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Tri-County Solution To Stop Equal Access To Justice Act Abuse Is County Jurisdiction

by Sam Chaney | WeaponizedNews.Com | May 8, 2015

California is in the 4th year of a man made (government) drought and suffering from decades of forest mismanagement. The State Fire Service Cal Fire has issued a warning that there is a high probability of catastrophic wild fires this year. The primary reason for this urgent warning from Cal Fire and bad forest management is Neo-Environmentalist Lawyers abuse of the Equal Access To Justice Act [1].

Frivolous lawsuits [2] by Neo-Environmentalist Lawyers have drained the US Forest Service budget causing a misallocation of funds to fight lawsuits and forest fires caused by those lawsuits rather than proper forest management.

Precedence for the County claiming jurisdiction has already been set in Apache County, Arizona [3].

Concerned Citizens of Central California have a Tri-County Solution to stop Equal Access To Justice Act Abuse. The three Counties include Fresno, Madera & Mariposa.


Report via Concerned Citizens of Central California:

What is the Forest Service?

​According to their own website: The​ Department of Agriculture/the US​ Forest Service is a Federal agency that manages public lands in national forests and grasslands. http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/sierra/about-forest [4]

Further Reporting & Documentation via Concerned Citizens of Central California:

Below are the documents required to validate our statement that the U.S. Forest Service is a management organization operating in the Sierra National Forest for the counties of Mariposa, Madera & Fresno.

We have requested from our Congressman Tom McClintock, as the Chairman of the Congressional Public Lands Committee, a legal brief or opinion that clearly states the ownership, responsibility & liability of our Sierra National Forest.

I’m also including the Tri-County Proposal designed by Assemblyman Jim Patterson, which lays out the framework for cooperation between the counties.

Along with the resolutions that have been passed by Madera & Fresno Counties to retake local control of our forest.

  1. Federal Jurdictional Status [5]
  2. Challenge to Federal Jurisdiction [6]
  3. Federal Jurisdiction [7]
  4. Tri-Counties Proposal [8]
  5. Fresno Resolution [9]
  6. Madera Resolution [10]


https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/2412 [1]

http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/uploads/immigration/immig_west/F.pdf [2]

http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/sierra/about-forest [4]

http://www.defendruralamerica.com/DRA/ApacheCounty.html [11]

Concerned Citizens of Central California


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