Saturday , 22 February 2025

411 Plaintiffs Sue Kaiser for Violating their COVID-19 Vaccine Religious Exemptions

by Sam Chaney | November 14, 2022

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I’ll go and tell all the people that the Lord will be the way I put faith every day was in the darkness I was lost in the hours of your everyday

I was thank you welcome. Thank you so much for being here. We are going to get started in a few minutes if everyone can find their seats. Thank you.

Everything is here we raise our heart thank you.

The whipping may be formed oh my God. Will never fail I’m gonna see a victory I’m gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to you, Lord I’m gonna see a victory I’m gonna see a victory for the battle can’t escape disappointment can’t avoid the delay but I don’t have to make feeling down and defeated the place that I stay could ride to the moment gonna speak to the ways gonna push back the doubt that keeps dragging me down when I can’t find a way don’t need a tear to believe it before you even move on make way. I was in bed. My friend is thank you. Thank you all for being here today.

My name is Tory Jensen and I am the lead plaintiff on this case versus Kaiser. I have been a nurse for over ten years. I’m a registered dietitian and I worked and I worked for Kaiser for five years all through the COVID pandemic only to be fired when I decided that I didn’t want to do something that my god said not to do. So many of us are here today and today is about religious discrimination in our country. That’s really what this is about. This is not about a shot. This is not about a vaccine. This is not about science. This is about religious discrimination. And that we were not allowed to work because of our religious choices. That’s a big deal. This is america. Okay? I have a big mouth, so you’ll hear from me a lot today. But I would like to thank everyone, all of our speakers for coming. It means so much to us that you would come support us. For the lawyers involved, for everyone who’s been working on this case tirelessly so many of this. The people working on this case are volunteers, nurses who still have their jobs, who are fighting for freedom. For you, for anyone listening here.

This matters for everyone in America because it’s a slippery slope once you start taking away freedoms. And we know that tyrannical governments go after people of faith first because we are willing to stand up to them and say no. So I would like to share quick verse with you guys in Ephesians, chapter six, verse twelve. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.

So one of those warriors is a pastor of this church, pastor Tim Thompson. It is no accident. The name of this church is 412. There are 411 of us fighting against Kaiser. No accident. So thank you for Pastor Tim Thompson and everyone here at this church. It means so much to us that you would open your doors to us, truly. So thank you. Pastor Tim Thompson is the founding pastor of 412 Church to Mecca Valley, where we are here today. He’s a preacher, teacher of Eschatology, and a leader in engaging the church in the political arena by dealing with sensitive issues in order to have a positive impact on our culture. Pastor Tim, thank you for opening the doors of your church and for standing up for religious freedom.

Well, good morning, everybody. I’m so grateful to see so many faces here today, and grateful for everybody that’s standing for this very important issue. Very early on, when we all started dealing with this as a nation, as a state, as a community, it was hard. There’s no doubt it was a hard situation to deal with. There was a lot of confusion. And I always say this, that God is not the author of confusion. And so if there’s a lot of confusion, we know who’s involved in it. The enemy, Satan. And very early on, there were a lot of pastors trying to work with the government and trying to find ways to still stay open and still have church. And I was one of those pastors where we said, okay, well, we’re not going to not meet. I didn’t want families to get out of the habit of getting up on a Sunday morning, getting dressed, taking their families to church. And I said, you know, we’re just gonna meet outside. And that wasn’t good enough. They were constantly hounding us. And I was going up to Sacramento and I was speaking out very publicly with thousands of people. And Gavin Newsom had me arrested. And after I was arrested, I came back on my way home, I told my wife, I said, that’s it, I’m done. The doors are open. People can come in. If they don’t want to come in, they don’t have to. And what we found was people wanted to come in, they wanted to worship the Lord.

We continued to see this overreach telling us how many people could come into worship and whether or not we could sing. I remember the first time Gavin Newsom said, no singing in church. Our first song that Sunday was Sing Sing. And our second song was never going to stop singing. So we’re not going to let him tell us what to do. Well, we started to see people show up at the church, and we could pick them out of the crowd. They would come in crying. And typically in church, if somebody’s just sobbing, they’re like, okay, what’s wrong? Something’s wrong. And we would see people come in and cry, and we could see there’s nothing wrong. They were just so overwhelmed with joy that they were in a place where they could be hugged, they could be loved, they could be free, they could sing, they could be embraced. And so we saw this happening where people were finding a place where they could feel comfortable. And we saw the rollout of the Jab, and we saw a new form of anxiety showing up. And I knew in the core of who I am as a Christian, I knew that there was something wrong. And that is where we started seeing our medical professionals that attend the church saying, tim, there’s something wrong. This isn’t right. We don’t feel good about this. We started seeing the teachers being used, the teachers union using our teachers that come to the church here and bullying them with this issue of receiving the job. We started seeing our first responders, our medical professionals. We saw people across the board of all different types of professions, and they started feeling this anxiety. What am I going to do? How am I going to feed my family? Because I don’t feel right getting this and I’m going to lose my job. And many of you lost your job. Many of you are suffering because of this overreach. So we put together a doctrinal statement, and no other church had done this. We said, you know what, we’re going to actually write out a theologically sound doctrinal statement against the use of these shots. Now, I gave a message in April of 2021. It was a very long message, so I’m not going to bore you with all of that right now. But what I’ll do is I’ll read to you the result of it. The result is item number 17 of our statement of faith, which is a part of our doctrinal statement here at our church. It begins with one Corinthians, chapter six, verse 20, where we’re told to honor the Lord with our bodies. That’s what God tells us to do. In this statement, we say that some vaccines, like certain COVID-19 vaccines, have not been sufficiently tested and are known to cause harmful side effects for some. That being said, in April of 2021, the VAERS system had over 75,000 adverse reactions reported to them. I know that that number is massively larger at this point, but when we wrote the doctrinal statement, that’s where it was. 75,000 over 750 adverse reactions were reported. I said in the statement, we believe that the Bible encourages Christians and Jews to abstain from contaminating one’s body with substances that may be threatening to one’s bodily health. The Old Testament discusses unclean substances. We see this in the book of Isaiah, chapter 64, verse six. Now, although the New Testament does reveal that Christ is the one who cleanses our souls, we still have a responsibility to honor the Lord through our bodies for example, we said until long term research can prove that the use of these COVID-19 shots are safe and efficacious, we consider such vaccines unclean. That is a determination that God has given me the right to make because I’m the spiritual leader of the congregation that I lead. So I determined because of these adverse reactions and the lack of sufficient testing, I determined that it is unclean and is something we should abstain from. Furthermore, we believe the use of any vaccination containing cell lines from an abortive fetus is not only unclean, but is also a gross sin of rebellion against God’s providential design. We furthermore believe that requiring thank you. We furthermore believe that requiring vaccines before one can participate in societal activities unnecessarily divides people who are created in God’s image and hinders unity within our communities. But we did put out the religious exemption form that people were able to get from this. And when we did that, the Wall Street Journal wrote an article about what we had done. As soon as that Wall Street Journal article came out, we were inundated as a church. We had phone calls from across the nation of people who wanted this religious exemption form. Not only that, but we had people from Canada and Mexico calling us as well. We literally didn’t have the staff. Our phone system was overwhelmed. We put this out on our website. We had thousands of downloads of this religious exemption form. People who were looking for somebody that would provide them with this ability to tell their employer, i, religiously, am going to abstain from receiving these shots. Our pastors here on staff literally wrote hundreds of letters because many of the employers weren’t accepting a religious exemption form. They had to prove in a letter, prove that somehow this is part of their religion. Now, this is hard to prove when it’s such a new thing. And so this is why we had gone through that long message that I gave in April of 2021 of showing why this is something that we hold near and dear to us as Christians. And even if somebody’s a Jewish person as well, we can make a strong biblical case why we should be abstaining from this. And I was frustrated to hear that we had to write additional letters beyond our religious exemption because this, after all, is America. I don’t have to prove whether I have a religion or not. They should stay out of that.

Again, I’m very grateful for all that you are doing to stand for this. I have so many people that attend the church that I am honored to pastor who are suffering because of this injustice and I’m glad that somebody’s stepping up and standing for them. So thank you very much.

