In the short film “Never Met Her” directed by activist Brett Sanders, a woman depicting a leader of the very real #CocksNotGlocks movement on the University of Texas campus meets her fate when choosing to defend herself with a dildo instead of a firearm. Libertarian activist Eric July portrays the intruder aka “bad guy with a gun” as he rightfully …
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Dave Chappelle: Black Lives Matter Is The Worst Slogan I’ve Ever Heard | #Enough Is Enough
“This will be a racist show. I’m telling you now.” Chappelle warned at the beginning of his show. “Black lives matter is a terrible slogan,” he said. “It’s like naming gum ‘Chewy.’ It’s obvious.” He much prefers Dwayne Wade’s hashtag “enough is enough.” Report Notes:… Follow & Subscribe to WeaponizedNews.Com……
Read More »Is Pokemon GO a Government Surveillance Beta Test?
How many Americans would voluntarily walk into a FEMA Camp if they could catch a rare Pokemon, a digital monster that doesn’t exist? The YouTube activist Black Child exposes the dark side of the extremely popular phone app Pokemon GO in the video below.
Read More »Report: Leo DiCaprio Foundation Tied to $3B Malaysian Embezzlement Scheme
by Daniel Nussbaum | | August 17, 2016 Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio has in recent years become almost as famous for his charity foundation’s opulent fundraising soirées as he has for his meaty roles in Hollywood dramas like The Wolf of Wall Street and The Revenant. But now the two worlds may be colliding, as the real-life drama surrounding …
Read More »Rapper Boosie: Government is the Mob, Would Vote for Candidate Who Wants Less Taxes
By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | June 22, 2016 In an interview with VLADTV, a popular hip hop news site and YouTube Channel, rapper Boosie expressed his disgust with the Federal Income tax and would vote (if he was legally allowed to) for a President that would lower taxes significantly. Can I get a “taxation is theft” meme? He compared …
Read More »“Ted Cruz Is a Prick” Interview With Joe “Rambo” Biggs
By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Jan 19, 2015 Sam and Stuart speak with investigative reporter, Joe Biggs about the Oregon standoff, radical Islam, potential Obama Impeachment, Montel Williams, Ted Cruz and more. Joe is a decorated military veteran and now covers many important issues that the mainstream media refuses to report on.
Read More »Video: Americans Believe Deceased POTUS Richard Nixon is Running for President
By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | Sep 15, 2015 The general public on average knows very little about things that matter. They don’t know their unalienable rights, they don’t know how many continents there are (nor can they name all seven of them) and they have no idea where money comes from, who creates it and how it is created. …
Read More »Attention: All Humor Is Offensive, Caitlyn Jenner Costume Under Fire By Political Correctness
By Stuart Webb | WeaponizedNews.Com | August 24, 2015 Halloween is now offensive, disgraceful, and transphobic. Yes, transphobic. The politically correct have now declared war on the holiday and costumes in general. According to The Wrap, Spirit Halloween is under fire because of their new Caitlyn Jenner costume. Here are a few Tweets – Why would anyone think a Caitlyn …
Read More »Video: Comedian Jabs Hillary Clinton for Attending Bilderberg on National TV
By Mikael Thalen | WeaponizedNews.Com | August 24, 2015 Comedian and actor Bill Burr called out presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for being an attendee of the Bilderberg conference during a recent appearance on the Conan O’Brien show. While discussing Donald Trump’s brazen approach to politics, Burr argued that the position of the presidency was irrelevant given the influence of special …
Read More »Satanic Cult Pledges Funds to Support Abortion Rights
A devil-worshipping group calling itself the Satanic Temple has been working to raise funds to promote abortion-on-demand and to counter legal efforts such as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and 20-week abortion bans.
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