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Vaccines: Our Right To Choose Taken Away By Highly Profitable Corporations interview Andy Moreno

by Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | September 6, 2015

Stuart and Sam discuss vaccines and our right to choose with food safety expert Andy Moreno.


AME Certified Laboratories: Food Testing Tools for Food Safety Managers

http://www.ame-qpcr.com/ [1]

Andy Moreno
Microbiological Surveillance Systems Engineer
AME Certified Laboratories
Cell: 559-827-8245
andy.moreno@ame-qpcr.com [2]
http://www.ame-qpcr.com [3]
Linkedin: Andy Moreno
Founder: Food Pathogen Outbreak/Recall Response Group
Founder: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ame-foodtestingshow [4]
Skype: andyzmoreno

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