Thank you so much for being an advocate for us. Well, as I stated earlier, I am Tory Jensen. I’ve been a nurse for over ten years. I’m a registered dietitian and I worked for Kaiser for five years before I was walked out by security for refusing to get vaccinated. Religious freedom is under attack in America today. Biblical principles that this country were founded on are under attack. Traditional Christian morals and values are under attack. You might say no, there’s no way this is America, right? But we’re the proof. Look around. There’s over 400 of us. And that’s just at Kaiser. And that’s just the ones that filed. There’s more than that that aren’t even part of our lawsuit. In August 2021, I was asked to prove to Kaiser with a written document that I have a sincerely held religious belief. Now, the last time I checked, my employer can’t even ask my age, gender, marital status, much less asked for me to write a dissertation about my faith in order to keep my job.

But I did it, and my exemption was provisionally approved. Then, in October 2021, Kaiser subjected me to more harassing questions to prove to them that I have a sincere faith, even though illegal. I complied. And then several days while I was on shift, working as a nurse on a COVID unit during a pandemic at a Kaiser hospital in San Diego, I received notification that my request for a religious exemption had been denied. Now let the record show that they asked me to finish my shift.

And I quote the letter said, it has been determined that your request is not based on a sincerely held belief. Quote after 8 hours of asking to speak with the person who played God with my life, I was escorted out by security. And you see, Kaiser accepted many religious exemptions. They just didn’t accept mine. Put plainly, this is a war between good versus evil. And we got caught in the crosshairs. But not one of us regrets our decision, because our God is so much bigger than all of this.

He has already won this war. And our hope is in the Lord. And it’s our responsibility as Christians to declare his glory and declare the truth of His Gospel to the ends of the earth.

But this is not a new story. In the early church, persecution spread the gospel and government overreach and religious discrimination is a tale as oldest time. I just never thought I would see it happen to me in America in my lifetime. The week I was let go, I was reading through the Old Testament book of Daniel. In chapter three, there’s a powerful story about a ruthless king who demanded that everyone, including the Israelite slaves, bow down and worship the image of gold he created or be thrown into the blazing furnace. So three brave Jewish boys stood up to the king, refused to deny their God, and bow down to the idol. And this is what they said king Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we’re thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it. And he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold that you have set up. So, no, Kaiser, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.

Even though you’ve threatened to take away our jobs, we want you to know we will not deny our faith to save ourselves.

We trust in God, not man. And we’re thrown into the fire of unemployment because of it. Although God didn’t save our jobs that day, we are still not going to bow down to tyrannical institutions or worship the false image of science that they have set up. No, we continue to honor and worship our God, who is worthy of our praise.

He is the God of love, grace, mercy, righteousness and justice.


Isaiah, Chapter 318 says, for the Lord is a God of justice, blessed are those who wait for Him. So we wait and we wait patiently. It’s always better to listen to the quiet whisper of God in our hearts than bend the knee to what the world tells us we should do.

For those of you here today and those watching at home who lost your job, will you please stand?

There’s a lot of us. Thank you. Please stay standing. Please stay standing. They tried to knock us down, harassed us. Said we were ignorant and selfish for not getting the shot. But we’re still standing.

They tried to trip us, discriminated against us with hateful rhetoric. Said we shouldn’t have the right to refuse. But we’re still standing.

Then they held a knife to our throat and threatened to cut off our livelihood if we didn’t deny our faith for their mandates. But we are still standing.

Kaiser tried to scare us, but what they didn’t realize is they just made us stronger.

So not only are we still standing, we are now an army of faithful believers marching forward with the power of God at our backs. We refuse to deny our God and bow down to Kaiser. And we would do it again today. Why? You ask why? Because we have a sincerely held religious belief that our God is who he says he is. He goes before us to prepare away and we will obediently follow Him where he leads, no matter the cost. Thank you.

Thank you all so much for being here. It is now with great pleasure that I welcome Leilawn Jorgenson. She’s a nurse anesthetist. She was with Kaiser Oakland for 19 years. And she’s here with us today to share her story.

Good morning, everybody. My name is Leon Jordanson and I’m a beloved daughter of the King and a follower of Christ. By profession, I am a narcissist. Kaiser was my first job out of school and I remained there for 19 years until January of this year, when I was terminated. I was asked to share my testimony today and in so doing, perhaps shed light on our collective story. I will first share what happened to me and then share some encouragement to my fellow plaintiffs and conclude with some thoughts towards my former employer. I did not always walk with God. I miss Step often and continue to walk in my broken humanity. And yet he is constant, patient and lovingly beckons me through trial and circumstance, and he promises to show up with grace when I look for Him. So when the mandates loomed, I considered my faith battle tested. I had experienced medical crises, unexpected special needs and disability in my family, and the humbling work of homeschooling my five children. I trusted God and his grace with all my relational challenges. And despite life being life, I had a lot of joy. With God at the helm, I was blessed to work many years of nights which allowed me to be home full time and pursue an authentic and messy family life, a field ripe for the application of the beautiful gospel. By the time the mandates became our reality, god had long been my friend, my counselor, and my trustworthy good father. We in healthcare were first offered the vaccine as frontliners in December of 2020. As a Christian, I did what we do. I asked God for discernment and wisdom, which he generously provided as a nurse anesthetist, I did what we do. I read the insert and I reviewed the risks, the benefits and the alternatives, and I respectfully declined. Eight months later, in August, with the rumored mandate now a reality, we among us were nurses, janitorial, staff, medical education administration, credentialing, consumer sales, pharmacists, and technicians of all specialties. With faith and a sovereign provision over every aspect of our lives. We formally declined the vaccine, and we submitted the required statement of our beliefs. We could not know at that time what would follow. First came the provisional approval, defined as subject to change and valid until further notice. We continued to work with this weight upon our shoulders, even at night with me, with fewer folks in the building, the hostility was palpable and growing towards anyone dumb, stupid enough, or selfish enough to hesitate or decline. Commentary against the unvaccinated was a steady stream, and it was openly angry and hostile. It was almost as if no one thought we could possibly exist among them. We were that low. We united on social media at times in the thousands to encourage one another in the wait. It was a dark period of prolonged uncertainty for this minority of health industry workers, but despite it all, hope, friendships and more faith took root. Second came the fascinating round of questioning that would prove to be the subject to change. We were given anywhere from three to nine questions to answer. I spent 3 hours writing something I normally enjoy, but for this, every word I penned was tainted with the angst of whether or not my responses would be good enough for Kaiser. Hundreds of us collectively felt this way. Our ways of life were officially on the line. Another month passed. So three months of working for most of us without knowing if our jobs would remain ours. Finally, the explicit denials of our sincerely held religious beliefs. The further notice had arrived. No mention of accommodations, no good faith interactive process, and no more opportunity to use the PPE and test prior to work. Our religious beliefs simply did not meet the standards necessary for granting a religious exemption. We were given five days to comply or face suspension than termination. And here we are. So to my fellow plaintiffs, you were ready, able and willing to do your jobs. You were compliant with requirements for PPE and preshift testing of the Unvaccinated. And you graciously performed the jobs for which you were hired.

You were and are a beautiful and diverse minority in a highly charged context. And you did not waver on your convictions and God granted sovereignty. You were not weird. You were not rabid antivaxxers, nor was your behavior ever extreme. You accepted the discomfort of being different in an openly unkind work environment. And yet you did not anticipate, nor did you expect anything in return for being different. You were just typical hard working folks who happen to hold deep, personal and precious beliefs within you that shape who you are. You took courage. You held strong. You found comfort in your persecution. You found joy despite your circumstance. And you chose to fear nothing. Not fear itself, nor the reality of joblessness that would come. You held on. You took heart. And you remembered where your help came from. You are an exceptional people. Well done, faithful servants.

Finally, may I share some thoughts towards my former employer? My proudest time as a Kaiser employee may have been our move to the incredible new facility in Oakland and discovering our new second home. As a Kaiser family, I believed in patient autonomy and informed consent, which was so apparent and active at the bedside. I watched Kaiser grow and evolve in acceptance and inclusivity for all. These are all good things. And yet somehow I also witnessed this quiet minority. The minority that has not one face, but many, many different ones, impossible to capture by appearance alone. The minority that often asks for nothing and quietly moves about their day because they live on a different timeline and for an eternal purpose. We were overlooked. We were mocked and we were dismissed. I do not know what tomorrow brings, but this I do know. God is in the room. He is in this fire. He is madly in love with each of us, with our nation and with our world. He is for all of us, he who has been called the centerpiece of civilization, the greatest phenomenon in world history. The indescribable loftiest idea in literature. The highest personality in philosophy is for all of us. Yes, we are making an assertion against our former employer. But the real scandal here is that the miraculous grace we all hold above life itself laying down and surrendering our livelihoods in his name, it’s available.

