspects of everyday life.

Big Pharma has been in cahoots with the government for decades. Roughly 75% of advertising dollars come from pharmaceutical companies. A vaccine company cannot be sued for adverse effects of the drug. This is another federal law conscripted by the industry with the most lobbyists of any in Washington D.C.

Near-zero interest rates, government budget trickery avoiding shutdowns. Bail-outs for those too big to jail, stolen elections, and more, now justify medical homicide and mass control via a digital dollar tied to health care, control.

The only requirement for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

For more information find Dr. Bryan Ardis, or Del Bigtree. Also, goes into further detail on Remdesivir, (Run- Death-is-Near). Don’t watch the nightly news programs. You are the one being programmed. Much will be revealed in 2023. We are in the cyclone’s center. To start anew, we must dismantle the old. Have faith.

They Murdered You with Remdesivir from the Scientist that reverse Engineered it

About dev2021

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