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Dictators and Billionaires Demand Creation of UN Tax Agency

by Alex Newman | THENEWAMERICAN.COM | July 24, 2015

As globalist forces and the international institutions they control openly prepare to plunder humanity’s wealth [1], Third World dictators and tax-funded “civil society” groups have stepped up their demands for a United Nations tax authority [2] — supposedly to ensure that they all get their “fair share” of the loot from Western taxpayers and businesses. The coalition to create the proposed UN tax regime includes more than 130 national governments and dictatorships involved in the G77, which recently demanded a “New World Order to Live Well,” [3] along with various shadowy front groups funded by the European Union and globalist billionaires such as Bill Gates. Key elements of the plot were unsuccesful, this time, but the global-tax agenda and those pushing it are not going away any time soon — and they did manage to create “Tax Inspectors Without Borders.”

The radical proposal to further empower the UN on tax issues faced some resistance at a recent UN summit in Ethiopia aimed at extracting trillions of dollars each year from humanity [4] to shower on dictators, global governance, and “sustainable development” schemes [5]. However, opponents of creating the UN tax agency were hardly arguing from a principled position. Instead, they were arguing in favor of further empowering other globalist outfits, such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), to impose the global tax regime on humanity. That is already underway [6], and the differences are largely irrelevant.

But while the proposal for a full-fledged UN tax agency was defeated at the summit, global taxation apparatchiks did make some major progress moving the agenda forward. Among other schemes, delegates at the UN Financing for Development Conference in Addis Ababa last week approved a motion to have a UN Committee of Experts on International Tax Matters meet twice a year. Also unveiled at the summit by governments and globalists were “two parallel tax initiatives,” dubbed Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB) and the Addis Ababa Tax Initiative. Both have major implications.

The TIWB scheme is a partnership between the UN Development Program (UNDP) and the OECD, essentially a cartel of bloated high-tax governments that aims to hike and harmonize taxes worldwide [7] while terrorizing nations with more competitive tax systems into submission. Under the new program, announced last week in Ethiopia, Western governments will send swarms of tax “experts” to Third World regimes to help them extract more wealth more efficiently from their subjects to finance “sustainable development” and other oppression.

The UN even produced a tax-funded propaganda video on TIWB [8]touting the supposed wonders of high taxes and Big Government — as if taxation and welfare spending, rather than free markets, relieved poverty [9]. “Many developing countries [Third World governments] are successfully mobilizing more domestic [tax] resources for sustainable development, but progress varies,” the narrator in the video states as nice music plays in the background. “Developing countries [governments and dictators ruling over nations impoverished by their rulers] still collect far less in tax revenues than wealthier countries.”

So, to help Third World dictators and regimes further empower themselves, Western tax experts will be deployed to help confiscate more wealth from those who produce it, the video explains. The propaganda film also pretends that it is totally normal and desirable for Third World governments and dictators to control everything from the healthcare to the education of those they misrule — despite the mountains of evidence showing that markets and entrepreneurs, not programs run by governments and tyrants, are the best way to create wealth and combat poverty.

The other global tax scheme announced at the summit, dubbed the Addis Ababa Tax Initiative, also involves creating a more robust architecture for Third World rulers to extract wealth domestically. Dozens of governments and globalist organizations are participating in the scheme, including the Obama administration, the EU, along with various brutal dictatorships. “This Initiative is a Partnership in capacity building in the field of domestic revenue mobilization/taxation, in which each country takes its responsibilities, cooperates and supports each other,” declares the scheme’s “declaration.”

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