It’s available to everyone on earth. And that each of us, terminated by our employer when asked, would more likely wish that miraculous grace upon you as well. May we all discover this vast love for us and fall in love all over again. Thank you.

Thank you, Waylon. Well, now it’s my pleasure to welcome attorney Dan Watkins. He’s in his 30th year practicing law.

Every bit of that standing ovation is deserved because without him, we wouldn’t be here. He has litigated thousands of cases in the areas of medical, dental malpractice, employment law, business litigation and segregation. Dancer 14 years in the US Army Reserve and California Army National Guard as both a noncommissioned and commissioned officer through his affiliate with Pacific Justice Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom, dan has also litigated civil rights matters revolving primarily around religious liberties. With a radical attack on constitutional principles and human rights by the dark left, dan shifted gears in the focus of his practice. And he is now representing thousands of individuals across the state of California who lost their jobs after requesting a religious exemption to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Dan is currently representing individuals exploited and victimized by healthcare facilities and professionals and related to gender transition treatment techniques. Dan is working with Truth for Health, representing military members suffering discrimination, for their refusal to be vaccinated or to test. Most recently, Dan filed three lawsuits against the healthcare facilities and professionals for the use of Ramadzavir to treat COVID-19 patients.

Dan has found more gratification working on these issues of human and civil rights over the past year than the entire preceding 29 years combined. And we thank you for that.

Being able to work with people like Tori and Layland and all of you is why the last year has been so gratifying. Being able to work with Michael and meet Him and find God pushing me and pushing and pushing into directions I never, ever expected is why it’s been so gratifying. And so here we are, a year into our relationship with many of you, and this is the complaint

411 plaintiffs suing for religious discrimination. 411 people who love God and who dedicate their life to Him, who live with Him in the core of who they are, affecting their decisions every day. And Kaiser said it wasn’t enough. I want to list the defendants because it’s not just Kaiser Permanente, but I want everyone to know the actual names of the employers that did this. Kaiser Permanente is at the top. The permanente medical group many of you worked for. Kaiser foundation health plan, kaiser foundation hospitals, southern california permanente medical group. Those are the employers who disrespected your religious liberties and who are the defendants in the lawsuit. And I want to thank, before we go any further, pastor Tim and Tory and Leyland for really sharing what this is all about. Actually, between the three of them, I have my closing argument now, so I’m pretty excited about that. We got it located. That’s one of the hardest things to put together. But it is done. I’m recording it, just putting it up. We’ll see what they do with that. I think it’s really important to note what Kaiser did in this case and the reason that I’ve been so passionate to stay with this group over the year and to put it together. You know, when the California Department of Public Health put out this initial mandate, it actually allowed for a simple declination. I declined checkbox that’s it done. You get an exemption and you get to work. And you get to work with safety protocols. The California Department of Public Health saw that there would be people who would request religious exemptions and they would be granted and they put into place safety protocols that would allow you to continue to work. But Kaiser wasn’t going to be satisfied with that. Right? Kaiser decided that you had to put something together. Like Tory was talking about, light LeeGon was talking about. All of you had to experience like all of a sudden who you are inside, who you follow and love, and you’re in love with the Lord who guides you. Now you got to put it from your heart into words on a piece of paper and convince some person at Kaiser that this is the reason you’re saying no to the vaccine. Kaiser took those things and I think they were completely overwhelmed with the number. And instead of applying any real sense of dedication to looking at it, they said, you know what we’re going to do? Because this is way out of control. We need people to keep working. We’re going to provisionally approve just about everybody. Provisionally, what a great word. But in approving that, they approved it and we’re going to hold them to that, they provisionally approved it. Then they circled the wagons and said, okay, can’t have this. We’re going to go on the attack. And that’s exactly what they did. And I can’t remember which of the spirits was talking, but that’s the word it is. They went on the attack. They didn’t sit back and say, oh, I can see how this is part of who you are, how Tory Jensen loves the Lord and she’s rightly as saying no to this vaccine and then we’ll let her work one of the safety protocols. They didn’t do that. They sent her questions, trick questions. So, boy, those are going to come out in discovery. Questions that were completely designed to undermine the story you were telling, completely designed to flip what you believed in as your most sincerely held beliefs. And then for many of you, after you. Answered those questions. They sent another set of questions, different questions, again, designed to trip you up and then for some of you, even a third set of questions because they weren’t happy with what they were getting. They didn’t have enough to say. You don’t have a belief that you can rely on. That’s not sincere. Kaiser did it wrong, and that’s why we filed the suit. And we find ourselves here. You find yourself here. Those of you who were standing without a job, Kaiser said, even though the California Department of Public Health has provided a very simple mechanism for you to continue to work and not get the job, guys are fired. You and said, you know what? That career. These people, five years, seven years, 15 years, rolling all of them, 22 years, 27 years, you don’t matter. Your time at Kaiser does not matter. Your commitment, your dedication, learning your skills, learning your techniques, being there every day, working through COVID, doesn’t matter. Your beliefs are not sincere. You can leave. And then they do it in an abrupt and horrible fashion with Ms. Jensen, with security guards after they had her finished the day. That’s why we followed the lawsuit. Now, I want to thank everybody for your patience. It’s taken a long time to get here. We’ve had I don’t even know how many zoom calls, countless. But as Leland was talking and Tory was talking, this time over the last year has created a stronger group of people. God has moved over this year, and we understand even a little better now than we did a year ago about Him as our leader, about Him as the Father who loves us and cares for us and gives us grace and mercy despite who we are. So this year, while it’s been long and it has been long and hard for you, and you’ve been so patient in that, though, I want to just give you some encouragement about what God’s been doing, because we did file that remedy’s of your case. We had to hurry on that. And I know so many of you were, wait a minute, what’s going on with our case? But in doing that, I got to meet Michael Hamilton, who you’re going to hear from in a minute. God has brought this amazing Godfaring man, who’s an incredible attorney, to help this year has allowed God to take points that I didn’t even know existed here and here and here and here and here and connect them to create the situation we’re in right now, where an incredible team has been formed for you. An incredible team that’s going to be there to fight for you. This is going to take some time and effort to fight through. But we have God now right there. Strong, right? The God that gives us guidance and discernment and power and strength. He’s with us and he’s shining light through each and every one of you into darkness, through this lawsuit, and I want you to be encouraged by that. That, to me, is what this is really about. You get a chance now to be a witness to those things you believe in, the things that you live your life by, the things that caused you to say no to this job. You get to live it out as a witness and shine light. And God has brought an incredible team together to help. And I think that it’s really important that we recognize some people over the last year, just by name, quickly. The list is incredible. I don’t even have a list of the names or the points of contact that came together right after we got this going. We’re talking about thousands of emails. That’s what Tim was talking about that coming. And it was crazy. Not just with Kaiser, but all over the place, but with Kaiser points of contact, people raising your hands, saying, I’ll help lead, I’ll help organize, all over the state. It was amazing. Amazing people. That’s who you are. And, you know, it brings the point. The thing I find really interesting about what Kaiser did in getting rid of these amazing people, they got rid of some of the best that work there. You take pride in your work, right?

It’s ironic. It’s crazy. You take pride in your work. You work hard because you love the Lord. You work hard because you want to do the right thing. And they took the best of the best and said, go, I just find that crazy. But you took it, your skills and everything that you are. And we have points of contact coming together in incredible ways. And then we had the prayer warriors. So many of you, please keep praying. The power of prayer is crazy strong, and boy, have we learned that. And we’re going to learn it in spades over the next year or two. So pray because we need it. Michael is going to talk more to you about that, but please pray. Keep doing that. I want to thank some people by name. Nissa, where are you? Unbelievable. Audrey bryant says. Audrey, Bryant and Shauna christina Norma. There he is, flingaling best name on the planet. Honestly, folks, countless hours from them helping organize this, there’s been so much work that’s been put into place or been done by them. And just to help you, to help everybody that can’t be here, all 411 of you, thank you so much for that. Appreciate it. And then everybody, those two back there, Katie and Carly, stand up, please. Come on.

This is an absolute certainty. This right here. You organized this lawsuit. This effort does not happen at all if they’re not here. I couldn’t even begin to count the number of emails that they handle. They are amazing, amazing souls. They are.

