Monday , 10 March 2025
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High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

by Dane Wigington | GEOENGINEERINGWATCH.ORG | July 20, 2015

The greatest lie ever perpetrated and propagated is the lie of the “persistent condensation trail”. Without knowing any of the related science facts on this issue, anyone with a sense of reason should be able to determine the fact that our skies are being sprayed. Trails that are turned on and off, grid patterns one day and nothing the next (in spite of identical atmospheric conditions). Witnessing one jet leaving a trail from horizon to horizon adjacent to another jet at a similar altitude that leaves virtually nothing. Trails of completely dissimilar compositions and colors. Plumes behind jets that do not match the alignment of the engines themselves causing some of the trails to shoot out to one side of the aircraft. There is also of course the fact that climate science circles and governments around the globe are clamoring for climate engineering to be deployed, though none in these communities of tyrants and cowards will yet admit to the truth. Our society has been well trained to accept the official narrative on countless issues which is how those in power hide their crimes in plain site. The fact that so many official explanations are completely contrary to reason and the laws of physics seems not to matter to most of the population, “ignorance is bliss” as the saying goes.

We are told by all official sources, agencies, and elected officials, that all we are seeing in our skies are “condensation trails”. They say that it is perfectly normal for this “condensation” so stay in the sky for hours or days, widening and spreading until whole horizons are completely blotted out. Yes, what we see is exactly what they say they want to do with solar radiation management (SRM), but they assure us that geoengineering is not actually going on. Those that choose to believe these blatant lies simply do not yet want to wake up. Here is the fact of the matter, all commercial jet aircraft and all military tankers are fitted with a type of jet engine that is by design nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances, the high bypass turbofan.

7 minute high bypass turbofan tutorial

The fight to expose and halt climate engineering is a challenge that must be won or nothing else will matter. If we just go about our lives without making this battle a top priority, we are failing in our responsibility toward our children and the greater good. Help us to sound the alarm, make your voice heard, every single day counts.


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About Sam Chaney

Sam Chaney holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University, Fresno. He worked in the healthcare industry for 5 years as a financial analyst. Sam began his broadcast career on public access television at the Fresno Community Access Media Collaborative in October of 2012 with We Are Change Fresno TV. His shows include interviews with voices you will not hear on the mainstream corporate controlled media. He also broadcasts Weaponized News a talk radio show on 1680AM in Fresno, California with his partner Stuart Webb. Tune in Saturday night's from 6-8PM on 1680AM. He is an owner of the alternative news website WeaponizedNews.Com.

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