And they kept me on track, screamed at me when I was on the wrong path. They were amazing. And then at the office. God has brought together some other folks and I’m going to just name them off. There’s so many, but everyone’s name needs to be stated. We’ve got Brianna filming back there. Tina twee right here. Aaron. Where’s Erin? There she is, sitting in the back. Terry, right here. Wonderful. Terry, Margaret, Heather, putting out all sorts of stuff on social media. Susan. We got Scott. Scott, stand up. You’re going to see a lot of him. He’s one of the attorneys.

Charlie couldn’t be here. He’s working his butt off for everybody else in the state that needs help with this stuff. But you’re going to see a lot of Scott, you’re going to see a lot of Charlie. You’re going to see a lot of me, and we’re going to work together. I can’t even begin to state any better than Tory and Leland about what happened. I’m not even trying to color it better than them. But what I will do is put this out to Kaiser. Are you going to now stand up and do the right thing, correct you’re wrong, compensate each of these 411 people for taking away their livelihood, for the pain inside the real? It’s not just kind of this emotion, it’s pain. Have your career ripped out humiliation, the anxiety, the wonder, the worry, concern that they had to live with. Are you going to step up Kaiser and do the right thing, or are you going to double down, continue to attack, continue to attack religious liberty? We’ll find out. But with stories like Tory and Leland and deposition, I’m going to have some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my career.

I couldn’t be more proud of the people that have come together to work for this. And I know you’re going to get an incredible effort. Thank you for your patience. Let’s get after it. Let’s see what Kaiser does. Let’s see what they do. You know what? I’m hoping in praying the light of God shines deep into the darkness. I’m praying that they say, okay, let’s fix this. Maybe we made a missed step. Stand up and be right. All right, I’m going to let Michael Hamilton come up. But before we do, I want you just to know, very simply stated, this is an incredible mind, an incredible attorney, an incredible connection for me and you. But bigger than that, he has got a heart for God like few others on this planet. So I want him to come up and talk to you about what he believes in so you can know the kind of people that are fighting for you. Chancy, by the way, thank you so much for being here. You’re going to hear from one of the smartest women on the planet here in a minute. Dr. Barky, thank you for being here, too. I can’t wait to hear you guys talk and enlighten these people on where you’re coming from. And thank you so much for being here. So with that, I’m going to get down here, I’m going to let Michael come up. Thanks, guys. Let’s get after it.

Thank you, Dan. I would like to give a formal introduction for Attorney Michael Hamilton. Cornerstone attorney Michael Hamilton has dedicated his practice of law to fighting medical tyranny. Michael has a degree in philosophy with an emphasis in Marxist studies. For the last two decades, he’s fought for people without a voice. Michael Hamilton has fought against the unlawful mandates on behalf of the military and others, as well as remedy’savier murder protocols in the hospitals. By God’s grace, he intends to remain faithful to the call to stand in the gap for justice. Thank you.

Thank you, Dan. I’m from Kentucky and I’ve been practicing law for 20 years. I was an independent contractor for a long time before that, and I ran a shelter for abused teenagers for several years. I did some time in seminary, but I thought God had called me into the practice of law. I want to tell you that in Kentucky we have over in eastern stuck in the mountains where I go to court sometimes, there’s a little white church, just a humble building with a steeple and it says across the front of it let me just say before I go there, I’m meeting you all for the first time today. But I can tell you that Dan and I have cried a bunch together. And we’ve cried a bunch.

Church of the Battlesguard soldiers and it is extremely humbling today to be in the presence of so many battles guard soldiers of our king. Pastor, ten minutes. I’m so thankful for a man who kept his church in the face of such so many attacks across the country. So many pastors tucked their heads, tucked their tails and complied. Very discouraging to see that. And I’m very thankful to be in the presence of someone who did not do that. Tori and Leyland, god’s anointing on you is so obvious.

And I’ll say a little more about my Godly brother Dan here in a minute. I have filed a lawsuit. We were trying to stop the rollout of the vaccine mandate to 17 and under. Then we tried to stop it for the younger children. We weren’t successful in getting the emergency stops that we wanted. This was in Alabama, but I noticed yesterday I read an article yesterday, and some of you may have seen this article, but this I think it was a professor who used the Freedom of Information Act request and he got an unredacted version of Pfizer’s contract with the country of Slovenia. And in that unredacted contract, they have a requirement that requires Slovenia as going into contract with them to acknowledge that the vaccines, that the materials in the vaccines are being changed constantly. And they say in response to this terrible pandemic, but they’re changing the constituent components of the vaccines. They further ask them to acknowledge that those are unstudied. They don’t know what the long term effects will be, and they anticipate adverse events presumably greater than existed in their own study, where people that didn’t receive the vaccine or received the placebo had hardly any adverse events. But the people who did receive had multiple adverse events. And I can also tell you just speaking to something that pastor tim said. We had a whistleblower in our case in alabama who had access to the VAERS system and had years and years of experience in writing algorithms to help detect medical fraud. They wrote some algorithms, and they investigated vers, and they discovered that when VAERS was saying there were 8900, something like 8900 plus or minus deaths within three days of the jab, that’s all we were looking for. We know that deaths expand as you go forward in time, but we were just looking at somebody gets the job and they die within three days. VAERS was hiding by a factor of one to five. So the number of deaths at the time was 45,000 plus. And we know that hardly anybody takes the time to do a vers report because it’s hard. It takes time. Maybe 1% to 3% of adverse events get reported to theirs. I know I’m speaking to the medical community here, so I’m preaching to the choir. But the number had to be in the hundreds of thousands. Just doing the simple math. If 45,000 was one to 3%, how many died within three days of taking the jet?

I want to take you back 300 years, 321 years, to something that William penn in the Pennsylvania charter of privileges said, and I’m going to give you a paraphrase, because that 1700 old english language is a little complex to read, and it’s even harder to listen to. But so I’ve paraphrased it and condensed it a little bit. But this is what he said, because no person can be truly happy, no matter how good their life is, if their freedom of conscience is taken away. Doesn’t matter how good your life is, if they take away your freedom of conscience, you can’t be happy. So he said, I hereby declare that no person living in these territories shall ever be molested or prejudiced in their person or estate because of their conscientious, persuasion, or practice, nor shall they suffer anything contrary to their religious persuasion. Fast forward 1091, when the first amendment of our constitution was ratified. And in short, congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. Now, what’s interesting about the ratification of the constitution is that when they had a constitutional convention and they tried to ratify the constitution, the struggle went on for days. Nobody could agree on anything. And finally, this old man named benjamin franklin, who was the only one still around, who had been there for the war to set our country free, the only one still living, he called for everybody’s attention, and he said something like this. He said if we could not win the battle for our freedom without the intervention of Providence, without the intervention of God, how can we presume to establish an enduring constitution on which to base our country’s future without that same Providence? So he made a motion that they all go on their knees and pray, which they did. And within days they were in unanimous agreement and they had the Constitution which ultimately became ratified. Just an interesting little piece of history. I talk about the cornerstone of our country and it’s not our Constitution, it’s our Creator, upon whose laws and grace and mercy the Constitution was based by our Founding Fathers. He’s the cornerstone. I came across something interesting and I’m going to read to you from the Legislative Digest of the California Religious Freedom Act of 2017. The people of the State of California do enact as follows section One the legislature finds and declares all of the following a in California, we celebrate the rich cultural heritage and diversity of our residents, freedom of religion and protection from persecution on the basis of religion or founding ideals of our nation. C california must uphold the protection of religious freedom enshrined in the United States Constitution for all of its people. And the state has a moral obligation to protect its citizens from religious persecution and D. Section Four of Article One of the California Constitution guarantees the free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference. There’s a lot more in your state’s Constitution. I think that sums up what Kaiser has turned upside down pretty succinctly. Kaiser has decided to make itself the sole arbiter of how sincere your religious belief is. And if they deem it insincere, they simply strip you of your livelihood, harming you, your estate, your families. This not only violates the law, it’s contrary to the very foundational principles on which our country has stood for well over 300 years. How dare Kaiser stand as if they were God himself and presumed to see into the hearts and minds of you, their employees and judge the sincerity of each person’s individual faith? Kaiser is not a law unto itself and it must not be allowed to disregard the law. Keep contempt upon this country and the state of California’s founding principles and arbitrarily destroy the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of people. To support their dark agenda. They must be held accountable. I am very proud to stand with Dan Walkins who I know to be a man after God’s own heart and a fighter for freedom in the face of evil to restore and uphold the rule of law on behalf of you, dear people, our clients. Our battle is not against flesh and blood. Dan and I have said it over and over in the interviews we’ve been god has poured a lot of favor out on us through the work of our team to be able to tell the story of the remdes of their murder cases. And we’ll be telling this story to the world. And we have said it every time. It’s a battle against good and evil. It’s a supernatural war, and it was won at the foot of the cross. But we have work to do. And so Dan and I continue to prayerfully. Try to step where Jesus tells us the step. We need your prayers. I mean, if people say, what’s the first thing that we can do? How can we help? If you’re a praying person, pray because our God is bigger than all of the evil that we face and the courage of people like you, Pastor Tim. It’s very heartening to see it. And we know how the story ends. But between now and when the story ends, we have work to do. And by God’s grace, we’re going to do it. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you so much. Well, it’s now my great privilege to introduce to you Dr. Jancy Lindsay. She’s the director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, and she holds a doctorate in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Houston, MD. Anderson Cancer Centers. She has over 30 years of scientific experience, primarily in the area of toxicology. Her focus on the COVID genetic vaccines has been on the molecular pathways that are involved in contraction and transmission, viral replication, immune escape, reproductive harms, cancers and coagulopathies caused by these gene therapies and their expanse. She has also drafted reviews on the toxicology or toxicity of remdezvier versus ibermectin and hydroxychloricine in the treatment of SARSCoV II. Dr. Lindsay also investigates the consequences of genomic integration of genetic vaccine platforms and the right proper informed consent. In addition, she acts as an expert witness in litigation cases to defend soldiers rights to refuse experimental gene therapies. Dr. Lindsey, thank you for being here with us today.

Thank you, everybody. I have to say, I’m already in tears listening to you all. I try to help our soldiers and our children in split families. Every day I write reports for these people. And let me tell you that I think about all of you all the time when I write these reports and how unfair it’s been for those who were unjustly fired, who were treated the way that they were, for a science that is not even real. As a toxicologist and a molecular biologist, I can tell you you’ve been lied to repeatedly and you’ve been made to suffer the consequences of those lies while your colleagues supported those lies without doing their own proper investigation. God knows what’s right. God knows the truth. And we are going to get to that truth. There was never any need for a vaccine. We had treatments. Hydroxychloricin and Ivrmectin are both safe and effective for the treatment of Sarscovie Two.

The doses at which they are safe and effective are able to be used in pregnant women in children and for hydroxychloricin are routinely used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other autoimmune diseases at the same dose that you would treat for COVID.

These medicines have been studied for their safety for over 50 years, so they have a long history of safety that we can look to. Despite this, they were both demonized to bring in the genetic vaccine platform. Coba genetic vaccines never stopped the contraction or the transmission of the Sarscovi Two virus, and they still don’t. We were promised that they did, and they don’t. You were told that the reason that you should get these genetic vaccines was because they did stop the contraction and the transmission of the virus and that you would protect your patient by receiving these gene therapies. Those were lies. Pfizer knew early on that these genetic vaccines neither prevented the contraction nor the transmission of SARS CoV Two. Furthermore, they also knew that these genetic vaccines dampened our innate immune system and would actually cause for people who were vaccinated to be more susceptible to not only SARSCoV Two, but other viral and bacterial infections, as well as cancers. The viral load between those vaccinated and unvaccinated is the same. The exception is that with the vaccinated, because of their dampendenate immune system, they don’t have symptoms while they have peak viral loads, which means that they truly are the ones who are spreading the virus unknowingly, not those who are unvaccinated.

Now, this is not their fault, and we shouldn’t hold them to account, but those that are vaccinated are only able to make 40% of the antibodies that the unvaccinated are to the virus. That is a fact. All of these things were kept from you. You were lied to repeatedly to uphold their false mandates. These vaccines were never tested for reproductive harm in the proper animal models. They were never tested properly at all in animal models that bore the human ace two receptor or the human sense it and one incense it and two proteins. All of the subjects that were inoculated with a pfizer vaccine and a Singapore study developed auto antibodies to their own since it won reproductive proteins, and this was masked and covered up. Most of the women who received the vaccine while they were pregnant during the clinical trials lost their babies. As of now, we have new VAERS reports that show the devastating impact of these genetic vaccines on miscarriage, still, birth vaginal and uterine hemorrhage and menstrual disorders many thousands of times above anything we’ve ever seen. Yet accompanying those results, we have NPR and MSNBC and CNN saying that there’s no difference in the number of stillbursts and miscarriage. We have peer reviewed studies coming out saying that there is no difference in the numbers of miscarriage and stillbursts, while our own medical data in the active databases, d, Med Bears, says that that is not the case. These people are liars, and they’re frauds.

These vaccines are hurting our women. They’re hurting our children. We may be sterilizing an entire generation, just as I said back in the spring of 2021. We have got to stop this. These cannot go into our children. This is our reproductive future. We have to stand up. We’re now looking at studies that show that the genetic vaccines are indeed incorporated into the genome. The Alden et al study done in one university showed that in human liver cells the genetic vaccines were taken up within 6 hours and incorporated into the genome, destroying God’s design. This means that a person who received the vaccine, if this happened in them as well, could be a constitutive expressor of the spike protein causing immune exhaustion and untold toxicity as well as now not being in God’s perfect design, but transformed, transgenically, modified by these genetic vaccines. That is not something that people signed up for. It is not something that they’re okay with and it is not something that you are being told the truth about. And that’s wrong. We are currently doing studies as I speak to see if this is happening in human sperm and in other cells. And we will find out. I want to tell you that the CDC is still saying that the spike protein in the mRNA don’t go to the nucleus as a lie. They do. And they knew it as of the summer of 2020 when Pfizer submitted experimental protocols to the Therapeutics Good Agency in Australia and presumably also to the FDA showing through immunohistochemistry that not only mRNA, but spike protein went to the nucleus itself. Very elegant immunohistochemistry. Immunofluorescence showing that the spike protein and the mRNA go to the nucleus where they can interact with the DNA and cause untold damage. This bike protein goes everywhere in the body but preferentially our reproductive organs, especially the ovaries. It crosses a blood brain barrier, it goes to the heart, causes myocarditis and heart damage. These are toxic, toxic gene therapies. And while we have tried to stop them through a variety of means, we have been unable to halt this ever marching agenda. I will do whatever I can in my power to help everyone of you to stand up and to do what’s right by your conscience and by God. I believe in you and thank you for standing up for the rest of us and having the courage to do so.

Thank you Dr. Lindsay, for sharing your expertise with us. Now I would like to welcome another expert, dr. Barky. Dr. Jeffrey Barkey is a board certified primary care physician in private practice for over 25 years. He completed his medical school and family practice residency at the University of California, Irvine. He has served as an associate clinical professor at UC Irvine and a board member and a board member of the Orange County Medical Association. Dr. Barky is a commissioned officer in the US army Reserve Medical Corps. He’s also a Reserve deputy and a tactical physician for a local law enforcement SWAT team. Dr. Barkey is the author of COVID-19, a physician’s take on the exaggerated fear of Coronavirus. He’s a soughtafter speaker on the failure of government education and all things related to COVID-19. Dr. Barky is a proud founding member of America’s Frontline Doctors, and he is also the co host of the podcast Informed Descent You can find him on his website at RX for Dr. Barky, thank you for being here with us today.

So this priest, rabbi and minister walk into a bar. What’s so funny? Have you heard that? It’s really an honor for me to be here and I’ll just speak for a few minutes. I could just say what Dr. Jancy said and that would probably be enough. This is personal to me. As the introduction mentioned, I’m a commissioned officer for the US army. I serve in the Medical Corps. I’ve always wanted to wear that uniform and I was forced to put in a religious exemption for the vaccination. Shouldn’t even have to do that. Should be enough to say just because I don’t want that product in my body and that should be enough, but it’s not. And that process included me being counseled by the commander of my unit, of me being forced to meet with a medical provider, and then me being counseled by an army chaplain who I spent an hour with on the phone. Then I was required to write out a statement as to why I held those sincerely held religious beliefs. And I did. I’m a Jew. And my rabbi gave me a doctrinal statement. I use that along with Pastor Tim’s doctrinal information as well. That I should have to prove my belief as to why I don’t want to put that product in my body is beyond the pale. So this is personal to me. Every single one of the vaccines that is available at your local pharmacy, pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson were either grown in or tested on aborted fetal cell lines. Not putting that in my body, it’s personal to me because a nurse that worked for me for almost a year since has moved on and now lives in Texas, was fired from Kaiser after 17 years of service because she refused to comply and refused to be tested. And that’s not right. She was a seasoned medical assistant and yet she was thrown to the curb because she didn’t want to comply with rules that no one should have to comply with. And that’s not right. And that’s why it’s personal to me. Recently I was told by the army that the unvaccinated, there’s a handful of us in my group, in order to attend monthly training, would need to show proof of a negative COVID test. And I said, no, I’m not going to do that. I’m healthy. I’ve recovered from COVID by the way. I’ve got strong natural immunity and I’m not being tested. And I pointed out that in. August. The CDC changed their covert guidelines, by the way. And those guidelines say, just kidding. The healthy asymptomatic people no longer need to be tested. But let’s think about this for a minute. That was the premise upon which all these draconian shutdowns occurred. We were told that we had to close the schools because the kids, even though they had no symptoms, could go to school, spread it to other kids, spread it to their teachers. Then everybody would go home and kill Grandma and Grandpa. We knew that was a lie. The evidence of asymptomatic spread just doesn’t exist. Can you catch a cold from somebody that doesn’t have a cold? Well, of course not. It’s common sense. Yet we kept the kids out of school for over a year. The CDC also updated their guidelines and said the vaccinated and the unvaccinated should be treated the same. Yet here’s the army telling me that the vaccinated and the unvaccinated would be treated differently, and those that were unvaccinated would be discriminated upon. I showed them the CDC guidelines. They since have changed their position. And now we no longer don’t need to be tested.

And I say this publicly for the first time, knowing that there may be repercussions against me. And I’m okay with that because I got Dan on my side.

So what you all are going through isn’t fair and it isn’t right. Thank God you have Godfearing attorneys that are representing you. And I think justice ultimately will be served.

So for me, it’s an honor to be just a tiny piece of this, to support you in any way I can, to show up in court if necessary, to be here to answer questions, and to assure you that the decisions you’re making are correct, both scientifically, religiously, and personally. So I applaud you for your courage. I know it takes a lot of courage. I’m currently involved in my own lawsuit. I’m suing the California Medical Board and the Attorney General of California to, along with my cohost of our podcast, informed dissent, dr. Mark McDonald, who’s a psychiatrist up in La. We’re suing to prevent AB 2098 that the governor signed from going into effect.

That’s the bill that, if it goes into effect, January of 2023, will allow the Medical Board of California to take my license away for spreading misinformation and disinformation. Keep in mind, it’s quite the irony. The Medical Board of California, every member appointed by the governor. About half those members are attorneys. The president of the Medical Board, an attorney. Can you imagine for a moment, if you’re an attorney, that the California Bar would have its president, a physician? Never happened, right? But here, it’s the Medical Board attorneys that are going to determine what the standard of care is for me. Counseling patients about COVID vaccines, treatment, and so forth. So, as Charlton Heston once said, for my dead, cold body, I’ll hold on to that medical license until they take it away. And I’ll fight with every ounce of my Godgiven courage to prevent that from happening and to not only stand up for the rights of other physicians, but more importantly to me, this bill will directly harm patients. Because in order for me to be compliant with this bill, I’ll need to consider the state’s narrative for COVID-19. I will need to mimic what the state is arguing in order to advise patients. And that’s dangerous for patients. So to all those Kaiser employees that work their tails off on behalf of Kaiser and on behalf of their patients that were fired as a result of their sincerely held religious beliefs, I applaud you. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of this and God bless you.

Dr. Barky, please return to the stage. Along with Dr. Lindsey and our attorneys. We are going to do yes, let’s have a round of applause.

So we are going to do a question and answer session. The microphone’s over here. I’m going to ask that you guys line up. Oh, yeah. Pastor Tim. Thank you. Yes. It’s like years ago when you were up here. Yeah. Thank you. So I’m going to have you guys line up behind the microphone and yes, thank you for your questions. I’m going to go ahead and start and you guys can start lining up here. I would like to know, Dr. Barky and Dr. Lindsay, what is your message to the medical community right now? I’m asked that frequently. Why are there not more physicians standing up? You know, listen, the reality is, doctors, we’re nothing special, right? We have a certain skill set just like other professionals do. But on the level of courage, we’re just like everybody else. There’s a handful of us that are willing to stand up and speak out. There are many of us that believe what we believe but are risk adverse and simply just do not want to stand up. They work for a hospital group. They work for Kaiser, for example. And they just don’t want to stand up. My message is grow a pair.

We’ve got a country to save and it’s important that we no longer can sit on the sidelines. You have three options. One, you can be an activist. And I get it. It’s not for everybody. If you’re not going to be an activist, then you need to support activists. But the third option is no longer available. You cannot stay quiet and just sit and watch.

I completely agree. And I have to say that for my community, the scientists, the academic scientists and also the scientists that work outside of academia, a lot of it is about keeping grants and keeping students in the laboratory. They’re afraid to stand up against this agenda because they’re afraid to lose their jobs. They not only have to worry about supporting themselves and their families, but all of the students who are going through their labs and getting their doctoral degrees or their master’s degrees, they feel like they will let them down. But I also agree with Dr. Barky. It is time for them to stand up. It is time for them to make the right decision. There are times in our lives when we have to do the right thing over the comfortable thing. And this is one of those times. This is really about saving humanity. And I’m not joking when I say this. We are at a precipice, a true precipice of fighting for good over evil. And it’s going to require every single one of us to stand up and be truthful. So I would say that’s why we don’t have more that are coming out in the scientific community. As for the pharmaceutical companies, they are all working together in some aspect of this next ten years of vaccines, along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So you won’t find many stepping outside of the pharma realm. But luckily, we have a couple brave souls that have offered to help us. So you’ll see more of that coming up shortly. If I may, I’d like to speak to this briefly. Can you guys hear me okay? So Alexander Solzhenitson, who was a dissident in Russia many years ago and who spoke out, he had the temerity to disagree with his government. So he was thrown into the Guleg for about 25 years, and he survived it, which made him a rare commodity in Russia. And while he was there, he wrote a series of books called The Gulag Archipelago, and he exposed the 60 million people that Joseph Stalin murdered. He exposed life under socialism. He wrote these books in his head. He would write a few sentences the next day, he would repeat them to himself. And when he had a memorized, he’d move on. And he wrote thousands of pages this way. And when he got out, he sat down in front of a typewriter and he put him on paper. Now, he’s received the Nobel Peace Prize for literature, but the day before he got or right before he got expelled from the Soviet Union, after he was released, he wrote an essay. The essay was called Live not by Lies. Some of you are shaking your head. You’re familiar with it. He basically said, look, not everybody can be an activist. He said, Everybody’s afraid. What if I lose my flat in Moscow? What if I lose my food allowance for my family? How will I survive? And he says, It’s not for everyone to stand in the marketplace and shout the truth. But what’s needed is in every little moment of your life, live not by lies. Don’t give the lie a place in your heart, in your mind. Speak the truth quietly where you are. Don’t give in to the lies. Because if the lies have no home, they die.

Hi, everybody. Thank you for being here. It’s been a long year for all of us. And I just want to say that if everybody stood up, if all the employees and all that that didn’t want to get it stood up, we wouldn’t be where we are here. But I just want to say about the liability shield for the pharmaceutical companies, wasn’t that lost when they denied hydroxychorpin and all the free modalities that could help people to deal with residents? The liability shield under emergency Use authorization. So emergency use authorization, which all the COVID vaccines that you can get currently have, require two requirements. One is there has to be an emergency. We know there isn’t, especially now, and especially with children. Under no circumstances should a child ever receive one of these vaccines. The second is there has to be no other alternative effective treatment. So on both those levels, you’ve been lied to. Now, what’s happened is the ACIP, the childhood what was the ACIP? Senate Committee, the Committee on Administrative Committee on Immunization Practices, the Advisory committee of the CDC voted 15 to zero to recommend that the vaccine COVID vaccine be put on the childhood schedule. The reason why that’s necessary is once it’s on the childhood schedule, then the vaccines can be approved, the emergency use authorization removed, and the vaccine companies will still have liability protection. That’s why it’s necessary for the pharmaceutical companies, the vaccine companies, to get this on the childhood register so they continue to have that liability protection. That’s the game. That’s what they’re playing, and that’s the tyranny. And just so everybody knows here, those immunities do not apply in your case. We’re not dealing with that. The nice thing about this case from a legal perspective is it’s rooted in the antidiscrimination statutes in California, which are some of the strongest in favor of employees in the country, and we don’t have to worry about the immunization excuse me, immunity. Immunity that they might otherwise get. Kaiser might otherwise get. We did actually have this issue challenged in another case that we have and the court found in our favor. So we don’t have to worry about that. Don’t start talking about, hey, we got immunity issues we got to deal with. We’re just going to go right at them with everything we got and stick them on the discrimination side. I would just say that some of this is also still being investigated from the standpoint of, for instance, Pfizer asserted that because the DoD was involved, that the DoD held liability rather than Pfizer. And people are investigating the DoD and DARPA’s role in actually the administration of the entire program. So there’s a lot of stuff being looked into right now to feather that out. And one more thing I’d add in case some of you have loved ones who are facing hospital situations, maybe involving remdesvier or something else, which is an EU, a product, you’re concerned about liability. It does not extend to intentional acts. Okay? And it’s clearly an intentional act when you tell people that this emergency use authorization that had a 53% mortality rate, so it was pulled from the ebola studies. Speaking of ram deserve, you say, well, this is the only protocol that can help you. It’ll take care of you when it won’t. And then they tell you nothing else is available, nothing else works. These are intentional acts together with the protocol. They don’t get immunity under the prepack, for example, for intentionally hurting somebody.

Hello. Thank you so much for being here. I just want to say the Lord put it on my heart in the very beginning that this was all weird and was not okay. And I tried to do research. It was like a master class with all of your information. It’s so hard to find legitimate research, cause I’m like, let’s study, let’s learn, let’s look it up. God gave us a brain, let’s use it. And it’s so difficult to find information that you were speaking of, dr. Lindsay, where can we find stuff like like that? That that’s my jam right there. So I just need to know, where do I look? I’m all like, duck to go because Google doesn’t have anything anymore. A lot of us have been kicked off of social media platforms where we tried to share this information like Twitter and LinkedIn. And so we’ve gone to Telegram. Many of us have Telegram channels. You can find this information. The literature. Peter McCullough has a channel. Do you have children’s? Health Defense has a channel. American Frontline doctors has a channel. If you want to look up any of the VAERS statistics, I suggest You can easily go through and search reproductive adverse effects. You can search cardiac adverse effects, a variety of adverse effects there, and it’s very user friendly, and you can show them to your friends. And also, C 19 has a list of all the different studies of different therapeutics that have been, that have gone through randomized control trials in order to see their efficacy against sarskovie two. And it lists them really nicely. It gives access to the articles. Many times it shows a nice bar graph or histogram of where they lie in efficacy for early treatment, late treatment for mortality and hospitalization. So it’s a really good tool. C 19 And let me say also to that, in case some of you are wondering, like, why can’t we get any of this information? You may or may not have heard of the trusted news initiative TNI, but I want to say it was late in the year maybe 2020, there was a formal collaboration between big tech, big pharma, and mainstream media around the globe. And they said it’s critical that we suppress information that could cause, quote, unquote, vaccine hesitancy. So they collaborated. They formalized an agreement to suppress misinformation, which is not misinformation at all. In many cases, it’s being actively suppressed through big tech, big pharma, and mainstream media. And that’s why it’s so hard to find. It’s not a conspiracy theory if people are truly conspiring. It’s a conspiracy. And there’s a legal definition of conspiracy, and it’s when people gather together and conspire to do harm, to do wrong. You should know about the Trusted News initiative and go to these sources that Jancy was referencing. Thank you so much. Raise your hand if you’re getting back on Twitter.

Okay. Hi, everybody. I want to start by saying God is good every day. Every day he is good. Okay. Sorry, I’m a little taller. I have a question that has been eating me since all of this before I was terminated, and that is, as doctors, you take a Hippocratic oath to do no harm. And so many of the doctors that I worked with daily told myself, others who believed with me as well as patients to get the job, how can we hold them accountable? Can we? Is there ever going to be a place where they can be? I think too many of those doctors actually believed what they told you. So I don’t think they were believing one thing and doing something else, unfortunately, because we get new sources just like you do, and the rest of the people from various sources. And we used to believe that the CDC was a reliable organization. Same with the FDA. Same with the national institutes of Health. So there’s been an awakening across the country of many physicians and others. But I don’t think that physicians that pushed and recommended these vaccines were doing so out of bad will. I think they actually believe that. I know some of them now who no longer make that recommendation because they’ve seen the data. If you listen to Ben Shapiro, for example, harvard trained attorney, wife is a UCLA trained pediatrician. He now who is acknowledged getting vaccinated. He said now he won’t put any more of that into his body that he believes, rightfully so, that he’s been lied to by the healthcare agencies. And I think more and more people are realizing that. Thank you.

Hello, everyone. I want to thank everybody for their support and help. I’m here on behalf of my wife. She’s sitting right back here. She was with Kaiser for about 19 years, was terminated, and she recently had her Edd interview. So this is more of a question for an attorney. During the interview, the interviewer asked her questions related to her medical stuff, and my question would be, should she have invoked the HIPAA laws in that regard? I wouldn’t say that HIPAA actually applies there, but privacy interests certainly do. And she has no reason to tell anyone at Edd about, and no one does their health conditions at all. The Edd is simply there to determine how and why you were let go. And then that’s all they should be able to ask. One thing that we’re exploring, and this is going to get us back to prayer and maybe goes even back to the last question. In one of the recent depositions we had in a case up in the Bay Area discrimination case just like yours, the attorney started asking about applications to the Edd. And the witness said, yeah, I did apply. And he said, I assume you got your money from Edd. And he says, no, I did it. And he said the attorney was really surprised. And the attorney asked further about what happened. And the witness explained that the Edd told them the employer came in and said, hey, these people voluntarily quit. They didn’t want to get vaccinated. And the attorney was really taken back. And this is an experienced attorney, six, seven, eight years my senior. And it hit me, maybe the Edd is just doing that and it’s a Labor Department policy because we’ve been hearing it up and down the state. Those same types of questions about whether or not you have whether or not the employer came in and said, hey, you quit and we’re going to live by that employer’s objection. And I’m wondering now if employers are not doing that. And the Edd has its own policy. Asking questions about medical care and medical conditions leads me to believe that, yeah, the Edd is probably running rogue and doing this to stop payouts, probably at the direction of somebody up above in the administration. So to your question, don’t answer things on medical conditions to the Edd. They don’t have any right to know that at all. They don’t have any right to know about whether or not you took the vaccine in the past, other vaccines, any medications, any of those types of questions that Kaiser asked you over and over. Edd doesn’t get to ask that. All right, you don’t have to do those. They did ask and don’t answer them in the future. It’s okay. I don’t think that it’s going to really have any issues between pharmaceutical and psychological. Yeah, just say no to all of that. They don’t have a right to that. But here’s the thing. We’re going to look into this question. That’s a big issue to take on. But if that’s happening, it just goes to show you the effort behind pushing away the people who say no to the vaccine and the willingness to do it in the face of a sincerely held religious belief. So the battle is on. It is good versus evil, dark versus light. The great news is light penetrates darkness every time it shined. So we can do that. Thank you. I would actually ask that maybe something get put out to give people guidance on this. I know with my soldiers that I felt that they are given a form often that lists all of these different Tylenol, ibuprofen, all these common drugs that we take. And it says at the top of the form, did you know that all of these drugs are tested with aborted fetal cells? And therefore, if you’ve taken them in the past, your objection to taking this genetic vaccine is not founded. If you check a box that says that you’ve taken any of these, then you can’t possibly hold this religious belief that prevents you from taking this vaccine. I would love to know how to properly address that because it’s a tactic that’s been used several times against the soldiers that I work with. Well, on that, I don’t take anything that any employer who’s willing to fire an employee over sincerely held religious beliefs at face value. I’m not going to listen or look at a list of things they’re telling me have been tested and developed off of fetal cell lines and say, okay, well, now I know I would trust them as far as I could throw them. But the point is for these cases, you didn’t know that at the time. What you did know, because you are educated, because of the discernment of your Lord leaning in on you and nudging you, you looked into it and you learned about these things and recognized for this vaccine, I have these objections and that’s what you stood by. And it doesn’t matter what other things have been tested and developed on those fuel cells because you don’t know that. You didn’t know that at the time. And we’re not going to let that be an issue in these cases. Good afternoon. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Flora. I’m a pastor. I was fired while I was on disability, escorted out like Tori with security, hiding behind a cubby and then they popped out of nowhere. But God is good. And my question to you is I want to know your favorite scripture. I just feel like you guys are giants here. You’ve been through so much, you’ve been persecuted. I got docs, so that’s not even anything compared to what you guys have gone through. I just want to know your favorite scripture today and just quickly, I know in our heart and I want to tell everybody here that I love you. You’re my family. We’re not alone. And this day was ordained by God. We came from all over the state to be together, to pray together, to encourage one another. I stood at the door and I tried to hug every single person walking in and nobody told me to do that. I just wanted to let you know that you were okay and you were safe. And I thank you for putting your life out on the line and being those David’s. I call Dan or David because we’re going to take Elias and we’re going to take them down. In the name of Jesus, goliath. Going down.

Well, I’m going to let Pastor Fib jump in in a second. But the one that comes to mind and I want to say it to all of you here and we I’ve said it in zoom, call after zoom call after zoom call. The Lord tells us, be anxious for nothing, but in everything through prayer, with supplication and thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, shall God your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Boy, if I had to pull that in and hold on to that over the last year, that’s my favorite. And I hope that you guys can take that away, because that piece does surpass comprehension, and it gives you fire empowered strength to go on and fight against Kaiser. And that’s you guys have displayed it over and over and over. So thanks for that question. Florida, another amazing soul. I appreciate it. But do you have something you want to listen to us, Pastor Tim on that? For me. It’s Romans 623. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. And that’s always been my life verse. And those that know me have known me. You know why? Because I am a man who has been forgiven much the wages of sin. What I earn for what I’ve done wrong is death, separation from God. And I am eternally grateful for the life that I have because of Jesus Christ. So that, to me, is always been my favorite.

That’s a really hard question. I have so many favorites. I will say that one that has spoken to me as Dan and I have stepped into these battles together with a team that is surrounding us is found in Jeremiah, chapter one, the Call of Jeremiah. God calls Jeremiah to go, and Jeremiah says, I’m only a child. I don’t know what to say. I wouldn’t know what to do. He’s basically saying, I’m not worthy. I’m not strong enough. And God says do not say I’m only a child. You’ll go wherever I tell you to go, and you’ll say whatever I tell you to say. And then he says something that’s kind of a little daunting. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them. And so as we look at this fight and say, we’re only a couple of guys, but our prayer, and we’ve prayed it many times, is we want to keep our eyes on Jesus. We want to step where he tells us that we want to be found faithful, and he will tell us where to go. He’ll tell us what to say. He’ll tell us what to do. And we’re not terrified. We’re not terrified. We have a client in the Fresno remdesvier murder cases who’s the uncle of a young man who was killed by this protocol in the hospital. He said to me, I will not back down. He said, Think about it. What’s the worst they can do? Promote me to heaven?

So the last text that I got before I got on the plane was from a friend of mine at church who told me to put on the armor of God. And the first scripture that was read was the ephesians scripture that that came from. So I’ve thought about that a lot since this started, because in the beginning, I was very scared. In fact, I was terrified. I stayed up at night being very scared. And I got together with my pastor and his wife, and they said a prayer over me. And since then, I have not been scared. I’ve been strong. I do say the prayer and I feel it. Yay. That we walk through the valley of death. I will fear no evil or the shadow of the valley of death. I will fear no evil. Because I do believe that we are up against evil. And I truly believe that we are walking in that valley right now. And we have to hold our faith close to us and know that this is a temporary plane. There’s more to come. Okay, so what’s the Jew’s favorite Bible passage? I don’t really memorize. So as the question was asked, I’m looking at my Bible app for a variety of lines that I have highlighted as a reminder. So here’s one from Proverbs 44. Then he taught me, and he said to me, take hold of my words with all your heart. Keep my commands and you will live.

One more question. We have time for one more question. Just so everyone knows, Our Livestream is going to shut off in three minutes. Real quick, for those of you who want to support what we’re doing, please pray. I want to thank you formally, all of you, for being such a bold voice, for using your expertise to stand up for what’s right. And if you would like to support us financially, please go to www. Dot declaretruth us. You can scroll down and find the Kaiser cases and all the other cases. Thank you. So the Bible says that the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And so I want to ask you, because I’m not an expert on this, but what’s the real root of everything that’s going on here? Because I’ve heard numbers anywhere from half a million to a million dollars or as little as 100,000 that hospitals are making offcover deaths. Could you address that? What’s going on with that? Listen, ultimately, the motivation behind what people do, I don’t know. But if you do follow the money I wrote an article about this COVID-19 Follow the Money an American Tragedy. You look at just the institutions, the FDA and the CDC, for example, 50% almost 50% of their funding comes from industry. So they’re supposed to have the back of the American people, but they’re being funded by the organizations that they’re supposed to oversee. If you look at the federal government, by far, pharmaceutical companies are the largest lobby toward the federal government. They spend almost twice as much as the next largest. They. Spend four times more than the oil industry and far more than the education industry. So I can’t help believe that there’s an insidious corruptness to these agencies and the whole rollout of COVID-19 there’s been something like twelve new billionaires made in the vaccine industry directly a result of COVID-19. They have all the upside in the world, financial upside. They have zero downside, they have complete liability protection against their products. So that’s certainly one motivation in why we’re seeing what we’re seeing and why this tyrannical rule has been imposed upon us. Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and just say I couldn’t know the hearts of the individuals, but certainly money seems to be an issue in power, right. And just the desire to be in control. And so I think what I’d like to do is prayer has been such a huge part of what we’ve done to get here. It’s going to have to be a huge part of what we do going forward in this fight. I’d like to close out this session with having Pastor Tim pray for this fight, with the idea that the motivation in the hearts of the people that are driving this can be changed. And we have to believe that God is a God that loves his creation enough to be involved in creating change in those hearts. So let’s do it with the finishing prayer from Pastor Tim. Well, let’s go before the Lord. Father in Heaven, we thank you so much for this day where we’ve gathered together in strength, we’ve gathered together in confidence not in who we are, but in who you are. The one true living God, the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God that is everywhere, knows all things and has all power and authority. And we submit ourselves to you this day and recognize the call that is on our lives because you have called us to be two things until your son returns and that is the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Salt being that preserving agent. Lord, help us to preserve the nation that You’ve entrusted to us. Help us to appreciate it, help us to stand for those who are too weak to stand for themselves. Continue in this room, Lord, to stir in us a courage we never knew we could have. Lord, you’ve called us to be the light of the world. Light being that revealing agent, light being that element that exposes the wickedness that is in the darkness. A lot of light is being shed on this situation because of the people in this room. And so I pray that you continue to do that work, that you would complete that work. I pray for the entire legal team that is working on this, Lord, that all provision would be given to them, that they would continue to have the courage, the boldness, the tenacity, the wisdom that they need to fight this battle. Lord, I pray for provision for everybody that’s here that has suffered loss in this time, just like Job suffered loss. Lord, I pray that they would be encouraged, that they would continue to know what they’re fighting for. And we know, Lord, that you will restore all and then some, whether it be here on earth or in heaven. You are going to have your way. You are going to be glorified. And that is our heart in this, Lord. So help us to continue in this fight. We pray victory over this situation. We pray against the enemy, lord, would you put the enemy in his place? And Lord, we do pray for changed hearts and minds. We pray that eyes would be opened, that people would see clearly what’s happening, the battle that is going on, the battle between good and evil, light and darkness. Let that never escape our minds. Father, let us know the battle we are in. Let us choose the weapons of our warfare properly. Lord, would we not battle as the world battles? But would we choose the weapons that are spiritual hearing over and over again the need to go to prayer? Father, would we remember that that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal? So thank you for the gift of prayer. Thank you for the unity that we all feel here tonight or today. Father, we feel our hearts are united together, stronger than ever. Would you continue that? And I pray all these things in the name of my Lord and Savior, the name given above every name, Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Thank you.

I want to again, thank you all for showing up. Continue to spread the word, continue to be bold and courageous like our speakers. And thank you for what you’ve already done. Let’s go.

I can call all of the Kaiser employees that are here up to the stage for a photo. You guys can make your way to the stage for a photo that’s all the Kaiser employees, if you could please make your way to the stage for a photo op.

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